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Everything posted by datakick

  1. No, it would not. It would be a huge step back - from seo perspective, from accessibility perspective,... Alt tags are very useful. If you really need them go away, you will have to edit your theme and remove them.
  2. TB paypal has already these keywords included: https://github.com/thirtybees/paypal/blob/865ed1dcfa38c3a7e5bbba88ac979943a00adcb7/paypal.php#L817
  3. It sounds like a big problem. You should check what overrides you have installed
  4. Works correctly for me. I tried botch changing order status to 'paid' one, and manual invoice generation. In both cases, payments were correctly attributed to the newly created invoice
  5. New versions 1.2.2 (free) and 2.2.2 (premium) has just been released: fixed PHP 7.4 deprecation warnings fixed database tables charset -- it's not possible to use smileys in review content fixed microdata in js code -- rich metadata were emitted only in .tpl templates. Now they are also in DOM nodes created by javascript
  6. Core does not include any fonts Niara includes only Raleway font. To get rid of it, remove this line from header.tpl Modules can include their own fonts as well
  7. I'm sorry, I don't really understand. How what could happen? Does email sent from your store contains link with action=efivfj instead of action=review? If that's the case, then there needs to be some module / override / modification that modifies this during mail send.
  8. Do you have Data Mining for Statistics module installed, and enabled? Thirtybees core does no collect these information by default, it's the responsibility of this module
  9. action=efivfj in the url is definitely not correct.
  10. I don't agree. Cloudflare does not cache dynamic content (php, tpl output), it only caches static content (images, js, css, fonts). That means you only need to clear cloudflare cache when you edit js/css files. And if you enable CCC, you don't need to worry about this as well.
  11. Unfortunately that's not true. For example, there is always recalculation of $newShippingCostTaxExcl = (float) $amountTaxIncl/(1+($newCarrier->getTaxesRate($deliveryAddress)/100)); which means that current tax rate will be used to figure out shipping cost tax excl
  12. I did look at your commits briefly, and I have some questions / comments: even when Recalculate shipping is false, there is some recalculation performed. For example, newShippingCostTaxExcl will be updated according to current carrier settings tax settings. That shouldn't happen -- in fact, I would not call the new updateShipping at all in this situation when shipping is modified, then existing invoice would be updated. At least in my country this is very serious issue -- invoices send to customers must be immutable, and all changes should be done by new (corrective) invoice only There is an issue with carrier selection -- if carrier was modified since the order was created, it will have different id_carrier (but the same id_reference). The original id_carrier will not be part of rendered carrier list, and therefore will not be pre-selected
  13. That would be a question for developer of said module
  14. Thanks @wakabayashi for this initiative. It will have to be thoroughly tested before it is integrated to the core, obviously. But hopefully there won't be any showstoppers. One thing that would be nice to implement together with this functionality would be an audit log, so merchants could see why, when, and by whom was the order modified
  15. Did you enter production secret keys, when you switched to Live mode?
  16. Theme translation
  17. Thats fixed in 1.1.x
  18. Then update to 1.1.x -- bleeding edge. It's possible your issue is already fixed.
  19. What version are you running on? What theme? This can be both core and theme related.
  20. This has nothing to do with the module. Looks like you have some permission issues with your smarty cache directories. To fix this, delete content of /cache/smarty/cache and /cache/smarty/compile directories
  21. Email templates don't have smarty tags. There are only placeholders that will be replaced with *static* content. This means that there can be no loops, no if/else, or other control blocks in the email templates. Which sucks. Replacement content is defined by php code. Usually it is retrieved from existing data (order reference code, customer name, etc...). In some special cases (like here), the content is generated by evaluating smarty template. Template returns static html markup, which is then replaced into the email template.
  22. You probably have some caching enabled - Full page cache or similar.
  23. This really depends on image format you use. JPG does not support a transparent background, while PNG does. Also, it's not really important in what format the source/original image is. Thirtybees will generate different sizes from the source according to images settings, and these variants will be either jpg or png, depending on store settings.
  24. Look into customer groups, and check modules restriction. There was a bug in 1.1.0 that would uncheck all modules when you re-saved the customer group. If you are on 1.1.0, I strongly suggest you use core updater to update to bleeding edge 1.1.x
  25. what does it mean, having troubles? If something doesn't work - what exactly?
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