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Posts posted by Jonny

  1. @AndyC Sounds like a cache related issue, try clearing the smarty cache and your browser cache.

    @vzex The problem you have with TB 1.1 is kinda like a compatibility with one of your payment modules or carrier modules. Do what @Factor did to enable debug mode to see error messages.

    @Factor The information you gave out is not enough for me to tell what's wrong.

    If you all need more help, then send me your FTP and back office details via our support forums or via private message here.

  2. @AndyC @vzex I released panda theme v1.5.0 for Thirtybees 1.1.0 yesterday, added new features as I said before, those features would short page loading time a lot, I also added a way to show filters on the center column as drop down lists.

    I am going to check why the upgrade button in the theme editor module does't work. Another way is to upgrade your theme manually, take these steps:

    1 .Upload the update1.5.0.zip to the root folder of your site.
    2. Unzip it.
    3. Go to the BO>Modules page, modules will be upgraded automatically.
    4. Clear the Smarty cache.

    That's all. 

    • Like 4
  3. @vzex I will talk a look tomorrow, if there are any compatibility issues, then I will fix them and release a minor update. 

    We have plans to do a relatively major update for Panda theme v1 to add some features like "Ability to use different image types for different blocks", "Keep images be at their original sizes", "Lazyloading off screen images", "Lazy loading banner images", etc, if they can be added. I think the relatively major update will be released about half months later.

    • Like 4
    • Thanks 1
  4. @colorful-ant Thanks for your information, I guess it wouldn't be different to fix the problem of changes to addresses not being saved.

    To fix the second problem would be difficult, changes to addresses may cause changes of carriers, so carriers should be shown out too, the developers of AEUC should have considered about that.

    A quick and fast solution to fix both problems would be not allowing customers to change addresses on the final checkout page, what do you think?

  5. I found the problem existed on the community theme too, see attached pics. So I guess TB team should take a look and fix it permanently.

    Here is a temporary solution to add this code to the hookHeader function in the \modules\advancedeucompliance\advancedeucompliance.php file.

    if (Configuration::get('AEUC_FEAT_ADV_PAYMENT_API') && isset($this->context->controller->php_self) && $this->context->controller->php_self=='order' && Tools::getValue('step')==3)

    @vsn I can't connect to your FTP, so you need to apply the fix by yourself.



    • Like 1
  6. Then you can just edit the \themes\panda\header.tpl file, use a piece of code like this

    {if $smarty.server.REQUEST_URI|strpos:"/blog/" !== false || $smarty.server.REQUEST_URI|strpos:"retinol" !== false}
            <script src="https://XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXd=37" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>


    • Like 1
  7. What @datakick suggested was the best way, because in that way you don't need to worry about losing your customizations after every theme update.
    You actually don't need to create one, you can find several free modules on our website, you can use the "Free custom css and js code" module to do modifications to its displayHeader function to display that script in some specific pages, because you never need to upgrade the "Free custom css and js code" module so your changes will be safe.

    $page = Context::getContext()->smarty->getTemplateVars('page');
    if ( ($page['page_name']=='module-stblog-article' && in_array(Tools::getValue('id_st_blog'),array(1,2,3)))
    || ($page['page_name']=='module-stblog-category' && in_array(Tools::getValue('id_st_blog_category'),array(1,2,3)))


    • Like 1
  8. I guess that's probably due to your server doesn't support webp, although webp is a built-in extension of php, but it's not installed on all server. You can find a tool on my site to test if webp is supported. You can ask your server provider to help you add webp-support.

  9. Since you've already modified the panda.xml,  if you did the modification correctly, then you can see a WebP option on the BO>Images page, what you need to do are: 

    1) Enable that option.

    2) Regenerate thumbnails.

    thumbnails will be saved in both .jpg and .wepb, .jpg are used for Safari.



  10. @colorful-ant Panda 1.4.3 doesn't support webp feature. If you need to use WebP feature, then upgrade your theme to Panda 1.4.6, your change to the  /config/xml/ themes/panda.xml is right.

    @vsn I forgot to mention that for people who upgrade from old versions to 1.4.6, you need to add this code to the  /config/xml/ themes/panda.xml file.




  11. Hi,

    Sorry, maybe I didn't explain clearly. as I also can't reproduce the issue, so I need to exclude some factors, such as system cache. if you switch to the default "User info block" module, does the issue still persist? if the same issue occurred on the native module, that wasn't due to my "User infor block mod". my module doesn't save any user cache message, it uses the native system cache.

    Best regards.

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