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Everything posted by nickz

  1. Well I believe splitting shops with 10 000 products has also a benefit for ranking if the splitted shops are more into one or 2 categories. Why would you laugh about that? If hacked or fallen to a phishing attack more separated shop installs are more of a relief. And why deleting an opinion only because you don't follow a thought which rather prepares for the worst than being surprised?
  2. heheh I have to correct that: One (1) hack and all is gone, split your shop it into 4 shops and you have a saver set up.
  3. On hack and all is gone, spit it into 4 Shop and you have a saver set up.
  4. Sounds like putting all eggs into one basket. Not the most prudent business strategy.
  5. In my case it works, that shop is not ready, Product pictures are TB, Footer addresses are default still
  6. What does the error log say, php errorlog. Which PHP verion you are using?
  7. There are module makers who offer Modules on the prestashop platform. Usable for 1.6. Can't say if your spending pattern was so prudent due to customization. You are not the client, depending on the product many come over the phone and shops over a small screen look alike.
  8. Don't tell me that you started your business without any funds to promote it? If you plan a shop and wish to have all for free don't count on extra modules.
  9. Why not using the offer of the team: https://store.thirtybees.com/support of use outside update reprogammers? Presta 1.7 is a framework centered. Hopefully TB withstands that temptation.
  10. most of the times we use tb 1.3 and Niara without issues. Can't you drop the url like domain + extension?
  11. Ok and the TB Version?
  12. As a client or do you work with your phone on your shop?
  13. nickz


    is there a page for module developer? Here on the marketplace of TB.
  14. go cheap on a business venture has exactly one outcome. Downwards.
  15. So far I know there is no serverchange needed. Just upload the app and configure.
  16. nickz


    vincular a que cuenta? Vincular una forma de contacto a tu whatsapp?
  17. Anpassen oder anpassen lassen war nicht möglich?
  18. Prestools offer that I believe- module or APP from @musicmaster
  19. I didn't say to try a prestashop with php7.4 try the TB installation with that php version.
  20. Try it with php7.4 and TB 1.3 - I think that runs better, at least when installing in locally.
  21. Can't you clean out the tmp folder? Get more space or move on to another server.
  22. Which PHP version are you runnig your localhost with? Plus the shops version.
  23. How have you set your currency?
  24. nickz


    Succesfully or with some issues? If the server trys to force you, change the server. Some server cause errors.
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