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Everything posted by nickz

  1. 1.4 sollte mit PHP8 laufen, Was sagen denn die Errorlogs bei den 500 Fehlermeldungen? Was für ein Hosting hast du denn? Als Weg > Deaktiviere die Module und mach einen Backup, plus DB Backup, den du dann in eine andere Ablage legst. Bei vielen Hosting kann man die Domain auf eine andere Ablage zielen lassen.
  2. That is just a number, if 1.0.8 works perfectly why would you change to have 1.5.? It makes no sense from the use case point of view. Sure most people love to have the newest but the newer shops use more energy, weight usually more and you won't find modules for it.
  3. Ich glaube mit TB 1.4 solltest du eher ein Schritt höher gehen auf php 7.4 oder 8.
  4. How did it go? Out of curiosity, https://www.revolut.com/business/payment-gateway/ Revolut is british I think, if yoi could afford a director I even could get an account. Und ein Post und Tschüß? Oder hast es dir anders überlegt?
  5. nickz


    not only, cars, drones, tourism, news, and definetly cryptos. Get instructions on how to invest by people half your age, living at mums. But seriously, Music, concerts, nature, even car mechanics, add the above.
  6. Have you updated tha stats module? Why did you change into 1.5? Once a shop runs without issues better try to maintain it.
  7. What shop version? Any changes, did you have that data before?
  8. I'd look like that. The cpanel uses usually some kind of cache. Most lof the time it's Nginx on the right hand corner halfway down.
  9. Do you use a Cpanel hosting? Look for Nginx cache and empty that.
  10. since when does that happen? In which shop version, theme and all the rest what could be part of the scenario.
  11. Is Stripe giving you a hard time?Talk to their customer service. First a tentative enquiry over email then call. What country you are from, do you sell to countrymen or from overseas to the US?
  12. On codecanyon are some script: https://codecanyon.net/category/php-scripts?term=email
  13. On which TB Version did you get that message, install went OK? Shop was running? Did it happen wenn installing, or when you uploaded the database? Are your caches empty?
  14. Anfangen solltest du mit überlegen, was passiert, wenn die Spaßvögel en masse deine Waren kaufen, ohne sie bezahlen. Paypal als einziges Zahlungsmittel ist äußerst gewagt. Eine Sperre und du arbeitest, ohne dein Geld zu sehen. Dazu kommen die neuesten Tricks mit Claims. Wenn dann Stripe mit dazunehmen. Mit dem Gast Login bekommst du schon ohne Ende aufgegeben Warenkörbe. Dein Plan ist nur in einer perfekten Welt machbar. Von der sind wir aber noch ein paar Jahrtausende weit entfernt.
  15. nickz

    Allow PHP fopen

    What makes you think that a visitor wishes to see all categories in one page? max 6 to not overwhelm a visitor. and avoid empty spaces. When I click on one product I get recommendations of other products which will take away the resolve of most visitors. People should concentrate on purchasing and purchasing alone. After that you can invite them to review that product.
  16. Well its up to you. Do you have the software to do that service? Or which plans do you have with it?
  17. Its awfully way back the site ran: http://web.archive.org/web/20120503202746/http://www.privacyharbor.com/ 2012, how many backlinks have survived from there?
  18. On what server you are? Shared I don't thinks so, VPS and Higher could be and would depend on the configuration of your server.
  19. That depends what it was popular for and the ideas you look to develop with it. If that domain is tainted you better start new.
  20. Ignore it. Those messages pop up once in a while although you have not changed a thing. Its Google's way to tell us that Google cares about us, or our sites. Same with other news in the GSC, they are not to be trusted. Do the Google Mobile test and check. Check everything what comes from Google.
  21. Well me not being a friend of all things Google have come acrosse this report: https://siipo.la/blog/is-webp-really-better-than-jpeg Most people won't see a difference when an image weights 30kb vs 27kb. You energy is wiser spend on marketing or sales. 😄
  22. Have you checked this: https://devdocs.prestashop-project.org/8/webservice/getting-started/
  23. I got a few quastions for you: After an instalation in where: Localhost, server, a new installation, or an update?
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