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Everything posted by nickz

  1. What does Stripe say? It could well be on their end.
  2. It is more about your modules which are unable to work in 7,4
  3. okidoky will do that. Localhost Install TB 1.4 it was.
  4. Thirtybees works with php 7.3 + after all you are in the 30 B forum
  5. An error occurred during installation... In case those are not there let me know
  6. We are working on some newly made themes. Just as a test
  7. not a bad Idea. I asked about supporting TB and have not receided anything so far.
  8. Whats wrong with php7.4? I see new software similar to brand new modules in Cars. Its reasonable to abstain from new software as the User becomes a tester for it..
  9. nickz

    New themes shopping

    the 1.6 themes usually work. What are you after?
  10. A year later: did all work out?
  11. Hi there Any idea what that could be? It happened on Install 1.2 and 1.3. User bernd has Global privileges. mysqli_real_connect(): (HY000/2002) gives error on localhost but connects flawlessly
  12. have you tried to set up the rest api as suggested on the attached image?
  13. get article links which go with the theme's or article's tenor. You get not only interested people towards your shop but also a better Auithority.
  14. double check also your dependencies, plus up all settings on postmax, ulpoad, memory limits, var etc..
  15. that is the way to do it anyway. Congrats.
  16. A good reason to look for segmanted traffic. You get your traffic mostly from social media you need to have a product leaning towards that crowd.
  17. I reckon you should rewrite or reword your input. It sounds as if you solved something and in the end you didn't or you didn't deliver the solution. The Download link you find over FTP.
  18. From a certain stage you have to go broader and employ people. The Idea of any E-Commerce is growing and have a larger audience so you can pay your developer.
  19. If the other way round you'll risk positions in Search engines. Above the fold is the usual way to do it.
  20. if you like to give Google data OK best choice it is not. Matoma is better and Customerfriendlier.
  21. With Brexit you can always fund or open a LtD and operate from there. Netflix, dreamworks are one so its not a that bad neighborhood.
  22. Hard to tell i.e. what is that for v.id_feature IN ???
  23. Browser play a role in aöö cache clearings, usually a ctrl + f5 is good enough. In Mac there is a bout 5 Steps to clear a cache. Browser Caches store images and CSS.
  24. There is not one single examples of someone starting form scratch evolving into something like bestbuy. There is a big difference in setting up a functional website or a fuctoning ecommerce site. You can set up your perfect Ecommerce be it TB or PS or Magento on a server with limited capacities and your shop stops workinmg because there are not enough resources for 5 customers at the same time.
  25. one follow up won't hurt, severall might. Interesting theory with your live site review aspect. Most visitors don't overthink. Less so in the last 10 years. But you are right for some its a proof of living. Your argument also fits into the Google strategy: google fonts, google image formats, google analytics/webmaster. All searchengines would like to throw out dead sites its saves a lot of space.
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