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Everything posted by nickz

  1. Considering that most SEO trail behind and do what Google tells the to it does not have much value. The data will not help you in regards to ranking if expanded. Its helps to verify you, who stands behind your Website in an easy way. Having a full blown Schema org structured data header won't speed up your site. You will have much data exposed in Search engines and if that is what you are after go ahead. I think its not always positive to expose to much. Making a visitor curious is much wiser IMHO.
  2. Lets awake the old thread. I have the tracking tool up and running but I'm stuck at exclusion. I have a referral planed from a social service and wish to exclude all others. or can I leave it blank and take the risk?
  3. Well id did not work and we applied the changes proposed in githup.
  4. Well not in case of my clients referral module. I had to redo that fix. TB 1.2
  5. Could you put that into layman's terms please?
  6. a server is a bundle of various services For an Email to work you need internally set up an Email. Do you use Cpanel or en alternative control panel ?
  7. nickz


    could be. Just change them
  8. nickz


    I have matomo but as a standalone install and it behaves really strange lately. Sometimes OK sometimes just over VPN. Blame goes to matomo. Hopefully their next update is better. In case of matomo updating is often not a good idea.
  9. Yeah that is the world we live in. Crypto had a nice ring to its idea. BTC at least but greed got the best of it. Now people are celebrating the sign up of an investment fund manger at crypto firm.
  10. And how happy are you?
  11. Alles probiert, wenn die DB schon "bevölkert" ist ist die Fehlermeldung nicht ist Ajax request failed for process installDatabase sondern eine Database Table xxx already present please rename the prefix of the Database. Für mich heißt dass das die Datenbank sehr wohl das macht nur es anscheinend zu einem Timeout kommt. Bisher habe ich SET GLOBAL innodb_lru_scan_depth=256; schon verdoppelt ohne Wirkung. Sollte ich ein wenig mehr Zeit haben versuch das meine Hoffnung liegt allerdings bei einer Lösung die das nicht benötigt. Meine Internetverbindung ist nicht die beste und da mein Lebensmittelpunkt unter Sanktionen leidet leiden diejenigen die Online Werkeln unter den Nachteilen der Cloud Wirtschaft. VPS ist ein muss.
  12. is the server mail set up? If yes try to send a test mail. Scripts are all over the internet.
  13. Bei mir im Testserver VPS läuft php version 7.4 und der gleiche Fehler kommt vor. [Note] Got an error reading communication packets ist im mysql error log vielleicht ist die COLLATION mitschuldig? Datenbank Tabellen sind allerdings schon drin. COLLATION ist scheinbar unschuldig was streikt ist Ajax request failed for process installDatabase @datakick Any idea what That could be?
  14. it has not much to do with him. Also the Extension update obligation is IMHO not a good idea. More stable the shop becomes the better it will be. IMHO
  15. limiting picture sizes would be a good idea. header 1920 x 1080 i.e Compression function included?
  16. I don't think that the newsletter module get a lot of attention. Neither do I think that TB should compete with prestashop but rather develop a model where Prestashop falls short. Smaller buniess with 300 to 1500 articles are ignored by the market. Woocommerce and shopify take on those. Less features but easier to handle and ultra stable in questions of updates is the future IMHO.
  17. Kannst du uns auf den Laufenden halten welche Buchungs Extension gut passt? Es geht dabei um D-A-CH.
  18. What does line 157 say ? /test.com/classes/PrestaShopAutoload.php on line 157
  19. Do you have root access to your server?
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