Hi, i wanted to try the core update module but i get the following message:
Found modules which can disturb operations of this module. Please disable them. These modules are:
I can't find this module.
Does somebody know where i can find this module and how i can solve the so i can use this module ?
I have a very annoying habit which is: first try than read. First, I could not install the multisafepay module, but after reading the documentation I know what I did wrong.
I had to upload the module via ftp (can't be done from the backoffice)
Once I did that I was able to install the module.
I can confirm that it does work with TB
@wakabayashi Do you know an alternative ? I just tried to install PS 1.6.x compatible module of the PSP Multisavepay (https://www.multisafepay.com) but did not succeed (yet)
If i'm not misstaken this was done several months ago. I think a order management module won the vote. Unfortunately there hasn't been a crowdfunding campaign created for this module
I've have the server running. At first it didn't index the products. The standard settings are: localhost:9200. Whith these settings the products where not indexed.
However, with serversettings: the products are being indexed.
I can't help you further. I can't get the module integrated in the theme.
Someone is working on a new theme for my site.
When the elasticsearch module is disabled the bottom of the theme looks like picture 1.
When the module is enabled it looks like picture 2.
Is this because because there is something wrong with the coding of the design or is this normal 'behaviour'
when the elasticsearch module is enabled?
Did somebody install the Eleasticsearch module with the TB default theme ?
If so, can somebody help me and tell me how i can get ES displayed where normally layered navigation would
be displayed ?
I a defautl installation of TB .
When i wan't to go the order page i get the following error:
Does anybody has an idea how this can be solved.
(i cleared all the cookies as suggested below the error message)
II've two languages installed. Al pages look like domainname.nl/n/category/product or domainname.nl/en/category/product except the frontpage.
What do i need to change so the frontpage is domainname.nl/nl/ or domainname.nl/en/ instead of domainname.nl ?
Thanks you
I encounter the following problem. When people create an order they add the address at the field address
and the house number in the field address2. This create a problem when printing shipping labels.
Where can i add extra text to the label so that it list 'address + house number' ?
What is the best way to export products, categories and images and then import them into a database on another domain ? I need this to test a new theme.
@wakabayashi Is this possible when i already have a test site on another domain with the latest version of TB and when my live site is running TB 1.0.3 ?
@haylau I was specifically told by the developer that very advanced filtering is possible with the module.
More info on the module can be found at https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/elasticsearch-module-for-thirty-bees-ecommerce/x/16900365#/
I think this module can do what you are looking for
@haylau I haven't tested ES yet. I supported the Indiegogo project because I also need an advanced search function. I sell boardgames and have set multiple features for 'skills'. One should be able to filter like this: 2-4 players, 10-20 minutes playing time for which you need skill A, D, and F. I was told by the developer that with the ES module it would be possible to do these kinds of filters, so I assume what you want should also be possible.