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Everything posted by yaniv14

  1. yaniv14


    The one that strip the tags is inside category page (product-list) and the other one is inside product page. In product page you have no limit for description height/length from design perspective. In product-list in order to maintain equal height with the image you will need to truncate the description text. Again I am not its something that TB did on purpose or that is ok, I just pointing my comments.
  2. yaniv14


    I am not sure if its a bug or meant to be like that. The code is striping the html tags: {$product.description_short|strip_tags:'UTF-8'|truncate:360:'...'} Without striping the html tags you won't be able to truncate it always at the same number of chars.
  3. I can confirm using TB Paypal module on one site with no issues at all.
  4. I just follow up on community theme updates and add them manually if their necessary. Most updates usually are on core files or modules and not theme files. I usually setup the new theme based on the client design and makes sure that there are no bugs, in most cases the theme don't need any future modification that are bugs related. If you look at the community theme repo, it has only 87 commits in total and most of them are before it was stable for release, and some of the others commits are not important if you modify the layout and the css.
  5. Why not using thirty bees blog module?
  6. For me everything is working just fine with 2 currencies.
  7. You can grab updates files or just pieces of code that was updated and modify your files. Your BO won't show different TB version but your code will be latest. Just check recent commits. https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/commits/1.0.x
  8. grab the en mail folder from here: https://github.com/thirtybees/mailalerts/tree/master/mails
  9. I guess we can add to the module configuration an extra field to specify the max amount of products to show.
  10. Based on that line: https://github.com/thirtybees/productscategory/blob/master/productscategory.php#L131 The module gets 100 products max from the category (you can change it). And in those lines it cuts the list to only 30 products (you can remove/comment those lines): https://github.com/thirtybees/productscategory/blob/master/productscategory.php#L188-L192
  11. Can you check your error_log file. Try in your root folder and also in admin folder.
  12. Email logs and system logs are 2 different things. Read again what I wrote
  13. Check what Michael said. In BO, Advanced parameters -> Email you will see a log of all out going emails. Check by the time and date and see if the email was sent to you (you should see your email in the recipient column). If you do see a row with you email as recipient and a template 'new_order' than the system did sent the email to you, and it was probably got lost/blocked in your email server.
  14. Are you getting other emails? like contact form. There is an email test in the back office, try it to see you are getting emails at all.
  15. yes, but again this is for screen readers and for google image search. which mean that the image will be tagged by google with that text. I think that it will be more accurate to describe the image as "{$shop_name|escape:‘html’:‘UTF-8’} logo" like: Always Paws logo. I am no seo expert but I do know that image need to have a alt tag that describe the image in words.
  16. yaniv14

    Translations bug

    It would be better to open a ticket for that just to make sure it won't be forgotten. https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/issues
  17. yaniv14

    Translations bug

    based on the final lang pack version, NO. https://github.com/thirtybees/translations/blob/master/packs/1.0.2/bg.json is was fine one version before https://github.com/thirtybees/translations/blob/master/packs/1.0.1/bg.json
  18. yaniv14

    Translations bug

    Check if the language is set as rtl language (is_rtl). in back office, localization -> languages -> ...
  19. at the end of the code you posted: alt="{$shop_name|escape:‘html’:‘UTF-8’}" {$shop_name|escape:‘html’:‘UTF-8’} = The name of your shop, what you have setup in the admin. You can do: alt="{$shop_name|escape:‘html’:‘UTF-8’} Dogs Supplies and Dog Lovers Jewelry"
  20. Whats the purpose of the alt text? this is only visible when hovering with the mouse. and I think it has no effect on seo. If its just for adding a sub title text/slogan for your logo than make it visible all the time by modifying your logo or by adding a line of text under the image. If you looking for image seo than you should do alt/title at the tag.
  21. Just an update on that. I've got something working, but its hard coded for my testing. I just need to figure out how to add it to tb :smiley:
  22. Like @Traumflug said, you should look for something like: alt="{$shop_name|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" inside tag
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