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Everything posted by yaniv14

  1. I started working on a module that cover this issue few weeks ago (maybe months), but didn't have time to wrap it to a finished module yet. As soon as I get some free time I will finish it and share it here or in TB store.
  2. getRow will return only single row (the first one). executeS will return array of all matching rows. To get the count, you can just count the result (count($result))
  3. $result = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->executeS( (new DbQuery()) ->select('*') ->from('product_shop', 'ps') ->where('ps.`id_product` = '.(int) $idc['id_product']) ->where('ps.`id_shop` = '.(int) $this->context->shop->id) );
  4. @Traumflug from what I saw its only an informative site, not eCommerce. I can't find any good reason to start a new informative site with TB and not with Wordpress (even if you are TB expert). I guess he have the shopping cart (WooCommerce) because it came with the theme they installed.
  5. I guess it will be better to override the Send function in Mail.php to add a static bcc address. Never tested it but I think it should work, just create an override to the entire function and set a default bcc instead of null. You can probably just call the parent function and modify the bcc, but I rather check it before posting here.
  6. Whats wrong with the merchant copy? its almost the same.
  7. Check error log, should be in root folder or admin folder. if you turn debug on you will see the message on screen.
  8. When migrating from PS you need to manually had it. Just add it the Administration -> Menus with class: AdminDuplicateUrls
  9. Did you check under Preferences -> Duplicate URL. Also try change the category name in all languages to see if it helps.
  10. Check for duplicate category names
  11. I think its only available on the primary post
  12. You can use build in function $this->displayError('MY ERROR TEXT') to add errors
  13. Preferences -> SEO & Urls (when friendly urls turned on)
  14. Make sure that Route to category which has the "selected_filter" attribute for the "Layered Navigation" (blocklayered) module looks like {rewrite}{/:selected_filters} for all languages
  15. I've just tested it, and everything is working fine for me with friendly urls. I have changed prices-drop to specials and its working fine. Of course that /index.php?controller=specials won't work because when changing friendly url you are not changing core controllers names. so 'shop.com/specials' will work and 'shop.com/index.php?controller=prices-drop' works too. Like i mentioned before: manufacturer, supplier & best sales controllers will need to be enabled in Preferences -> General.
  16. Check getContent() function. You are probably calling postProcess() in that function and than outputing the renderForm. So you can have what ever you need either in the postProcess or in the getContent.
  17. It might be a but, I haven't tested it. But I can tell about the suppliers that it will not work unless you activated the option to display supplier & manufacturers even if the modules are off, its in Preferences -> General.
  18. I believe this relates to another bug. https://forum.thirtybees.com/topic/955/can-t-set-permissions-for-blog-for-prestashop-menu-in-back-office/19
  19. can you share your web server ssl block?
  20. try placing it in override/controller/admin/templates/customers/helpers/view/view.tpl
  21. The top menu is a seperate module which has its own configuration. make sure you selected the correct categories to display. it will only inherit the category name when modified.
  22. Check if you have duplicate url's for categories. It seems that the empty category is not the same as the product category. https://prnt.sc/h42egt https://prnt.sc/h42eqw
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