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Everything posted by yaniv14

  1. @MockoB The fact that you report a bug doesn't mean that it will be fixed immediately, it is an open source project. There are only 55 open issues on github, and most of them are already fixed or not really a bug. And what so bad if one person will actually pay for a fix in a native module? It is much better solution than buying an outside PS module for $150. The same way I volunteer to fix bugs and spend many hours without getting paid, zimmer-media can contribute by paying for a fix and than contribute that fix to the rest of the community. Whats the different between me spending 10 hours to fix bugs and someone else to pay $500 ~? I charge my customers $70 a hour (in my country) for development. Do you prefer Michael to spend 5 hours a day here in the community forum just to answer your questions instead of working in those 5 hours? btw: I have 2 working shops with TB and Paypal and I dont have any issue with the module.
  2. Hi every one. Sorry to join late to the conversation. But from what I understand zimmer-media is saying: """ I have issues with my free open source tb shop, I don't want to pay for bug fixes... and I demand the people behind tb to fix it for me quick """ This is what I understand.... You know that TB is selling 6 hours support service (https://store.thirtybees.com/services/6-hour-support-package) and they will probably be able to fix all you issue in that time. But you prefer to blame lesley and michael, for you loosing money on your shop, when you are not even offering to buy paid service from them. Am I missing anything? Am I wrong?
  3. You should look for $itemsTable inside mailalerts.php - hookActionValidateOrder() function
  4. I think its created in classes/AddressFormat.php - generateAddress() function.
  5. I did. The problem is not related to the module it self. It was related to the creaeteDatabase function when you define multilang.
  6. Just found the bug that caused that issue. I've just committed a fix for that, you can get it by replacing the content of the file: classes/ObjectModel.php with this: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/yaniv14/thirtybees/f7dafb9e18bb7e187734572d77c0cd25f3fb94c2/classes/ObjectModel.php
  7. Do you use the same tb version on both shops, same onepagecheckout module version, same payment module version? Do you use the same hosting provider on both shops? Do you use the same php version on both shops? Did you change anything after 15/2? Still I recommend you to test with a different payment module/method just to determine which part/module need to be fixed. About the 2nd issue, no you should not manually create this table. you need to check the module it self.
  8. I don't believe the error you posted has anything to do with the problem. This error is probably a missing variable that has no effect on order. I think you should check your payment module, maybe its not fully compatible with thirtybees. The payment module is the one that process the order after the payment accepted. Try installing a different payment module (bank wire / check / cod / paypal) just to see if it solves the problem. 2 comments to you. 1. never use a real shop with debug mode turned on 2. you have a error with 'appagebuilder' module (Table 'unicaedesigndkdb.tbwishlist' doesn't exist)
  9. https://github.com/thirtybees/blockcart/releases
  10. Is your installation root folder contain capital letters? if so try to reinstall it with lower case letters only. instead of: /ThirtyBees/admin123 -> /thirtybees/admin123
  11. There are few free and paid modules when you can add custom html code to hooks/pages/custom hooks/etc... This should be enough to cover all your needs. http://store.nemops.com/front-office-features/28-html-block.html#.WqQhYHVubeQ https://contentbox.org/ https://mypresta.eu/en/art/news/prestashop-html-box-module-is-available-for-free.html
  12. Can you check that files & folders reading permissions are the same for en & de files/folders.
  13. So check in your root/mails folder
  14. Maybe you are missing contact and/or contact_form mail templates for the German lang. Check inside your theme folder /mails/de
  15. Check this post https://forum.thirtybees.com/topic/1492/keep-getting-rewrite-error-in-seo-urls-tab/
  16. If you have more than one language, make sure you fill the fields in all languages
  17. Try adding display: block;
  18. Try: <video width="300" height="150" controls> <source src="........." type="video/mp4"> </video> These are available attributes for video tag: ```` autoplay - Specifies that the video will start playing as soon as it is ready controls - Specifies that video controls should be displayed (such as a play/pause button etc). height (pixels) - Sets the height of the video player loop - Specifies that the video will start over again, every time it is finished muted - Specifies that the audio output of the video should be muted poster - URL Specifies an image to be shown while the video is downloading, or until the user hits the play button width (pixels) - Sets the width of the video player ````
  19. Can you please add this bug to tb github repo issues.
  20. You need to compare hashed password together and not the other way around. So you will need to hash the user entered password and compare.
  21. Can you make sure you have also index.php file in each folder: mails & nl
  22. This is the error I am getting from the server Fout - Het taalbestand ontbreekt voor: nl What ever @SLiCK303 suggested is the right thing to do. Make sure you have email template files for your language. Inside modules/sendtoafriend/mails/nl And themes/yourtheme/modules/sendtoafriend/mails/nl You should have 2 files. sendtoafriend.html and sendtoafriend.txt
  23. Can you share a link to your site?
  24. Glad I could help. Good luck with your new site. It looks great.
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