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Everything posted by yaniv14

  1. Basically each product image gets an ID and stored in tb_image table. The images are stored in "img/p" folder under folder(s) matching the ID. So image with ID 254 will be stored under "img/p/2/5/4/" with all images matching types (home, medium, small, .......) The file names will start with the ID number: "254-home_default". Also the original uploaded file size will be stored there "254.jpg". btw: this is not the original uploaded file, but a generated version (which cause some quality reduction)
  2. I guess you didn't get my point.
  3. I think its pointless to show the language dropdown when only 1 language is installed on the shop. You can see it here: http://front.thirtybees.com/ Any body else think the same?
  4. @inspectaclueso Can you open an issue for that on Github, so it won't be forgotten..
  5. You need to edit this file (line #43): [https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/blob/1.0.x/admin-dev/themes/default/template/controllers/customer_threads/helpers/view/view.tpl#L43](link url) and change from: {$action.label|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'} to {$action.label}
  6. Do you have more info in the log? Maybe you can try disabling mod security in case you have it on.
  7. Are you using Apache web server?
  8. https://www.shopping-cart-migration.com/shopping-cart-migration-options/opencart-to-thirtybees-migration
  9. Also I see that i missed some responsive css for rtl. Add this to the bottom of rtl.css in yout theme/css folder. @media (max-width: 767px) { .cat-title:after { right: auto; left: 15px; } .sf-menu > li span { right: auto; left: 6px; } .sf-menu > li { float: none; } }
  10. Hi, I saw the problem. Can you please edit the file: themes/community-theme-default/modules/blocktopmenu/blocktopmenu.tpl and modify this line from: <div class="cat-title">{l s="Menu" mod="blocktopmenu"}</div> to: <div class="cat-title">{l s='Menu' mod='blocktopmenu'}</div> The change is from double quotes to single quote. After that try to go to translations.
  11. It should be translatable under installed modules translations (blocktopmenu)
  12. You can try just to replace the rtl.css with this one https://raw.githubusercontent.com/thirtybees/community-theme-default/1.0.x/css/rtl.css
  13. Check that its not being blocked by a browser extension like adblock or something
  14. version 1.0.4 comes with full rtl support. you can download the file from github repo and replace it with the one you have.
  15. If you just run your cronjob on the browser you will see the full error. As I can see the problem is not with your cron task or cron module, but it with the cron.php inside the module sendreviewrequest. Dont forget to disable debug mode.
  16. try to enable debug mode, run the cron again from cpanel and submit the full error here so we can see.
  17. @wakabayashi 1.0.3 still contain bugs that related to code cleanups such as switching sql queries to dbquery function and stuff like that, and other stuff like missing quote or having extra quote or even one small bug I've found and fixed that was preventing installation of beesblog module. I think that v1.0.4 should have been like v1.0.0. I wouldn't spend time in adding features to v1.0.4 before fixing all these "ridicules" bugs, just to make sure that you have a solid bugs free replacement to PS. I currently doing 2 new stores on tb and I wouldn't use v1.0.3 for them, I am using the latest github updates for it, but not every one capable of doing it.
  18. You need to replace ObjectModel.php before you install the module. The fix is related to the DB tables installation of the module which fails in your case. Try deleting the module completely along with the rest of its related widgets and than installing again. @koraledrewniane In your case you might have some conflicts with similar db tables with module that comes with the warehouse theme.
  19. You must have been doing something wrong, because I have 3 sites running 1.0.2, and 2 more running on 1.0.4 and all are running super fast in the back and front office. I am using php 7+ on all of them.
  20. My fix should work for you. I didn't check it on any other version beside 1.0.4, but this is something general that should work on any version.
  21. I can take a look if you will get me access to the back office.
  22. Did you check the market place modules?
  23. It sound like you are looking for a market place. https://addons-modules.com/store/en/13-marketplace-modules-all https://www.knowband.com/prestashop-marketplace
  24. Can you explain how did you got mislead? Did Lesley ever mentioned that he will be available every time you need some answers? Do you know how hard it is to follow all the posts on this forum? Lesley is receiving mail on every post/reply on the forum. Which mean that he have about 100-200 mails to check every day just on the forum, if he needs to reply to all of them or even just join the conversation... i guess is day is gone. Can you compare how many time he was here for you and others in the last year, compare to how many times he was absent? p.s. I only mentioned zimmer-media because he started the topic, I know that he contribute allot to the project and I understand that the only reason he started this topic it was because he cares and he's hearts. some one who doesn't care won't post any thing.
  25. @nickon Can you point me to the place that says or shows "We Michael and Lesley will always be available 24/7 to fix your bugs free of charge no matter what we do or where we are"? The problem is that Lesley and Michael spend 80% of their time in the last year on this project and they do deserve to rest, go on vacation. do other things with their lives. They have accomplished in one year allot. I am about to finish my 3rd tb shop (on v1.0.4) and its solid fast, stable and bugs free....... Michael or Lesley will not tell you "if you pay we do it faster", but its just a common sense. They don't get paid yet for work they do on TB, and at the end Lesley need to feed his family, and Michael need to feed himself :-) So I guess that Lesley/Michael will give higher priority to in coming paid jobs, no matter if its related to tb or not
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