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lesley last won the day on September 28 2023

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  1. Its been a long time since I have looked at the code around it, but here is a possible solution I have used in the past. Setting the language is easily done by detecting the browser language. When you install a browser, it installs a preferred language pack, that it also sends on requests. So you can simply set it that way. Sure, with people using VPN's you could have wrong hits, but that is an edge case, not representing the majority of users. I have clients (canada) that have to offer two languages unfortunately. The french in Canada are proud and require most things be both in english and french.
  2. Even though, with cloudflare their detection is not based on an IP list, it is based on the hops. It can see where the first hop from the ISP is, which gives away the location of the IP address. You should do a tracert sometime and see how many hops it takes to get you to a site, and where the locations are.
  3. That is not how dynamic IPS work in general, IP's are purchased / leased by companies and they use them. Most all ISP's are regional, so they are used in the same region / country, but dynamic to users. Where cloudflare excels with this, is they are a backbone provider. They are not looking at the IP address, they are catching the request chain and they can see where the request originated. Its because the shear amount of traffic they route they can see these things.
  4. That is kind of what I was getting at. That none of the other e-commerce packages have released an official plugin or added this to their core. I wonder if there is a reason behind that.
  5. Oh, so paid modules, none have added it to the core?
  6. Because for feature purpose, I think they are relevant, could you post the plugins you found. I am not sure what to specifically search.
  7. Just out of curiosity, do you know of any shopping cart software that supports this?
  8. The media servers work fine for other assets when you use them, they just do not cache css and javascript if CCC is not enabled. This provides you the ability to locally debug without bringing the CDN down for your whole site. If your CSS is having issues, I would run it through a validator, the only time I have ever seen the CCC library have issues is when people short close statements at the end of files. If you are using properly formed CSS and there is truly a bug, report it with an example, it will help it get fixed. I don't think you follow. Its all an ease of use thing. It keeps the development flow where users can clear their cache and changes are shown. With what you are suggesting, users would have to load a minified file, try to find the code they want to change, change it, save it on the server, then go to their cdn and void the caches. That is not considered user friendly for novice users. I cannot think of any software package that ships with pre-minified code other than PrestaShop 1.7, and how is that working out for them?
  9. I think dropping it would be extremely short sighted. Just because its old and no longer actively developed does not mean there are bugs. If your CSS is breaking when it is enabled, the problem is likely your css and not terminating media queries correctly. The CCC does more than just combine and compress files a big function of what it does is bust caches. It busts them in a way that they can still be cached, unlike using query strings. Not every shop user is a developer writing their own CSS and wedging it into a theme, you are likely in the 1%. Also, your way of doing it is likely bad since I have to imagine that you are changing compiled names between updates. thirty bees has a setting to keep the old files, which makes it where you site will still load from the internet archive, google cache, and now with cloudflares new always online. As for enabling media servers with CCC on, why not test it? It takes just a couple seconds. It does not by default, you can write a small module or override to make it though, but it will make your life harder if you are using a real cdn. You will need to manually clear there unless you are compiling your css with a hashed file name.
  10. You can use chrome to emulate small screen sizes once you open the inspect window. But where you want to start looking is the product list and understand how that version of bootstrap works. The line you are looking for is here, https://github.com/thirtybees/niara/blob/master/product-list.tpl#L5 if you change the col-xs-12 to col-xs6 it will display as two columns on small screen category pages and searches.
  11. Over the past year I have developed a new service that works with thirty bees along with other major e-commerce platforms called CalltoTrack. CalltoTrack gives you a phone number when you sign up, and allows callers to check their order status and shipments, without tying up a customer service agent. So you can provide callers with order information 24 hours a day. There are over 30 different voicing options, and orders can automatically be looked up by the callers phone number, so they do not have to enter anything. Find out More
  12. lesley

    module Viva Wallet

    They do have a repo for a 1.6 version that might work, https://github.com/VivaPayments/API/tree/master/Plugins/prestashop/prestashop1.5-1.6/vivawallet
  13. I am fully aware of that, that is the whole point about knowledge graphs. But let me quote what you said earlier. If someone is just looking for information, and not wanting to purchase, for me its better if they just get it from google and move on. I don't want them to land on the site, skew the metrics, and make it where re-targeting ads are shown to them. I want to target transactional keywords, where users have the intent of buying.
  14. I am not sure if you understand what structured data is. It is invisible data that a user never sees. It allows you to send information to search engines, without cluttering the page for users. Structured data is not so much a ranking factor, it helps google classify the pages better. That means that your pages will be shown to more relevant users, with an idea that it will increase your conversion rates. Here is an article that Mueller from Google talks about it. https://www.searchenginejournal.com/google-structured-data-ranking/335781/#close
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