@30knees or anyone else testing this module, Remember to:
1) Go into all Settings tabs and set that stuff up first.
2) Go to Orders and enable/edit your currency.
3) Import your players, with whichever or both options you want.
4) Go to Groups and organize those.
5) Go to Actions and edit/enable the ones you want to use.
6) Then just setup some Levels and you're good to go.
This is how I personally setup the Settings>Orders tab, but you do it however you like....
You can setup coupons, here are a couple of mine:
Just go to setup a cart rule, with the name that starts with ' KronaTemplate: ', and make it however you want, highlighted or not, how long its good for, ect, ect, and have it disabled. Then you can use that with the module, and it will use it as a template when it makes coupons. Very cool.... As you see above I have a Level named High Roller, which is setup to give a coupon of 10% off.
Also, remember to get the latest code at https://github.com/eschiendorfer/genzo_krona