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Everything posted by SLiCK_303

  1. On many modules, when I uninstall them, I get this. Seems like there should be words above the OK CANCEL buttons... like this... for some reason when i uninstall bankwire module it works, but most others don't
  2. Well, I decided to try the new module tbhtmlblock on one of my test 1.1.x sites. It looks like I'll be able to get rid of several modules with just this one, nice job guys! Cant wait to see what people do with it...
  3. Sorry if this is a repeat, but I can't find the answer anywhere. I'm coming from version 1.0.12 to the latest version, and I think a few things have changed. 😉 How does one make css changes to the FO? One used to be able to make a css-extend.tpl file in themes/<mytheme>/modules/revws/views/templates/front, but that doesn't seem to be working anymore? Ok, I'm an idiot, that still works, so...nevermind. edit2: ok...how about the paging buttons at the bottom of the screen, the < and > ?
  4. I created git issues for both of these....
  5. BO>Shipping>Carriers is no longer showing the carriers logos..
  6. one-page checkout is not working/throwing an error for me...
  7. Thanks, I'll install this on a test server post-haste. BTW, I've been trying to do this for the past couple days anyways, pulling things off git, with no success. Hopefully this will install, as my attempts it would not. I'm excited to see the new theme, niara..... edit: Installed fine. Getting into BO>Modules and Services seems to be taking a long time, sometimes.
  8. To my knowledge mine is working fine as far as creating vouchers and letting the customer 'see' them. According to my email logs, customers are receiving emails. I guess I need to use a couple test accounts on my site, and checkit out further, but to my knowledge, if the customer uses the module correctly, it works. I'm on 1.0.x 'bleeding edge' if it matters.....
  9. I use it, and to my knowledge it works.....
  10. Thanks for the update, it's been awhile. I still use it, me and my customers enjoy it very much. Thanks for all your hard work on this module! As I have always said, anyone using the loyalty module in TB needs to be using this module instead, its much more diverse!
  11. That post should have been its own topic, as I'm sure many people will have questions about it, as do I...... Does 1.0.x "bleeding-edge" have the price rounding fixes in it? Will 1.1.x come with 2 themes or just Niara in it? Once 1.1.x comes out, will you still work on the 1.0.x path? Is 1.1.x backward compatible with 1.0.x, as far as modules and themes go? Thanx for the update on whats going on, and all you guys working on the project!!!
  12. np, glade you got it workin....
  13. You have Highlight and Status both set to yes? Your Valid dates are correct? You put in a Code or generated one? These are a few of the things that could cause that....
  14. I have noticed this as well...... That the Order Details are no longer showing up in Paypal, which for me sucks.... ;(
  15. I haven't had any issues with Paypal v5.4.2, and running PHP 7.1.x....
  16. Before modifying your database please do a backup of it first. Look at your database (phpMyAdmin). Look at ps_modules (or whatever your prefix is) and order by 'name', look for autoupgrade in the 'name'. Note the 'id_module' field, then delete that entry if you find it. Next, assuming you found the autoupgrade module in the previous step, look at ps_module_access, order by 'id_module', delete all three entries that correspond to the autoupgrade modules 'id_module'. Next...look at ps_module_group, and sort by 'id_module' you should find 4 entries with the same id as the module, delete them.
  17. what version of tb are you using? Is this site a migrated one?
  18. You cant find it in bo->Modules & services? Did you do a migration from Prestashop to tb? Sounds like a left-over from a prestashop setup. Assuming you have a ftp backup of your files, delete the folder /modules/autoupgrade.
  19. This seems to only happen to me in Firefox. When I do the same thing in Chrome it works fine....
  20. Your theme doesn't support it. You need to have: <lazy_load>1</lazy_load> <high_dpi>1</high_dpi> <webp>1</webp> At the bottom of your themes config.xml right before the last line which is . Then the theme needs to be actually coded for it to work.
  21. I too am getting Russian emails, with nocaptcha/recaptcha insalled and running. You are not alone.....
  22. I've noticed that you cant have two sites with the same Paypal info in it, it screws with things. So you if you more that one site that your testing paypal with, and they are using the same credentials, that's the problem.
  23. A deletion ability for the files would be nice. Seems like most all of the files I see that are obsolete, are of the .md extention.
  24. I'm using MySQL version 5.5.60-MariaDB
  25. Just tried an update from 1.0.7 to 1.0.8, using thirty bees Updater v1.4.0, I got an error when it tried to do the DB update....
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