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Everything posted by SLiCK_303

  1. @Troy-Roberts You goto BO>Catalog>Product reviews to approve reviews. The second issue, what theme do you use?
  2. @30knees or anyone else testing this module, Remember to: 1) Go into all Settings tabs and set that stuff up first. 2) Go to Orders and enable/edit your currency. 3) Import your players, with whichever or both options you want. 4) Go to Groups and organize those. 5) Go to Actions and edit/enable the ones you want to use. 6) Then just setup some Levels and you're good to go. This is how I personally setup the Settings>Orders tab, but you do it however you like.... You can setup coupons, here are a couple of mine: Just go to setup a cart rule, with the name that starts with ' KronaTemplate: ', and make it however you want, highlighted or not, how long its good for, ect, ect, and have it disabled. Then you can use that with the module, and it will use it as a template when it makes coupons. Very cool.... As you see above I have a Level named High Roller, which is setup to give a coupon of 10% off. Also, remember to get the latest code at https://github.com/eschiendorfer/genzo_krona
  3. Thanx for the great module, cant wait for the full release!!
  4. Ok, I'll change it and see what happens.
  5. The problem worked itself out I guess, it actually seems to be working as is.... do you still want me to change that?
  6. It's working like a charm, thanx for the update. It still doesn't let you pick your name in modules, and have the module show up, that sure would be nice if that worked.
  7. @datakick Were you able to reproduce my problems in php 7.x? Also, as you did not make a zip file for your new release, the d/l link on the tb shop is not working.
  8. I released a new version, fixing the database voucher cleanup, and removing the enable/disable of the module in the configuration.
  9. @Siteboost A new version has been released, with the changes you suggested.
  10. I will fix both issues on the next release. Thanks for the input....
  11. I followed @Nemo 's tutorial, adding the hook to module homefeatured, and it worked just as he said, in tb103 and in tb104. So you must have done something wrong. Lets figure out what it is.... To start with answer my last question, and we'll go from there. You might start fresh, and modify homefeatured like the example was, and see if you can get that working, and if you can, go back to modifying your Testimonials module. Thats a pretty simple module, I suspect your Testimonials module is not.
  12. if you goto BO>Modules and Services>Positions and check the Display non-positionable hooks check box, then pick your Testimonials module to show, does it have a listing for customCMS, and the Testimonials module under it?
  13. but it already had the displayHomeTab hook and function in the module right? And you just added the hook and function customCMS...
  14. and...in the top of the module, under function install, does it have a line similar to this: || !$this->registerHook('displayHomeTab') It needs to have that hook, and then the new hook you add to it: || !$this->registerHook('customCMS') for this to work. Plus of course the new function you added to the module: public function hookcustomCMS($params) { return $this->hookDisplayHome($params); }
  15. What module did you try and add to the cms pages?
  16. I would just do your announcements/progress reports on the forums, and call it even
  17. I've tried everything I can think of to duplicate your problem, and I just cant do it. It has to be something to do with the way you are running your cron jobs. There must be a duplicate someplace.
  18. The only way I can think of this happening, is if the birthdaygift modules cron job is running twice at the same time. How do you have your server setup to run the cron jobs? Do you have it only running the cronjob module itself (ie. https:///module/cronjobs/cron?token=. Or do you have your server running every cronjob thats in the cronjob module? The only way I can think of this happening, is that you have the cronjob module running twice ( your server is running it twice), or you have your server setup to run all the jobs AND the cronjob module running all the jobs. Or you have in the cronjob module, it setup twice to run the birthdaygift module. I hope that makes sense... My server is setup like it is here. Please give me a screenshot of your cronjob modules setup. Feel free to blank things out like I did in my pic. And....show me a pic of how your server runs it's cron jobs. Thanks....
  19. Sorry this is happenening, whata pain in the butt. Very strange, I'll look into it!
  20. you have a height and width set for all your images I assume? BO>Preferences>Images Can you try another browser? Have you cleared your BO cache and browser cache?
  21. hmm, I dont know then. What browser are you using?
  22. Must be a theme thing, what theme do you use?
  23. what tb version are you using? And... are you using JqZoom, or Fancybox? (BO>Preferences>Products)
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