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Everything posted by SLiCK_303

  1. np. glad to help. sorry it took me so long to recognize the issue. I forgot that I had replaced my file, on my 103 production site...
  2. I have confirmed with a fresh install of 1.0.3 on my localhost, this problem is there! wow! At any rate, it is fixed in 1.0.4. Here is a replacement file that should make it work for you, on your 1.0.3 site. replace your /classes/CartRule.php with this one.. 01519165747057CartRule.zip
  3. BO>Advaced Parameters...go down to Debug Mode and turn on Debug Mode then hit save....
  4. Are you guys using the same host by chance?
  5. And it doesnt matter if you put the customer in the Retail group by deafult?
  6. Don't know what to tell ya, works fine for me. I'm not sure what is causing the two of you to have issue with it. You might setup a test site, and check how it works on a fresh install, instead of on your migrated sites. Ive set up the voucher with and without a code, works fine both ways. This is on my production 1.0.3 site, and my test 1.0.4 latest source site.
  7. I don't understand I guess, seems to work fine for me.. Then I login as a 'Wholesale' user, and use the code, and it works fine.... This is in 1.0.3 and 1.0.4
  8. @datakick said in Send Review Request module: @SLiCK_303 is it really responsibility of review module to auto log-in customer? I'm not sure, but I'd say this should be handled by module that generates the review link. You don't have to send visitors directly to product page. You can create some controller that will perform auto-login, and then redirect visitor to product page. Obviously, this is very sensitive topic, as it involves authentication @foolab said in Send Review Request module: My question is not related to guests, but to a special link that makes customers able create a review associated to them through a specific link (with a token) without the need of logging in with user and password. Sorry I did not get the question. Yeah it probably would be this modules job to auto-login someone, but to be honest, I don't think I could figure out how to do that. If someone feels like forking this module, and writing that function in, go for it...
  9. Thanks for the new version!
  10. @FooLab It's not up this this module to determine that or not. It's up to either productcomment or revws, and how you have the 'Allow guest reviews' set.
  11. I have released version 2.0.2 of this module, it allows for bulk status changes.
  12. I got the errors, thanks for showing me how you got there. I'll see what I can do...
  13. @chandra said in Send Review Request module: Here is a possible bug. Bulk update of status of orders leads to a 500 error after install of the module. Individual order status update works fine. How are you achieving a bulk update of order statuses? This was not designed for that sort of thing, more of a one by one, manual, individual update. What error comes up in your servers error log when you get the 500 error?
  14. I have released version 2.0.1 of this module, it allows you to pick between one or two column display, of the product list, in the email to the customer. or
  15. Are you talking about this logo, the one when you look at a product, at the bottom of this pic?... My is different than the default one. If so, goto BO>Modules & Services, then look for 'Product payment logos block' and change it in there. edit: On second glance I think you are talking about the pp logo when you goto pay. If thats the case you'd just have to replace that image with your own, putting it in the same folder as the stock one, and calling it the same name. (/modules/paypal/views/img/defaultlogos/defaulthorizontal_large.png) Knowing that if you ungrade that module, it'll get overwritten, and you'll have to replace it again.
  16. @Adik I think that's a different issue, and not related to this module? But most of the emails, need the module that sent them, to send them it's variables.
  17. SLiCK_303

    1.0.4 soon?

    maybe this line of discussion need it's own topic?
  18. @hubbobubbo This module is not a review module, all it does is send out an email, to request the customer does a review on products they bought. I would suggest using @datakick 's module revws, but if you have a bunch of reviews, I'm not sure the best way to convert them to his module, unless your module uses the productcomments module's tables. Does this module from Business Tech work on ps 1.6.x? If so it will probably work on tb.
  19. @chandra I'll look into it both issues
  20. I added a modified version of the stock dashactivity module to the thirty bees store. The difference is that this one does not use Google analytics, and is updated to use either productcomments, or @datakick 's revws module.
  21. I don't know if anyone wants something like this, or if it will fit the bill or not. I added a module to the thirty bees store called Send Review Request. It will send an email to the customer, who bought an item on your store, asking for a review. You can set what order state you want this to happen at, and also now many product links it will send. So if you bought 12 items, but you have the module set to only show 6, it will only show them the first 6 items they bought. You can get it on github also, if you dont feel like getting it from the store for some reason.
  22. Now my only issue with this module is this. When you goto My Reviews, or even look at a product, and you're allll the way to the top of the page, the websites header cuts off the review popup. I dont know if thats a theme issue, or a problem with the module.....
  23. that worked, thanks!
  24. If you have no further js suggestion, I may just take all the pics and links out of the email I send ( :cry: ) and send them to the My Reviews page. I'd rather not do it that way though....
  25. I dont want to direct them to the My Reviews page. The email I have sent out has a link to each product, which I then send them to the products page, with a '#post_review' after the url. Then I want my script snippet to take them directly to the post review popup. I didn't see any js errors...
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