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Everything posted by musicmaster

  1. @foolab said in Prestools - the mass edit toolset: I don't want to do it by a plain sql query because I'm afraid to mess up with the DB... prestools do that with an plain sql query? It would help if you could give a more concrete example. I really don't understand what you with "adding features from a product name search". Features are quite complicated so it will take you some study if you want to do it yourself with sql queries. Of course in the end you always end up with sql queries and if you turn verbose on you can see exactly which ones Prestools uses.
  2. @foolab said in Prestools - the mass edit toolset: is it possible to configure a cronjob that run a specific prestools mass edit? No, that is not possible. Of course Prestools has quite a lot of different functions and it depends what you want to do. But in general it is not possible.
  3. I get "Too many redirects" when I visit your website. Can you publish the error messages and warnings you get and also mention non-standard modules you use?
  4. As far as I can see you have 6 stone colors and 126 clam names. But you have assigned them separately. So you have 6 "combinations" with one stone color attribute and 126 "combinations" with one clan name attribute - resulting in a total of 132 "combinations". What you should have are 6x126=756 combinations that each have both one stone color AND one clan name attribute.
  5. I made in Prestools a function for listing the overrides of a shop. When I researched it I found a wide variety of ways in which modules store their overrides. So Traumflugs method for detecting modules with overrides will detect many of them but certainly not all.
  6. Just wondering: how works the fall through? If you have a Flemish language (nl-be) and it misses some words: will those then be filled in from the Dutch or from the English version?
  7. @Pedalman: there is no project with the name FileOptimizer at SourceForge and your link leads only to its homepage. So it is not clear to me what you mean. ImageMagic works only when you have the PHP module and the program installed. An alternative that works without those conditions would be welcome.
  8. There is nothing in the Apache error log file either.
  9. Nope. Nothing in the error logs either.
  10. Did you empty the cache? I do note that the urls to your images look slightly different than those in a fresh TB installation. In your shop I see: www.pewterjewellery.co.uk/c/en-default-mediumdefault/winged.jpg In a fresh installation I see: www.myshop.com/c/3-categorydefault/koffie-en-thee.jpg So it looks like you made some changes...
  11. If those images don't show up there is likely something with the link. The first thing you might try is disabling pretty urls. Then they should become visible.
  12. I don't understand what you want. If you don't want to show the category image the logical thing would be to adapt the template.
  13. Unzipping can also fail because the PHP zip module isn't loaded.
  14. I made a modification in a query in classes/order/orderInvoice.php. I made some mistake in the process. The result was no error message (despite dev mode on). Instead I got a white page when I tried to generate an invoice or a delivery slip. Predictably it took me much longer to find out what caused this bug then would have happened if there had been an error message. So my questions are: why does this happen? And can this be fixed? BTW. What I did was that I replaced the function getProductsDetail() with the following: public function getProductsDetail() { return Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->executeS( (new DbQuery()) ->select('od.*,p.*,ps.*,m.name AS manufacturer') ->from('order_detail', 'od') ->leftJoin('product', 'p', 'p.`id_product` = od.`product_id`') ->leftJoin('product_shop', 'ps', 'ps.id_product = p.id_product AND ps.id_shop = od.id_shop') ->leftJoin('manufacturer', 'm', p.'id_manufacturer` = m.`id_manufacturer`') ->where('od.`id_order` = '.(int) $this->id_order) ->where($this->id && $this->number ? 'od.`id_order_invoice` = '.(int) $this->id : '') ->orderBy('od.`product_name`') ); } So I added a line for the manufacturer but in that line I put the quotes wrong.
  15. It looks like it has something to do with an installation automatically going to PHP 7.2. Probably not a TB problem.
  16. I decided to look at my TB 1.04 shop in an incognito window of my Chrome browser and got the following error: Undefined class constant 'MYSQL_ATTR_USE_BUFFERED_QUERY' at line 73 in file classes/db/DbPDO.php An 1.07 installation seemed to work well but I would prefer not to upgrade. How can I solve this?
  17. As far as I can see they are still here: https://www.prestashop.com/en/previous-versions
  18. Sorry to make a correction. It is the psorderdetail table (or tborderdetail).
  19. @australisagencies said in Catalog totally trashed: Another issue I wsa having was that I was importing database tables from the new installation, but not renaming them properly. I had tables called “tbsicategoryshop” and I was copying them over “tbg8categoryshop”. Are you really deleting categories directly in the database? That is almost impossible to do right. Not only should you delete all the related tables and take care that no orphaned categories remain but you should also set the nleft and nright fields correctly.
  20. If you deleted the Home category then all bets are off. Much of the software assumes there is a home category.
  21. Looking closer it was the product image that caused the 404. Regenerating .htaccess solved that problem. Strange. I never before needed to do that after downloading a shop. One thing that still puzzles me is that those 500 errors often happen when I go from one tab to another within the product-edit page. That puzzles me: I thought that all tabs were loaded at once so that switching between tabs is a matter of hiding and unhiding some html.
  22. @lesley said in Tab: 500 internal server error: When you run wamp / xamp on local host it is not as optimized as running on a dedicated environment like a server so its slower. Your issue is the ajax call is likely timing out. You can open your console and manually time the call and see if you seem to be hitting like a 30 or 60 second interval. Up your max timeout settings in the php.ini and you should be good. Thank you for your reply. I had a look in my Javascript console and found "Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error)" with the filename of the missing tabs. This is an old installation that never before gave problems. Some of the PHP.ini timeouts are already increased. So I wonder which one of the many I should increase. I replaced my Avira anti-virus with some other program and it looks that improved things a bit. But not much. Overall the problem remains. An interesting side note: it looks like this problem is restricted to virtual products. And they also produce a 404 error for the file of the product. Could it be that the system is trying to load the file and that that delays the rest so much that it fails?
  23. I have a strange problem. I have webshop on a server on the internet based on TB 1.04 and it is running fine. But when I move it to my localhost I suddenly get 500 errors on the product edit page. Switching on development mode doesn't give any result. Neither does looking in the Apache error log file. Specially weird is that the process is random. One time I get an error about the prices tab, the next time about SEO, virtual product or customization. The tab then grays out. I have seen nearly every tab pass along at least once. About 80% of the time there is one error popup, but occasionally there are two or none. Due to the error the Save buttons keep spinning and you cannot change anything. As I had problems with tabs with a prior migration too I am wondering whether there is something wrong there. Any Ideas?
  24. Mysql has an option to export as csv. That shouldn't be a problem then.
  25. Csv import is a function in the backoffice of Thirty Bees and Prestashop. It is core functionality so you don't need any module. As for csv export from Opencart: I don't know. I assume there is at least a module available.
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