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Everything posted by musicmaster

  1. Did you check the PHP error logs?
  2. Did you try resetting the Paypal module? Or just configuring and saving it again?
  3. I couldn't find anywhere in Firefox where errors were shown in red. So I downloaded a html validator for Firefox from the internet: http://users.skynet.be/mgueury/mozilla/index.html However, its output is very verbose: some 270 lines - and nothing red that would signal priority. When I remove all the warnings about removed empty <i>s and <span>s I still have some 70 remaining. Warning 435 89 Warning: '<' + '/' + letter not allowed here Warning 435 177 Warning: '<' + '/' + letter not allowed here Warning 435 183 Warning: '<' + '/' + letter not allowed here Warning 435 228 Warning: '<' + '/' + letter not allowed here Warning 435 267 Warning: '<' + '/' + letter not allowed here Warning 435 273 Warning: '<' + '/' + letter not allowed here Warning 435 318 Warning: '<' + '/' + letter not allowed here Warning 561 11 Warning: missing </span> before <div> Warning 562 47 Warning: missing <dd> Warning 563 1 Warning: inserting implicit <span> Warning 565 22 Warning: discarding unexpected </span> Warning 569 20 Warning: discarding unexpected </dt> Warning 2385 10 Warning: inserting implicit <p> Warning 2448 239 Warning: inserting implicit <p> Warning 2543 721 Warning: missing </span> before <div> Warning 2543 822 Warning: inserting implicit <span> Warning 2543 822 Warning: missing </span> before <div> Warning 2543 879 Warning: inserting implicit <span> Warning 2543 879 Warning: missing </span> before <div> Warning 2543 1469 Warning: discarding unexpected </span> Warning 2578 1106 Warning: missing </span> before <div> Warning 2578 1274 Warning: inserting implicit <span> Warning 2578 1274 Warning: missing </span> before <div> Warning 2578 1339 Warning: inserting implicit <span> Warning 2578 1339 Warning: missing </span> before <div> Warning 2578 2583 Warning: discarding unexpected </span> Warning 3043 11 Warning: missing </span> before <div> Warning 3044 47 Warning: missing <dd> Warning 3045 1 Warning: inserting implicit <span> Warning 3047 22 Warning: discarding unexpected </span> Warning 3051 20 Warning: discarding unexpected </dt> Warning 3464 1585 Warning: missing </span> before <div> Warning 3464 1665 Warning: inserting implicit <span> Warning 3464 1665 Warning: missing </span> before <div> Warning 3464 1707 Warning: inserting implicit <span> Warning 3464 1707 Warning: missing </span> before <div> Warning 3464 2297 Warning: discarding unexpected </span> Warning 500 1 Warning: <a> escaping malformed URI reference Warning 535 3 Warning: <a> escaping malformed URI reference Warning 591 8 Warning: <a> escaping malformed URI reference Warning 3079 9 Warning: <a> escaping malformed URI reference Warning 3105 43 Warning: <div> anchor "st_menu_block_22" already defined Warning 3161 43 Warning: <div> anchor "st_menu_block_20" already defined Warning 3247 43 Warning: <div> anchor "st_menu_block_23" already defined Warning 3332 43 Warning: <div> anchor "st_menu_block_24" already defined Warning 3452 5 Warning: <a> escaping malformed URI reference Warning 3464 4471 Warning: <input> anchor "yotpo_input_review_title" already defined Warning 3464 4709 Warning: <textarea> anchor "yotpo_input_review_content" already defined Warning 3464 5904 Warning: <input> anchor "yotpo_input_review_username" already defined Warning 3464 6146 Warning: <input> anchor "yotpo_input_review_email" already defined Warning 472 3 Warning: <body> proprietary attribute "cz-shortcut-listen" Warning 2295 167 Warning: <div> proprietary attribute "adapt_container_width" Warning 2629 10 Warning: <div> proprietary attribute "total-reviews-search" Warning 3508 10 Warning: <div> proprietary attribute "total-reviews-search" Line 435 contains: var format = '<div><span class="countdown_number">%D</span><span class="countdown_text">'+((event.offset.totalDays == 1) ? "day" : "days")+'</span></div><div><span class="countdown_number">%H</span><span class="countdown_text">hrs</span></div><div><span class="countdown_number">%M</span><span class="countdown_text">min</span></div><div><span class="countdown_number">%S</span><span class="countdown_text">sec</span></div>'; It doesn't like the percent signs. But this is just javascript and shouldn't be evaluated as html. I checked one of the malformed URIs and I got this: <a href="https://www.topsnoep.nl/snel bestellen" id="shopping_cart" title="View my shopping cart" rel="nofollow" class="header_item"> Obviously the "%20" in the url has been replaced by a space what is a bit dubious. However, in most cases on the page it still works. So I am still at a loss what is going wrong.
  4. musicmaster

    Post Missing

    Why would you like a csv? Use phpmyadmin and export those 4 tables (you can leave tb_category_product out) from the new install, delete the same tables in your existing installation and then import them.
  5. The Panda has at the right side a floating button that normally when you click opens a sidebar where you can chose to to go to the checkout page. However, sometimes it makes the space free but nothing appears in it. See attached image. This happens under the following conditions: - it happens only with the floating button on the right. You can still checkout via the cart in the top bar. - It happens when you have a product with combinations in the cart. - there is no javascript error. See image of the bug: and how it should look:
  6. musicmaster

    Post Missing

    Did you put both a root and a home back? My suggestion: export the category tables from a fresh installation and import them in yours.
  7. On one server it does work. So maybe it has something to with ports that are closed. But how to know when you absolutely clueless about what causes the problem?
  8. Thank you for your reaction. I use Eicaptcha. I will try disabling it. I know that php error messages can give such problem when debug mode is on. However, in this case debug mode doesn't make a difference. In both cases the ajax just returns nothing or a 500 error - depending on where you look. I would like to keep the option to have php error messages in the standard output. The place where an error message occurs in the output is sometimes an important indicator of what is wrong.
  9. Same problem for me. The thing works ok on localhost but not online. This is a very serious problem. "Details: Error thrown: [object Object] Text status: error" is just horrible as a bug report. You might just as well say: we had a bug and we won't bother to tell you what it was. Is it really impossible to have something better?
  10. I found it was some thing else. Problem solved.
  11. When I try to install the psonesix migrator I get the error: Unable to create the "AdminThirtyBeesMigrate" tab What could cause this? PS version:
  12. musicmaster

    Shop spam

    When someone orders some software from me he immediately receives three emails in his mailbox: Thank you for your order, Your payment has been received and Here is the download. Given how aggressive Google (Gmail) nowadays is regarding spam wouldn't it be better to compact that into one email?
  13. I am using the Panda theme. I can switch on the high resolution images. But it looks like I can never switch them off again. I put "Generate High resolution images" to no. I delete the "2x" image formats. But nothing makes a difference: the website keeps producing links like <img class="replace-2x img-responsive front-image " src="http://localhost/8377-home_default_2x/balla.jpg" alt="Balla" title="Balla" width="293" height="293" itemprop="image"> This means I have two problems: - I cannot disable high res images - when it serves high res images it serves them always - even when low res would be recommended. Does anyone have solutions for these problems?
  14. Does your shop have the default language? Or is it translated? En-UK is a translation too in this context.
  15. Can you upload an image where we can see what error message you get? On the movie that is impossible
  16. Deleting .htaccess is an option too. For the rest I am just puzzled. Given the info we got Prestools should work or at least give an error. So I wonder if it was tried the right way. If Prestools would work then one could conclude that something had gone wrong with the Thirty Bees files and copy files from a backup site over for example the Classes and Controllers directories.
  17. Not exactly what I meant. There can be something wrong with SSL settings. So it is best when you can look at it as http. Unfortunately some browsers can be very aggressive redirecting towards https.
  18. It can also be a https/http thing. Try both. You can try changing PS_SSL_ENABLED and PS_SSL_ENABLED_EVERYWHERE in the configuration table.
  19. phpmyadmin is not cpanel. If you can access phpmyadmin you can in the tb_configuration table switch on PS_DISABLE_OVERRIDES and PS_DISABLE_NON_NATIVE_MODULE. You can also empty the cache by emptying the directories cache/smarty/cache and cache/smarty/compile. Don't delete the index.php files in those two directories.
  20. Which logs did you check? There are several on a server and there is also the log directory of your webshop.
  21. Can you upload a Hello world php program and see whether that runs? A text file is ok too.
  22. You can try Prestools. It isn't dependent on the TB engine so it should run. With it you can empty the cache and disable overrides and non-TB modules.
  23. I would expect this to be calculated by the function getTotalWeight() in classes/order.php
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