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Everything posted by musicmaster

  1. It can also be a https/http thing. Try both. You can try changing PS_SSL_ENABLED and PS_SSL_ENABLED_EVERYWHERE in the configuration table.
  2. phpmyadmin is not cpanel. If you can access phpmyadmin you can in the tb_configuration table switch on PS_DISABLE_OVERRIDES and PS_DISABLE_NON_NATIVE_MODULE. You can also empty the cache by emptying the directories cache/smarty/cache and cache/smarty/compile. Don't delete the index.php files in those two directories.
  3. Which logs did you check? There are several on a server and there is also the log directory of your webshop.
  4. Can you upload a Hello world php program and see whether that runs? A text file is ok too.
  5. You can try Prestools. It isn't dependent on the TB engine so it should run. With it you can empty the cache and disable overrides and non-TB modules.
  6. I would expect this to be calculated by the function getTotalWeight() in classes/order.php
  7. This installation was copied from a local computer to the server. But the file was to big so only half the tables were filled. So I made a new sql file for the second half of the tables. That worked ok. But I had forgotten that the indexes are always at the bottom of a sql file. So those for the first half had never been executed. The only way to check whether a table is indexed is to have a look in phpmyadmin. When your main tables such as ps_product are ok it is unlikely there is a problem. If you find something missing you can copy the settings from a fresh install of the same TB version.
  8. Solved. Some indexes were missing.
  9. I am working on a new shop but it is very slow. My homepage takes 32 seconds. When I switch profiling on there is one query that is responsible for 28 of the 32 (see image). Does anyone have an idea what is happening here? This is TB 1.08 on PHP 7.2.
  10. It would help if you could access the error log of your server and see the related error.
  11. You can adapt translations in the backoffice at Localisation->Translations It seems to me that your problem - empty translations - and the problem that I mentioned - that the incomplete sections are closed in the Localisation->Translations pages - are related. The logical explanation is that Crowdin treats missing translations the wrong way. Instead of leaving them out it - as it works in TB and PS - it stores them as empty strings. This also produces a solution for your problem: - Go to the Localisation->Translations page and check "backoffice" and your language. - click the button "Fold everything". It then changes to "expand everything". Click again. - Now click on "save" - The translations will now be stored as they should. That is: all missing translations will be left out. As a consequence you will now see the English original in their place instead of empty space.
  12. "Active resource loading counts reached a per-frame limit while the tab was in background. Network requests will be delayed until a previous loading finishes, or the tab is brought to the foreground. See https://www.chromestatus.com/feature/5527160148197376 for more details" This is followed by a long list of "resources" that failed to load: jpg's, css's and js's. Always error: Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED At the end there is one Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'offsetHeight' of undefined in widget.js. Unlike what the first message says nothing is restored when the tab is brought to the foreground. I tend to have lots of tabs open. So maybe it is specific to that... Now I had only localhost open. So that can explain part of the problem (localhost isn't automatically restarted). I will look next time again when I have some internet links open.
  13. That is not a bug. Those are just missing translations. See the attached picture. The only thing I found a bit puzzling is that where in Prestashop the incomplete sections are open at the start in Thirty Bees they are all closed.
  14. I am puzzled what you want. What do you mean with "canonical page"?
  15. I found the solution. You need to copy all the pages that are not present in the old setting to the pdf directory. This concerns all the subpages like order-return.product-tab.tpl and the page pagination.tpl. This is likely because those files are assigned to template variables in the php code. The result looks almost the same as in the old PS installation. Only the order lines are too close to each other.
  16. Ik heb nu zelf een vertaling gemaakt en deze geupload in de betreffende thread op het SunnyToo Panda forum
  17. I am transferring a Prestashop 1.6.0 site. I would like to use the same pdf's. However, Thirty Bees uses the PS 1.6.1 system. The most visible difference are the "-tab" files in the newer version. I tried just to copy the files from the old installation to the new but that doesn't work. I get a php error: Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class Smarty in \htdocs\vendor\smarty\smarty\libs\Smarty.class.php on line 1802 Does anyone know whether there is an easy way to make those files suitable for Thirty Bees?
  18. Hi, Is er al iemand die een Nederlandse vertaling van het Panda theme gemaakt heeft? Hoeft niet compleet te zijn...
  19. I don't see an error on the PS site. But you can also download from the first post of this thread (first paragraph, word "here"). And you can also scroll down on the homepage of Prestools.
  20. Solved. I had forgotten to switch it on in the backoffice.
  21. Sounds like the good old "Prestashop admin login loop". Search on that term and you will find many Google entries. Unfortunately there was not a standard solution. Some of the solutions: switch between http and https, clear cache, delete .htaccess, switch "disable Mod Security" in SEO&Urls to yes (a bit tricky), clear browsercache. This is the first time I hear about someone using TB having the problem. A bit puzzing as Michael Dekker blamed it on Mcrypt - what is no longer used. What PHP version are you using?
  22. I have a shop running under https. However, part of the shop seems not to have got the message and I am puzzled why. If you try to create a new customer account or login in an existing one you get "TECHNICAL ERROR: unable to save account Details: Error thrown: [object Object] Text status: error". If you look in the console it is because you are mixing http and https. The form for those transactions has an http: action. With search - an ordinary search instead of Ajax - you get (this is debug mode) This page has moved with a link to an http: address. If you are out of debug mode you get "Too many redirects". I looked at the source in order-opc-new-account.tpl. But that has for customer account form the standard link: {$link->getPageLink('authentication', true, NULL, "back=order-opc")|escape:'html':'UTF-8'} You can try at my testshop at www.bilbil.com. I am using php 7.2
  23. I know that. My points are that some weird things happen: - the module is not replaced during migration from Prestashop and not during upgrade either - the module is not visible in the backoffice. So unlike other modules from which only the translation directory is present it is impossible to install this - unless you take the extra effort to go to the store or Github
  24. Sorry, I was too quick. You can only share certain things, not texts
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