I'm testing it on the demo. I see that is not possible to choose a different shipping country unless you back to the top of the page. how about letting the user choose a different address with a different country (from saved ones?) and if the payment method is compatible leave all as already selected.
And in case the user has already addresses saved, how about let it choose one of them before the payment methods instead of asking for the country.
If I choose the custom payment and then I click edit to change it there is an empty payment method selected too:
I can't understand. Which category I have to remove from layered navigation?
Anyways I noticed that the problem is there ONLY if I use the "manufacturer" filter... All the other filters are working.
I have manufacturers mirrored in features... If I filter with my "manufacturers feature" it works, if I use "core manufacturers" it's not.
I understand it and I agree. but I think, also, that’s a matter of time (2020?) that ps developers start to develop for ps 1.7 only and start to “forgot” 1.6 maintaining and without release 1.6 addons update.
what do you think about that?
I know, but I found it disabled in my account (I never disabled it) so I was thinking that was been disabled for all users for some reason. Plus the signature is not visible for guests.
Is it the default forum behavior to NOT display other's signature?
can I ask why?
with the old forum I think that "well known users's" signature helped many newbies for example.
how about to turn on for all the users and activate it as a default for new forum user?
I think I'm not the only one that is going to notice that as in the 1.03 to 1.04 upgrade article/instructions there's no mention of cleaning the DB.
I see references of them in multiple tb_module* tables:
but maybe there are more in other tables too.
If I launch the core updater it say that I have 24 not compatible modules... I think that they are the modules merge in a single one some versions ago:
why they are still there? I followed upgrading instructions deleting them in past upgrades... maybe they are still (but not active) in the DB?
The problem I noticed with the Core CSV import is that it doesn't do any preventive check but import all the data right away.
It doesn't check if a "SEO: Specify URL name" already exist or have invalid character, it just write it in the DB and then two product will have the same seo url or have invalid character in it.
Same problem here and my sandbox with 1.0.8.
controllers/front/cron.php lacks of your commit at line 182
I now manually modified but it doesn't get updated anyway
(edit: but it seams that the cron is not running at all 😰)
Xenforo doesn't need to be constantly managed, or at least not more then invision community.
I respect your choice and as I said you in private, I'll get over it (in 1 or 2 years 😄)
I really hate Invision Community... I suggested Xenforo 2.1 some months ago. SGRUNT!
In case 12 months from now you need help to migrate to xenforo, I can help for free. 😉
@foolab said in Layered navigation interferes with theme pagination:
I noticed that my problem is still there if I try to filter with blocklayered the ROOT category that includes all the other categories.
In case I filter a sub-category the block layered works correctly.
I found this warning on the php error log file, can be related?
PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/nginx/domains/domain.com/public/modules/blocklayered/blocklayered.php on line 1827
this is the content of the file from line 1827 and forward:
foreach ($data as $key_params => $params) {
if (!isset($selected_filters[$key_params])) {
$selected_filters[$key_params] = [];
foreach ($params as $key_param => $param) {
if (!isset($selected_filters[$key_params][$key_param])) {
$selected_filters[$key_params][$key_param] = [];
$selected_filters[$key_params][$key_param] = $this->filterVar($param);