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Everything posted by MockoB

  1. @yaniv14 I hope you will find someone who will guide you where and how to change that function! @Havouza I live also 500m from the beach but still can't imagine myself skiing with my 9.7 iPad ;) You are welcome in Bulgaria on ski vacation and then leave feedback about ski with tablet, it is not far away from Cyprus :)
  2. I could agree at some point with you about the technology industry competition. But after all isn't it the main reason we are able to sell to whole world from our home? And pictures are actually lying it is true but in this particular case if the above feature is working as it should the pictures will deliver to users much better experience and realistic appearance. About smartphones, I was thinking like you some time ago but it is not actually a phone it is a computer. When you own business you have to be always in touch with your clients (email, Facebook, etc), communicate with suppliers, manage shipments etc. Why should I be stuck in front of the monitor whole day. I did all those while skiing last month and will do it on the beach soon :) We are victims of technology revolution but I could live with that ;)
  3. The difference is like you are watching champions league final on VHS tape on 14"CRT screen or on 50" flat screen with full HD signal. The problem is that on high density screen devices such as most smartphones, tablets and recent pc monitors the pictures are blurry. The picture you actually see on such device is like when you zoom 100/100 pixel picture to 200/200 pixels on your computer. It is the best way I can explain it. And the pictures are what customers see on internet and believe me they do care about quality. I don't want to loose all clients with iPhone, iPad and other expensive devices. Do you?
  4. @yaniv14 the issue is not with the regenerated images quality the bigger issue that the right images are not served to the right device @Havouza you are wrong, somewhere in the forum I quoted site where it is shown that in 2016 less than 15% I think it was, are using resolution lower than 1366x768 and more than 50% are using 1920x1080 and higher resolution. Which is more than enough to show studio quality pictures. And according google analytics my shop is visited more than 50% by mobile devices which are in most cases capable of showing studio images. @alwayspaws I saw in other topic you are using iPhone and iPad and I can't believe you are not aware with what retina images are! Natively prestashop should handle those images but it doesn't really. At least there is option in image preferences "generate high resolution images" for high pixel density screens. Which makes x2 copy of every thumbnail in the image folders and when device - mobile or pc with high res display is browsing your site should see those images. @yaniv14 it is absolutely enough believe me to view those studio quality pictures. But guess what as @mdekker said it is half baked potato what prestashop did. The images are generated, they are there in the image folders, but that's all! They are just taking disc space and that's all they do, when you @alwayspaws browse with your iPad instead seeing those images you are hurting your eyes with those blurry low quality pictures. And that's not all until we are fighting to get those x2 pictures on your iPhone or iPad, more and more devices are capable of x3 and x4 images... I miss those days when the only display in my home was the black and white tv display ... and maybe PS miss them also ...
  5. That is situation where ps team should act and show why the get half the money but I wonder why they don't ... It would be nice to tell which the module is so we could avoid the mistake buying it!
  6. The ridiculous prices in ps store is their politics. Same modules and themes could be found on themeforest for 1/2 to 1/3 the money they are on ps store. They want to earn more than the developer who actually made all the efforts. Greedy fu.ks!
  7. Just use the meta title and meta description fields! From my experience with PS 1.5 no matter your short and long description google decides what to take from your page and it is usually nothing in common with your product description. In SEO tab when adding products there is field to add meta keywords (at least in 1.5) but I believe google doesn't use those as ranking factor for long time already.
  8. I think the module was wrote by Vekia, but in the forum topic I read that it doesn't clear all database entries and there was no interest from him to fix it.
  9. My customers also prefer guest checkout and I am selling jewelry. And I have customers with many orders and they still use guest checkout I don't know why, it could be anonymousy they want... it is about time for decent module for deleting orders in the core, because deleting customers is not enough. But I don't see anybody doing something about it, I read somewhere that it could be illegal, maybe that is the reason don't having such functionality.
  10. Actually the customer looks for fastest checkout and registration is always slowing the process, that's from my point of view. And I really can't see how customers could place anonymous orders, at least how could we arrange delivery for John Doe without personal information :)
  11. The difference is that the customer order history is saved in his account and he/she could check previous orders at any time. And in the back office you may see the client history also. Also the customer doesn't have to write his details every order. It is really stupid that you can't check the client history in the back office if he every time places an order as guest. You have to manually look for the name...
  12. Yes it is, but what if the attributes are already chosen by default like it actually is?
  13. About products with attributes you mentioned. Let's say that product has 2 attributes: size and color. It would be nice that the user has to be informed to choose both options when he chooses "add to cart" button. It could be achieved when on the drop down menu isn't selected attribute by default but something like "choose size" and "choose color" not next to the box but IN the drop down box. And if the client misses to select one of them to be informed about it and of course will not be able to add product to cart without selecting both or if needed more attributes. I don't think it is hard to do by someone with the knowledge but I believe it will brakee themes compatibility. At least it is interesting to know if it is possible and how much will it cost me if I hire some developer to do that on my store. PS: it could be achieved also by adding to every product with attributes additional attribute without quantity which is default combination and by changing the message which appears usually to inform the client to choose attributes until he does ...
  14. Please check picture of the phone view of the default theme. From left to right look how much you have to scroll to actually reach the products in the category you browse. And what about grid/list view, is it necessary to have it ? I think when I enter a category I should be able to browse its products not all that listed useless information. I know that some may be removed from the back office but I am not sure if everything could be hidden from the mobile version And here is the error I get when I try to install the OPC module I told you above: [PrestaShop] Fatal error in module file :C:\WAMP\www\bees\modules\mailchimp\classes\MailChimp\MailChimp.php: Uncaught Exception: Invalid MailChimp API key `` supplied. in C:\WAMP\www\bees\modules\mailchimp\classes\MailChimp\MailChimp.php:66 Stack trace: #0 C:\WAMP\www\bees\modules\mailchimp\mailchimp.php(507): MailChimpModule\MailChimp\MailChimp->__construct(false) #1 C:\WAMP\www\bees\modules\mailchimp\mailchimp.php(818): MailChimp->importList(Array) #2 C:\WAMP\www\bees\modules\mailchimp\mailchimp.php(868): MailChimp->addOrUpdateSubscription(Object(MailChimpModule\MailChimpSubscriber)) #3 C:\WAMP\www\bees\classes\Hook.php(779): MailChimp->hookActionObjectCustomerAddAfter(Array) #4 C:\WAMP\www\bees\classes\Hook.php(495): HookCore::coreCallHook(Object(MailChimp), 'hookactionObjec...', Array) #5 C:\WAMP\www\bees\classes\Hook.php(280): HookCore::execWithoutCache('actionObjectCus...', Array, NULL, false, true, false, NULL) #6 C:\WAMP\www\bees\classes\ObjectModel.php(588): HookCore::exec('actionObjectCus...', Array) #7 C:\WAMP\www\bees\classes\Customer.php(496): ObjectModelCore->add(true, true) #8 C:\WAMP\www\bees\modules That is when the mail chimp module is installed. When I uninstall it, the OPC module installs without any errors. The module has some performance issues in the front end with the default theme but it is not that important at the moment.
  15. Sure, I will upload some pictures tomorrow and will try to give more detailed description.
  16. I don't have much time lately but any one tested the default theme on smartphone? When you enter category the last thing you could find at the bottom are the products, please check it. I think all those are unnecessary, and the grid list view which does nothing on smartphone etc. One Page Checkout module https://addons.prestashop.com/en/express-checkout-process/6841-one-page-checkout-for-prestashop.html Which is must have module for every one has some incompatibility with TB mail chimp module. When I uninstall mail chimp module I can install opc module and it has some issues with the CSS of the default theme... I may upload pictures if necessary if any one plan to use it with the default theme. @mdekker please check the above :)
  17. I hope so, the module is already in TB github page with bugs and I believe @mdekker will fix it for the next release.
  18. @Havouza if your target is German market you should cover strictly their law.
  19. I am pretty sure it will be interesting but could you please list all conditions a German shop should cover, for example: 1. On every product description should be stated the delivery time and price with and without tax. 2. In the checkout process there should be option for the client to accept ... whatever it needs to be accepted. etc. I think you get the point. They maybe are all written here in the forum but it will be easier for a developer to have a clear list with the steps he needs to cover. And as I understood TB needs decent translation in German first of all, so if you could help it would be nice :)
  20. Thanks for the detailed answer! After all the way I see things to inform the users enough comprehensibly and comprehensively about the cookies you should use message at login because I don't see how can I force some one to read about it other way... What would cost me to hire a lawyer to check if my store fulfills all German law directives and advice if something is wrong? Of course if anybody used ever such service.
  21. May I ask for the EU cookie law. I read somewhere that in Germany it is not necessary to have EU cookie law message when entering a site which is using cookies. Is it true or I misunderstood something? I know that at the beginning of next year the law changes and the banner will be removed but what about current situation?
  22. It is not something I am asking also for the retina images, it is also bug of PS and TB because it just doesn't work. But I didn't get none attention so far neither on TB or PS forums. After all it is for the best of all ... Sorry for the off topic. Wish you luck!
  23. Why don't you use the standard Prestashop thicknox "different address for the invoice" and translate it to "I want to receive invoice". That way the job is half done because you will have the invoice address in the backend. The only thing to do is to find a way to register if the client has chosen the option to receive an invoice and to to view this choice in backend. All others should receive receipt of course. Another proposal is If you could find a way to register invoice address in the backend only if the thick box has been choosen, otherwise the fields for the invoice to be empty. Personally I think you shouldn't have much expectations about receiving such feature in TB, but you never know ...
  24. I found that x2 images are created in product img folders. I found there are media queries in _image.scss file, and yet the x2 images are not displayed neither on my ipad or iphone! I tested both PS and TB. I don't know if it should be @2x or 2x the addition to the file name, I don't know if there should be some additional line in htaccess file, but the thing is that it is missing and there are not HQ images. Please help! PS, here is link: http://mydevice.io/devices/#sortSmartphones to check devices with 2 and more pixel ratio, and reconsider if it is or not issue that the feature is not working!
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