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Everything posted by MockoB

  1. MockoB


    Forget it. I just read that topic https://forum.thirtybees.com/topic/50/translations-are-back
  2. MockoB


    I will definitely give crowdin a try after all those issues I got with translating 1.5 through the back office translation tool... @mdekker are those all translated from members or they are just picked up from PS? And why are we even discussing Crowdin after we got every language translation I could think of already?
  3. MockoB

    Help needed

    There are some issues with that module but if you could wait couple of weeks thirtybees will have its own native blog module.
  4. It is supposed that 1.6 has the retina feature by default but it is not even closer to retina quality. Or it is may be just thirtybees, I tested the feature just on thirtybees and not PS.
  5. MockoB


    I agree with all of you that thirtybees is very promising project and that is why I am here. I think that it is the best option from all I checked out, at least for me. I will start my next shop with thirtybees but I need to be sure that everything is working properly. Later if everything goes smoothly with my shop I will migrate my current one also. I am not familiar with Crowdin and my first impression was not so good about it. I meant that I will most probably translate it in the back office like I did with my current 1.5 shop. But after all I read I will give it a try :) And still I can't understand how could be easier for someone to look for and download translation from Crowdin instead from the official Thirtybees site. At least there should be clear explanation on the site, how and where could anyone download a translation.
  6. MockoB


    I first heard of Crawdin in this forum. Tried to check it out and the only thing I saw is that they need registration to do anything. You may imagine how fast I left it, its bounce rate is maybe 90% :) sooner or later I will translate thirtybees in my native language also but I would like to share the translations with others in most accessible way which is NOT Crowdin. @mdekker please check that topic https://forum.thirtybees.com/topic/40/retina-images-please-help and please help. For someone with your knowledge it is a simple question. I don't believe that topic like Zero repution. How to increase it? is more important than topic in which is discussed how to make the platform better. Or may be I am wrong because it looks like you and @lesley preffer participating there than topics concerning bugs and basic store improvements! Don't get me wrong, I know you are busy and can't answer every question but for now it looks that you are the only knowledgeable persons in programming in this forum. And the only ones who in 1 line could solve most people's problems. After all it is question concerning everybody.
  7. Did you made screenshot of the issue? Was it cache related? And may I ask you which is the template you use? Is it templatemela theme? And which is the slider module you use?
  8. MockoB

    Help needed

    It is more your one page checkout module issue I believe. Why don't you contact the support team of the module?
  9. That was nice addition to the above, some of the details are more clarified now. Only thing that bothers me is that short description in the cart. The products I sell are selling by tens and thousands and with short description of every product it will be endless cart list. I will check if eu compliance module covers all those mentioned above once it is fully working. Thanks for the useful information.
  10. I sent you chat message, I don't know if it is same like private message but I hope so. The difference may be seen on many templates on presta store also. One more thing to add. Just now I am using 20" screen whith resolution 2560/1440. So you can imagine how sharp its picture is! You may see here which are the most common desktop resolutions. So it happens that more than 80% are using "hd ready" and above resolution and we are still stuck with those low quality images. Unfortunately there isn't retina images module for presta 1.6 otherwise I wouldn't bother you. I just need razor sharp images for my products that's all!
  11. I will PM you link to my site. I may send you picture to upload on presta basic site and template and see the difference. It is visible on every high pixel density screen, not just ipad or iPhone.
  12. Preferences/product
  13. I just managed to run the project on my local network, it is rocket since for me so don't laught :) I tried to run it on my ipad and I am very dissapointed! Although I turned on the option for high resolution images the appearance of the product images is pathetic! I run for 3 years shop on presta 1.5 and I bought retina images module and the quality of the pictures is way better! According GA half of my clients visited the site with mobile device, I believe all devices got retina displays already not only iphones and ipads... So basically the thing which is selling online are the pictures, aren't they? I invested a lot of money in photography equipment and that makes no point with the basic product appearance. Please advice me what could I do, I saw some templates whith perfect sharp images and some are not? Is it template related issue? I am selling jewellery and I can't afford using the basic settings. I don't believe I am the only one who uses ipad of all in this forum, or I am the only one who can't manage to upload decent picture? Please advice me what to do? I know there are good people reading this forum :)
  14. MockoB

    How is going?

    May be if you sell many products that is true. When you sell couple of thousand you will know the best sellers without module :) personally I don't find any need using the base statistics and I think they are just flooding the database and hurt my site performance.
  15. MockoB

    How is going?

    I think he means that he will use just GA and all other by default statistic modules are completely useless! Actually I just need "available quantities" and "shop search" statistics. Maybe we need "how to" where it is explained how to disable every possible statistic modules without break the shop :)
  16. @Havouza in preferences/top menu item/item type/ you should choose category tree or flat tree to have the drop down menu like prestashops' top block and of course the tree depth. The interesting part is those categories in the footer, personally I don't need them in the footer. And the option in module "community theme configuration" was swiched off. Unfortunately the categories were shown in the footer, I had to swich the option on and save than off and save and they disspared. So that is diffinitely a bug so @mdekker you can reproduce it and check what is the reason for such behavior. I found some other bugs and will post them soon, it would be nice to see them solved one by one soon so be able to start live shop in near future :)
  17. Yes, that is what I meant. In prestashop you add those 7 with mouse click and in thirtybees you should write all 7 categories manually. All other subcategories associated with them should be added automatically. When you adding category in Top menu items you should add the entity ID which should be the ID of the parent category you already created. Of course you should use category tree for category type and needed depth of the category tree. I hope I understood your question and didn't told you something you already know :)
  18. Actually I see what you mean, the link in the address bar has just 2 categories and they are 5 in the breadcrumbs. I tried to represent your issue but I couldn't, in my case always both are equal. About the top menu, when you create your product tree in catalog/categories you just need to add 7 parent categories in your case. In prestashop you add those 7 with mouse, plese correct me if I'm wrong.
  19. I also got clients which are confused and claim that the products are out of stock because there isn't "add to cart" button. At least there could be pop up message or something similar when adding product with attributes to the cart informing to choose the right option.
  20. Actually there are issues with EU compliance module, but here I submitted the bug and you can check whenever it is solved or not: https://github.com/thirtybees/ThirtyBees/issues/104 if you find other bugs with it please inform us. It would be nice if you share other law obligations which are not by default included and you would like to see in thirtybees concerning German online market.
  21. Not exactly a bug but theme configurator social links all point to prestashop. When enable Customer reassurance block it breaks the front office footer. When I hit configure of thirty bees updater module nothing happens ?!? May be it is supposed to be this way ... When I add a product associated with home page I can't open it. When I try to associate default product with just home category it is same situation. But interesting is when I try to associate the product again with home + other category the product page still can't open. @mdekker told that it is beta version bug but I am on 1.0.0 and still face the same issue. May be it is just me not doing something ... Here is picture of the broken link: When I hit F12 on IE and than debugger tool on 10 and 11 line of code there is just Prestashop meta information if that matters for you. For me it doesn't :)
  22. It is interesting idea you shared but hard to accomplish I believe. It is more like freelancer job who other way will not be able to publish module on the official store. The profit which developer in perspective will earn will be much more than what he could ask for single license I believe. And what about if the module has bugs or needs update with features, or compatibility update and it is already released free... what we really need is support which actually hears what merchants need!
  23. Gwasch thanks for your offer. I will consider it after all I read about the regulations. But please share your knowledge in that topic which was posted above by me and twistcapmedia.
  24. Great job gwasch! I plan to start German shop in near future but I don't know a word in German. I plan to hire people for the job but your translations are excellent start point! I saw you are from Austria and you are familiar with German online market. Which means you should be familiar with the laws also. Please support the community by participating in that topic Lesley just posted: https://forum.thirtybees.com/topic/17/german-support-for-thirty-bees Thanks once again for your translations!
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