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Everything posted by MockoB

  1. I wish I could :) but if I was able to, maybe I wouldn't ask questions and did it already...
  2. Thanks @Traumflug but I know it already :) That is why I am asking questions about the module itself. Maybe I was not clear enough when I asked the question, sorry for that.
  3. I just read Michael's comment below the request. May be attribute combinations system will need core change, I don't know. But feature to force customer with custom messages about attributes is not that complicated ...
  4. Is it thirty bees module? And if yes, is it possible to add transparency to the configuration page? And when the cookie of module expires? It would be nice to configure that option also.
  5. There is already not applied request for such feature in the feature request section. @Traumflug's suggestion is the only one I came with also but it has many disadvantages, like more attributes lead to more combinations, leads to page load delay and more server resources. Also not being able to show appropriate message to customer is drawback.
  6. Let's say I have three attributes to chose between, it would be nice to show the customer which attribute to chose in the message as the above example in AE. And what if I'd like to force the customer to chose the quantity?
  7. @dynambee said in Force customer to chose attribute: What happens when a customer doesn't make a choice? We learned to predict customer's behavior! And ask everyone on the phone who we suspect that made mistake, if he saw the drop down attributes ... And hiding add to cart button is not solution because customers don't even bother to read that there are attributes and just add the default combination. And very often we receive complains that products with combinations and attribute don't have stock according customers, because there isn't add to cart button. PS. How the fck I quoted myself :)
  8. Is it possible to force the customer to chose attributes when he hits add to cart button? I just saw such topic in ps forum but without any working solution. I need module or explanation how I could achieve that: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Case-for-iPad-Air-2-ESR-PU-Leather-Smart-Cover-Folio-Case-Stand-with-Auto-Sleep/32646797382.html?spm=a2g01.8286187.3.1.G27r4n&scm=1007.14594.82634.0&pvid=64f94199-2d8c-4c35-8fac-0bef115b7e5a It is just random product from AE and it is not possible to add product to cart without choosing color and where it ships from. It is a must for every store which sales products with attributes! Everyone who sells products with attributes most probably have had returns because mistaken size or color ...
  9. 50euro here is 1gb fiber internet :) mine is 50mb for 6 euro. Sorry for spamming the topic!
  10. I'm on 50mb fiber optic internet and constantly watching movies with Kodi on my tv box in 1080p so I doubt it is the reason :)
  11. I play it on my iPad. Just tried to watch it with safari on YouTube website and I can't find the quality option there. But when played in YouTube app there is option to chose 1080 and plays well. It is interesting why in automatic mode it choses much lower resolution.
  12. Very good and useful tutorial! Thanks! And after watching it, even more I hope that @Traumflug will succeed with his automation of shop cloning :) @wakabayashi do you think it is safe to show all that admin information? I hope it is test shop you plan to remove from the server :) Is the quality of the video so low or it is just me seeing blurry?
  13. MockoB

    PS quality

    Yes, in 1st article is written that between 150-200 ppl are working for ps and only 6 developers. And they are cut in half for 8 months ... it means that just 3 developers are working now for them, that explains everything :) by the end of the year it should be 20 ppl company with 0.75 developers ;) Nice!
  14. MockoB

    PS quality

    I read them, the author takes it too personally :) but he is right with every single point! And I can't believe ps has 200 ppl team and only 6 developers! 6 ppl are earning the money for 200, I wonder if they quit, all 6 of them, what will happen then?
  15. MockoB

    PS quality

    @wakabayashi I don't want to neglect no one's work. I highly appreciate Traumflug's, nemo and all others work also! But without mdekker it wouldn't be thirty bees at all. I hope all of them that are hardly working on thirty bees to be rewarded one day, because they really deserve it! But never get too greedy and forget about us like ps did ;)
  16. MockoB

    PS quality

    If that is the only way for multimillion company to beat mainly one man's efforts, so let it be ...
  17. MockoB

    PS quality

    They should learn what "freedom of expression" is :)
  18. MockoB

    PS quality

    They most probably know already that you are connected with TB and cut out your access :)
  19. MockoB

    PS quality

    Only chosen ppl have the honor to be authorized to download PS and it looks you will not have the pleasure to be one of them ;) Do you think they delete topics mentioning thirty bees, I'm pretty sure I mentioned it couple of times and recently I tried to search TB in the forum without success?
  20. I lost couple of days figure it out how to connect to my home server with other device. Then I finally assigned ip of the server in the router and added that ip in those fields above. It would be nice feature to have for dumbs like me :)
  21. MockoB


    Definitely the blog should be! All other if same as ps default module is ok enough, I think.
  22. I am pretty sure it will work with thirty bees, I tried nulled themes from the same developer on wamp and they work just fine. The modifications I need will be mostly redesign and some functionalities which are missing in thirty bees by default. The issues according google are with render blocking javascript and css, minify javascript and css. I think both are not well supported by thirty bees and ps ... And that template has many javascript and css files. Also what if I use imagemagic, could I optimize images size or google will complain about their size also? The developer told me something about the htaccess file he have to play with for better performance ... I don't know if it has something to do with it? I plan to buy their most expensive plan and pay a lot of money for the modifications I need, so I don't like the idea to spend my money just for the experiment :)
  23. On/Off button is not possible I think, because one server will support one caching option and other will not. For example, from my experience with ps 1.5 I tried memcached caching server and my site was dead slow. Nice to have "off" button just for that. Like with smart cache for javascript "off" actually gives better performance then when it is "on", etc. @Traumflug, knowing assembler deserves respect !
  24. I plan to buy that template: https://www.joommasters.com/store/jms-4life.html with many custom modifications but I am little worried about its performance with google pagespeed insights. As you all know page speed is ranking factor and I don't want to loose the competition before it has even started ... I found the theme installed on many stores and all with pagespeed score lower than 30 on both desktop and mobile. So far the best performance I found is on that site: https://www.owlbarcelona.com/en/ which is again tragic according google - 46/52 mobile/desktop. Do you think that thirty bees could bring significant performance improvement or it is all template issue and there is not many I can do about it? For example my current ps 1.5 store scores about 80 pts with custom theme and that is without any improvement.
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