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Everything posted by MockoB

  1. Sooner or later all merchants in every EU country will have to adopt the regulations. The issue in Germany is not with the law it is with the greedy lawyers and competition. And @Briljander you may be right about the GDPR and the big companies but that's not the situation with the other regulations. I think at least the EU compliance module should work properly, I know there are many attempts for fixing it but I know there are still some issues. As @DRMasterChief earlier today mentioned in other topic, there is some progress on the ps forum and would be nice if @mdekker checks that.
  2. ...we may try to generate an improved title from anchors, on-page text, or other sources. However, sometimes even pages with well-formulated, concise, descriptive titles will end up with different titles in our search results to better indicate their relevance to the query. There’s a simple reason for this: the title tag as specified by a webmaster is limited to being static, fixed regardless of the query... Google may decide whether to use or not your title and description. But it will be nice if someone else with running tb store share his experience also, because it could be a bug. What does the structure data testing tool says about your title and description?
  3. @wakabayashi i think @30knees translated it but I'm not sure, you could ask him.
  4. Done.
  5. How could I send you the translations in Bulgarian @datakick ? Because I'm not able to upload them on the forum.
  6. There are some issues with translating the native thirty bees modules and additions. I think I read somewhere, maybe github that some of those issues will be solved, but I'm not quite sure about it.
  7. It doesn't work on mine, but it is not criteria for quality developed template.
  8. @datakick you are the man :) it works flawlessly now. Thank you!
  9. It would be great @datakick ! What about the bug with the stars mentioned by me and @30knees?
  10. Thanks for your effort!
  11. @wakabayashi any idea about this?
  12. That's bad, in that case the read reviews link is useless.
  13. I just downloaded the latest version and installed it on my test site. I must say it is perfect, I like everything about it. I found an issue but I'm not sure if it is my buggy theme or the module. I am using tab for reviews, when the review tab is open and I click on (read 1 review) it redirects me to the review page, but when the description tab is open I can see the link is changing but the review tab is not opened and I can't read the reviews.
  14. I tried it once but it looks incomplete yet and that's why I continued using the old style one. Thanks for the information @DavidP i will have more detailed look into it.
  15. In - google index/index status you could see how many pages are indexed but which exactly are indexed and their ranking you can't see. If you have sitemap setup on your store and submitted in webmaster tools, then most probably all submitted pages are already indexed. In crawl errors you could find links missing from index. If you find such, you may fetch as google the new link to the product missing and it will do the redirect. After you make all the changes on your site don't forget to regenerate the sitemap and resubmit it in webmaster tools.
  16. @datakick thanks for the update. It works now with the stars color but I must touch multiple times the desired star to change to next criteria. I'm on iOS 10.3.3 if that matters.
  17. It is more like testimonials module not review one.
  18. I just saw it on your screenshot that is the date indeed but look at my screenshot:
  19. Yes they didn't turn yellow yet as @30knees said. But the caching bug looks solved. And please make link - the review counter on the preview of the product. And what about that an/an/nan should it be date the review is added?
  20. I am testing with my tablet and the caching bug looks still there, also when I rate the product when I choose stars they are not colored yellow. I didn't tested it on my pc yet.
  21. Is the demo of the front office updated? Because the bugs are still there.
  22. I think in ps 1.5 if I change the associated product category from the product page it automatically adds 301. But I'm not sure how it is on thirty bees, and I'm not able to check it because I don't have access to pc at the moment.
  23. Since then your site is live? If it's a few months, it will be not such trouble if you change some of your categories path. Better do it now than watching it like that for years, because your positioning in search results will only improve from now on and it could be really late after some time. There is 301 redirect you could use to avoid loosing any ranking but I think @lesley is the man to explain it better.
  24. When I'm looking at the products in the new arrival carousel, something makes me to click the review counter to read all the reviews but it is not a link, just counter. Is it possible the counter to link to the review page? Why me as a guest am able to report abuse? And why the reported reviews are removed from the reviews section? I think it is better to be removed after administrator approval of the reported review. Otherwise every guest could report all the reviews from every product which will screw my google review snippets results.
  25. Wow, the above reported issue from me is already solved! I can confirm above post. On my iPad the stars don't change to yellow also. And is it possible to exclude the email from the fields to fill when leaving a review?
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