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Everything posted by MockoB

  1. May you point one reason why you would want to update to 1.0.5? I would stay on 1.0.3 if I was you, it's the most stable and bug free version of tb so far! You better manually submit any commit if you find useful one and if you could find somewhere changelog with the commits of course.
  2. You should add option to register account once personal information is entered, just need to expand fields for password. Some fields check (I can enter letters in phone number and post code) but I suppose it's on the to do list. Acceptance of privacy policy (optional) and terms and conditions. Merchant to decide which fields to be mandatory, to be able to reorder the fields. That's it for now :)
  3. @datakick I don't know if here is the place to ask, so I'm sorry if it is not. I read somewhere that user has lower speed metrics on his page speed analytics because you use SVG for the stars rating. I remember I experimented once with changing some logo images on my test envoirnment from png to SVG (with backup images) and I remember I had issues with caching those SVGs, when testing the site speed. I don't understand anything about coding, but could it be an issue?
  4. @doclucas i know of course. But the main reason for prestashop's issues recently is the inefficient administration (I think I read it somewhere). Look at their forum, full of spam, never can't find any help, I can't even open it on my iPad (safari) it crashes all the time... I still remember the time when I started with 1.5 it was nothing like that. I don't believe one person should lead such project, I think the community should be the voice to be heard. I hope that some day there will be few more developers to work on the project and they get filthy rich by doing that.
  5. I can't imagine open source project with CEO, I think that both are completely incompatible conceptions. The thing I believe the project needs mostly is a schedule. Simple list, with what will be released in next versions and the developers concentrate doing that. And of course @mdekker :)
  6. You are completely right @doclucas! I hope you will decide to stay on the project and participate with your skills, because developers are what the project needs most! With all my respect to all that participate with code, I think the project is going to die really soon without the main person behind it @mdekker The reason for the recent bugs is mainly because the developers currently committing code are not so familiar with the core and make some unintentional errors. And I think it is time for clear statement from @mdekker if he will continue supporting the project, because many are worried even if they don't say it aloud.
  7. Beautiful, like all your work @datakick I agree with @nickon about the repositioning of the blocks. I like it, but some may decide to follow the regular flow. You should check also that presteamshop's module, there are very good ideas in their module.
  8. Thanks for the clarification @Traumflug Btw thanks for supporting the project!
  9. https://www.ambionics.io/blog/prestashop-privilege-escalation?utmsource=newsletter&utmmedium=email&utmcampaign=prestashop1741isnowavailable16bugfixesandmoredetails&utmterm=2018-07-18
  10. I believe they flood your database and it will become large at some point, which will slow down the database queries.
  11. What's your advice for ppl who are not familiar with coding, should I buy blog module which already has meta titles specified? Edit: never mind I just read your other post in the SEO topic, which clearly answers my question.
  12. It's more likely someone decided Bulgarian is RTL language. I don't know if it's fully fixed, because there were still issues with previous versions and I didn't checked it with the last one.
  13. It isn't related I believe with thirty bees. You should register your store on google business and then ppl will be able to add reviews about your services.
  14. They are thirty bees partner agency and it is stated on their site that the PayPal modules support thirty bees. They will offer you support also for your thirty bees store, concerning their products. So if you previously used their module and you are happy with it, you shouldn't have any issues on thirty bees either.
  15. It's just suggestion, but the first thing I see, is you don't have ssl certificate installed.
  16. When you are in category/products and filter by category. Then every product you attempt to add is automatically associated with the selected category. So basically it does the same thing you need.
  17. German lawyers should be sued for racket. I wonder why they can't find fair way to make living.
  18. Sure @30knees, why not. Just contact me when you decide to buy it.
  19. I tried it on test environment and it is working fine. Unfortunately without any payment methods, so I can't tell if it's fully working, but I saw in their changelog that someone is using it on actual store, because there was some incompatibility fixed concerning thirty bees. Soon I will buy license for my 1.5 shop because I find it perfect for my needs. After that I will work on thirtybees store and could tell more, but so far I find everything about it perfect.
  20. MockoB

    lazy loading

    :) good luck
  21. MockoB

    lazy loading

    There is lazy loading in 1.0.4 already.
  22. @30knees it's about my ps 1.5 shop. I can't say about tb since I don't have store yet. But I must say it should be way better than ps1.5 because the image alt tags, Json module or rich snippets, including review ratings etc ... all things I had to manually add to my ps shop. How the content on the product pages is handled I can't tell yet, but I hope it's better.
  23. You may just copy/paste the folders with Slovenian language from one instance to the other. I know it would be easier to import just one file, but if there isn't other way, it's still an option.
  24. I believe he talks about more up to date design and not about features. Thirty bees has enough features already, I know it misses some important ones, but nothing critical. I just checked Pinterest for Eccomerce design trends and there are some good examples for up to date designs.
  25. I don't understand which exactly are featured on your homepage. I actually expected to see new carousel or additional tab on the existing one, which states featured ... maybe I should add more than 2 products on my test store and check it again.
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