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Everything posted by MockoB

  1. Then ctrl+f5 chrome to clear the browser cache.
  2. Just suggestion - try to remove that code from htaccess file, like @Raithlin said it crashed his site. You maybe missed it earlier because it was cached in your browser.
  3. You are tha man @Kleijn36 ! edit: I wish I could make the topic solved :)
  4. I think they do work seriously and I really hope they are working on something huge because I can't see also any commits on github recently. When there are enough running shops on thirty bees, there will be patreon income also. It's closed circle, if there isn't completely working solution there won't be enough shops and income.
  5. If I get it correct, it is possible to force https on http site if you got valid ssl certificate? Do you use it on your site?
  6. I am creating 3 cart rules. Discount 5% on all orders over 10eur with priority 3 Discount 10% on all orders over 20eur with priority 2 Discount 15% on all orders over 100eur with priority 1 So basically when a customer reaches 10 euro total receives 5% discount, when the total value reaches 20 euro receives 10% and over 100 euro 15%. It works as it is supposed but the discount isn't calculated as it should. Example: if a product costs 7 euro and the customer has 2 pieces in the cart the discount applied is 5% which is correct. But when the customer add 3 products x 7 euro the overall value becomes 21 euro and still only 5% discount is applied because the order total is 19.95 euro (21-5%=19.95 euro). The algorithm should look for the total products value when calculates the discount not the total order value. When another product is added than the correct discount is applied because the total order value becomes over 20 euro which is set in the cart rules. I am testing on thirty bees 1.0.3 It would be nice if the bug is solved in the next version.
  7. When they are marked, they are deactivated from listing in google. Maybe just leave unmarked the blog modules, index and stores. I think when you leave unmarked the blog modules then your blog content should be crawled and indexed easily.
  8. I think all payment modules should be marked. I don't believe you need them indexed by google.
  9. No, I don't because it is regional site. But tomorrow I will contact my hosting support and will ask them if it is possible. Thanks for the information @mdekker.
  10. I tried to force ssl on all pages once but I remember it was followed with some issues and I disabled it. Now I have it only on checkout page like you. I don't remember what the issues were but at that moment it was not an option solving them on live site... Did you tried to force ssl on all pages?
  11. Community theme - some like it, I don't. But if you aim performance it would be the best one to choose. I doubt mdekker has personal interest in that theme, he most probably helped someone with it. I would stay away from so popular template, if you want identity I don't think transformer is your theme. I read many times the author is devoted and supportive, but the thirty bees template is missing some of the main features, which I don't find very promising ... Same for panda theme, except I'm not sure if the thirty bees version has all features. Why you need to upgrade the 1.5 shop? I decided to keep mine on 1.5 because it is working properly and I personally find it faster even than thirty bees. Yes, it has some bugs but it's not something I can't live with. One thing I understood in my life is: if something works, don't try to repair it. All my new projects will be on thirty bees. I struggled very long with premade templates and finally found someone to make me a custom theme based on the community one. That way I will keep the best possible performance and go away from that basic look. I am also waiting 1.0.4 like you. And I tried many 1.6.1.x themes on thirty bees and so far all work as expected. So if you go for premade one, I don't think you have to limit your choices to the ones you mentioned above.
  12. There is an option to allow ordering out of stock products in the back office. Is it possible that you allowed it?
  13. Customer B shouldn't be able to check out for sure.
  14. Hi, I am currently running ps 1.5 store also and I am using retina images with a module. I don't think it could be bought at the moment because the author doesn't support it and the site is not accessible anymore. I may send you the module if you need it, since there is no other way to find it. In thirty bees (and ps) it depends on the theme you use if it will support retina images or not. Recently I know @mdekker implemented support in the community theme but I can't confirm if it's working. There is an option in the back office for generating images for devices with high density pixel screens, so when you upload an image it automatically generates x2 version. If you enable the option on later state you should regenerate all your images. I'm not quite sure, but I think you don't have to upload twice larger images to have them 2x, it's not the way it works I believe. But it could be an improvement for the zoomed product images if you upload higher resolution images.
  15. MockoB

    1.0.4 soon?

    @lesley you may check how they handle the cookies here, it may be of use: https://www.optanon.com/cookie-consent-manager/ Just click on cookie settings in the banner.
  16. Yes that's fine also, as customer receives notification that he reached "super ninja" level and from now on he falls under "ninja" customer group with permanent discount of 10% for example. And that happens automatically with your module :)
  17. @wakabayashi is it possible to add functionality once the customer spends X amount on your store to receive award?
  18. But the error will be still there, just will be hidden?
  19. Try to install the json module and check again.
  20. MockoB

    1.0.4 soon?

    Great article by the way! I hope you will succeed with the initiative.
  21. MockoB

    1.0.4 soon?

    Great! Thanks for the info.
  22. MockoB

    1.0.4 soon?

    Is there any chance for 1.0.4 to be released soon? I'm asking because I contacted developer for custom theme and I would like it to be on 1.0.4 as a foundation because the new features as webp, lazy load, etc. Unfortunately I can't see any commits more than 2 weeks ...
  23. @Generaal I think the module is already in the modules section. And als I believe that the default theme has the snippets installed. Why don't you check it with google rich snippets testing tool?
  24. They should be able to access it in their account settings if they are registered and then export it old school way, on a paper ... But it is impossible for non registered users and will never be, if they don't ask the shop owner or the administrator of personal data.
  25. Look at what that module does: https://addons.prestashop.com/en/legal/28991-gdpr-suite.html 2 simple things which could be placed in a CMS page which is in the footer, called GDPR.
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