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Everything posted by MockoB
If it is just for older browsers, I believe it is not the case. I don't think that some of the apple devices use such.
I just found that http://retinaimag.es, the only issue is that tb images dont have @ prefix, but little tweak in that php file should do the job probably. I'm currently using retina module on my prestashop 1.5 store which does exactly the same and it is doing it quite well. And it should work with all images I believe. I have to try it someday... Edit: of course it will do it just for the @2x images since tb doesn't create @3x and @4x
And what about to fix it in the core so nobody has to change the template files and possibly screw something ... never mind. Do you have any idea about the x3 and x4 images?
@ssimard it is not quite clear for non programmers like me how to make the implementation and in which files to do it ... please open GitHub issue and hope it will be fixed in the core ...
You understand it quite well @hubbobubbo, It just doesn't work on apple devices, I can't confirm if it works on android ones, because I don't have such...
If you want to translate installed modules go to: localization/translations/; then from: type of translation: installed module translations; choose your theme and desired language below. There you could edit module translations.
Sorry, I can't help you further. But I'm sure there will be someone else who will!
Hi, 1 - I can't help you, maybe @yaniv14 could help you more. You always have an option to translate it in the tpl file, but I don't think it is the right way doing it. 2 - from localization you could set the default language 3 - if you mean categories with main sections. When you EDIT every category or product name, there is a language drop down box beside each field. There you could change it for every language you use. If you set just one language, once you create new category or product it will be in you preferred language, but all those created before, should be translated.
@hfxracing it's just an example. It's actually if you got a product with different sizes, let's say 2, 4, 6 and 8mm diameter. It usually happens that customer doesn't notice it and just buys the default combination. So it is made to warn you, to choose attribute before adding product to the cart.
Sure I'll end it, I already said what want. And I must say that it's not me who started it but I will be the one who ends it.
That doesn't make him better person @wakabayashi and still I think that all those ppl, he made leave the project and the community could bring much more value than him. And since it is "was" committing and not "is" committing, that makes him the person who only works against the interests of tb.
I'm not telling that it is the correct way doing it but the developer I spoke with, told that it should be template implementation and that could not be a module. If I ever get to that, I will share the solution with the community (if the developer agrees of course) because the template I plan, will be just remake of the native one, and I hope the implementation will work on it also.
@Traumflug that gift is on the ps forums long time ago, even me, without any programming knowledge came up with the same solution. And if that's what bothers you and you think that I could help with it, I will share it. But other thing I find more important here and it is concerning you! You know my opinion about you, but let me say it again. I think you are here not to help the community but just to ruin it. Many valuable members left it because of you! It's not said and thought just by me. Personally I believe that the value you bring to the project is much less than the one those ppl could did ... and you are continuing and you just don't quick. Every your sentence here is to insult some one. You suffer from serious lack of communication skills and should work about it. And if I care about @wakabayashi or any one else here, your opinion doesn't mean nothing to me, so better stop bothering me with your non needed conclusions. Just hide again where you were last months and find something else to do than nag with ppl. And that I would tell if I wanted to insult someone!
Wow. @SLiCK_303 i don't want to belittle no one's efforts here. Every one here is important because we are small community, and I NEVER said anything to hurt his feelings. And why you think I drive him out, I always treated him with respect and whenever he deserves I pointed that. The only thing I said (and it is not against him personally) that this trick about the attributes is a hack. Isn't it? Try to add item to the cart from the products listing ... what if I ever need that warning message he changed ... it's not elegant solution and I just shared my opinion about it. I don't want to engage anyone with it, it just doesn't do the job for me. I always had and still have great respect for @wakabayashi and his work and I never wanted to offend him. If I said something wrong I'M SORRY! And with saying good luck, I really meant that! Don't blame me for that either please.
Good luck!
@wakabayashi i don't know why you mentioned that topic, and it is still a hack. I already contacted developer to make me custom solution about this, that's if I ever run tb shop. And it will be paid service if that's your or any other's concern.
I don't get it why some of the users here think that @zimmer-media has to pay for solving native bugs. There are paid ecommerce solutions and even they don't demand that. The bug is reported many times and not just from one person but at least two, and it must be said that both of them have coding skills, so what if something happens with the majority of the users? So let's get it little more personal. I always buy my modules, and I have to tell that before I buy them, I download them from warez sites to test their functionality. @yaniv14 I contacted you about developing custom theme but you had a lot of work and I found another developers to do that. I will use @datakick's custom services if I ever have running tb shop, to develop a functionality for me. Even more I donated $50 for the elastic search project without ever planning to use that module, and my mother's retirement pension is about $100 monthly. Actually I gave less for charity last year! So please don't blame me or any other here we don't want to pay for development services. That's just not right to pay for native bug and you must understand it! I know you count on our money to make a living but that's not the way to get it! @Mediacom87 as you compared me to one of the many, from the ps community and couple of times mentioned you are here to support tb. I made the effort to read all your 20 some comments on the forum. In more than half of them you are promoting your products, and in the other half you are criticizing and telling people how to run their businesses. I may point you for example other developer on this forum @datakick, if you are 10% supportive as he on the forum, the community will be grateful. Then your opinion will have more weight here, until then I will just ignore it. I am finishing with this topic once again :)
@yaniv14 i was mislead that tb will be different than ps, but it is starting to look like ps support already. I was mislead that 1.0.4 had to be release more than a month ago and I may continue but as I told already, it's not about just me. @vincentdenkspel I'm talking just for the forum presence, but if you are asking there aren't also any commits on github more than a month I don't know if there is something behind the curtains but it has to be huge ... time will tell if I'm right or wrong. P.S I don't want to advocate for anybody. I will stop writing in this topic, bacause I already told what I think. I just really hope the project will have future and @zimmer-media will be part of it. Me also :) Good luck to all and sorry if I hurt someone's feelings, it was not intentionally.
Don't get me wrong, I don't think for a minute that they will have to spend all their time with the project and the community. I got huge respect to everyone who contributed here! But it's just not right, it's not fair to mislead so many ppl.
No @yaniv14 I don't prefer him spending 5 hours answering my questions, but doesn't spend 5 secs for whole month doesn't look right to me and as can see for 80% of the community. And @zimmer-media is one of the ppl here who contributed a lot to the project without even asking a cent! It's not about me at all, I don't even have running th store yet. And believe me it is better to pay once for module and rely on support for every potential bug you will find, than pay for every fix you need. But what I understand, I'm not developer, just end user, who actually pay the money...
You are missing one thing, he is reporting bugs since months. And those are native module issues, it's like people will have to pay for solving all prestashop issues. Do you think that every person who experience same issue will have to pay for fixing it? I know you contribute code from time to time and you are closer to the project, please sheare your opinion about its' future. Do you think it's fine to just leave it without any support or assistance for so long?
Sure @FooLab i take a note. Thanks for the information @vincentdenkspel ! I will not flood the topic anymore with questions.
I just had a quick look at that mollie payments gateway. I saw there are frequent commits on github etc. and it looks very nice. What is your impression with it, what are the commissions compared with others, are there any issues or anything hidden we should know?
Just ask @zimmer-media why it is not an alternative or read his recent topic ... I would recommend tb to everyone if the situation changes.
The problem here are not the bugs, all of us know there are and will be bugs with the software. The main issue is with the support, there are ppl who report crusal bugs, which are ruin their business and there is no one to help them.