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Posts posted by toplakd

  1. As far es I tested it (latest 1.1.x) everything works, except some warnings about curly braces and stuff here and there.

    + some non tb modules (PS Paypal) throw out some other php warnings as module is not 100% 7.4 ready.

    Yes, I'm still using PS Paypal, as I don't like that TB Paypal calls outer scripts/sites on every single page 😒

    Other than that, it just works. Orders get accepted, payments are going through etc...

    But decided to stay on 7.3 for a while.



  2. Do you have prices with and without taxes depending on country?

    If you are using tax incl/tax excl for different countries than prices for non logged are shown from default country setting.

    Using geolocation module helps showing right prices (tax incl/excl) for non logged customers independent from default country setting.

  3. 16 minutes ago, the.rampage.rado said:

    Different primary key in table ps_page_cache

    Had same thing, I know I modified it manually in database, but forgot what exactly I modified 😞


    I think I compared the page_cache table to virgin TB install and modified it manually.

  4. Something similar that I had.

    I think I had about 38 pages πŸ™‚ clicked them twice. Once on backup shop, than tested for 2 days, than applied everything on live shop πŸ™‚

    But my database started as PS 1.3.8 back in January 2011

  5. Will quote myself:

    On 4/3/2020 at 7:08 PM, toplakd said:

    Removing Line 1325 in AdminTranslationsController.php solves this issue with emptying other fieldsets that start with same name like address...

    $_POST['theme'] orΒ  $_POST['lang'] orΒ  $_POST['type']

    Only thing is, that one can not save empty string if that line is removed.

    Reading helps. If not working on first try, then I suggest to read the quote again. So many times until it works πŸ˜€


  6. 3 hours ago, Messenger Bee said:

    Hi all, we have some news on the future of Thirty Bees!Β 

    We who?

    Account with single post and fishy name does not bring much reassurance or credibility.

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