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Everything posted by zen

  1. Hello, In the back office go to : Localization >> Countries and click on right side button : "edit" for the country you want, here it's United States from there you have Address format ... Then Here you go ! 🙂 firstname lastname company address1 address2 city, State:name postcode Country:name phone phone_mobile change the line you want and order it as you like.
  2. IF I understand you good, you have problem on CSV products import but for updating products categorie default only ? here is the piece of code that I think is doing the thing from AdminImportController.php file : // Will update default category if there is none set here. Home if no category at all. if (!isset($product->id_category_default) || !$product->id_category_default) { // this if will avoid ereasing default category if category column is not present in the CSV file (or ignored) if (isset($product->id_category[0])) { $product->id_category_default = (int) $product->id_category[0]; } else { $defaultProductShop = new Shop($product->id_shop_default); $product->id_category_default = Category::getRootCategory(null, Validate::isLoadedObject($defaultProductShop) ? $defaultProductShop : null)->id; } } That means If the product has already a default category assigned, the new import csv will not erase it and keep it, while adding news categories to the product settings. PS: Note that ID cat '1' is Root and Home is '2', so if you want products assign to home use ID 2 instead of 1.
  3. whaoo.. ok, maybe it's the wrong archive.. I'll update that asap sorry for the inconvenience 😞 Misson done.. file is up to date and correct now on the first post.
  4. Hello, here is the beta version of a new module for homepage, based on default TB home page slider, so you'll find the place to upload images and configuration in the BO like the other one but this one use Jquery VEGAS SlideSHOW https://vegas.jaysalvat.com/ This is first version, it needs improvement to add more options and being able to choose the place where to show it, it can be real background slides or just a FULL screen, or full minus header, etc.. Please give comments if you have some . vegasslider.zip
  5. You were on the right track of course.. There is an immense job to be done to update all the Jquery librairies and plugins.... some files are more than 12 years old ^^ 😞
  6. just to do it fast, you can change the old content of "/js/jquery/plugins/jqzoom/jquery.jqzoom.js" by this one here : https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jackmoore/zoom/master/jquery.zoom.min.js infos here : https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jackmoore/zoom/ no need of the css file anymore in the jqzoom directory.. it works instantly 🙂 Later I'll try to dig into that on github and fix that properly.
  7. zen


    You can use this free module for that purpose if you want : https://shop.quadra-informatique.fr/en/free-cms-modules/20-caracteristiques-multiples.html here is the github link : https://github.com/quadra-informatique/MultiFeature-Prestashop 🙂
  8. Of course there is always bugs to fix but the version 1.1.0 is stable enough to be used in production, already I launched new shops with this version and some got updated. It does the job well, even in multishop configuration.
  9. So, now MichaelEZ, is everything ok now ?
  10. no problem, I was glad to help 🙂
  11. In order to be move your logo position, you'll need to understand the bootstrap structure at first and modify the smarty themes files .tpl. header.tpl is the place where your logo is loaded.. but what do you want to do exactly ? For the block languages & block top menu, you can try to modify the position of the hooks for theses modules, if that does not work as you wish you'll need to modify tpl files and css files maybe as well, that needs understanding of the whole process to not break responsiveness of the theme
  12. I use the common service one... support is bad but It works, never tried any other module yet.. I'd love to have an alternative for amazon and other marketplaces.
  13. Hello, I can have a look about this.. please give me credentials in private to do it.
  14. This is a known issue, have a look here : https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/issues/1007
  15. Hello, you can add something like this in your product.tpl file in theme folder : {if $product_manufacturer->id} <img src="{$img_manu_dir}{$product_manufacturer->id}-medium_default.jpg" class="logo_manufacturer img-responsive" title="{$product_manufacturer->name}" alt="{$product_manufacturer->name}" /> {/if}
  16. This should fix this problem : https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/pull/1010
  17. It seems you have a problem with your theme when smarty compile it. Try to empty the cache on performance page on back office first, otherwise you can also get support from panda theme developper on his page and get the latest version modified for TB, that might fix your problem.. but normaly panda works on all TB versions, even previous panda theme versions. You can also try to disable all panda modules one by one.. until front office work again, before that you can disable all non native modules and see if it changes anything.
  18. Great News !! Thanks to all, really nice job 🙂 I'm going to try niara theme as soon as possible !
  19. zen

    Best import module

    SC means Store commander
  20. zen

    Best import module

    @Pedalman Store Manager supports TB, try it and you'll forget about SC totaly.
  21. zen

    Best import module

    don't you have Bootcamp for windows too ?
  22. zen

    Best import module

    You can test it for free, and then make your own opinion. I think it's the best way to know by yourself.
  23. Yes.. that is something I didn't check on the module.. so you mean it will be a good idea to erase all directories and index.php inside that does not contain any images files or sub-directory ? Let me think about this yes...I'll try to find a way for that. I'll allso test the php cache file.. or the cache mysql request maybe good option too, have to test if it improve the speed. But before I'll finish the commit on github properly because trying to do too fast I thought one function only is better.. it is not : better to do in like in the module in 2 steps : - clean directories and unattended files - clean database from images product that cannot be found on server... each task with 3 sec max exec time with restart when stoped... if first clean is over, the script will lunch the second one..and that only one time per day, does it sounds logic ? I Hope to finish it soon.
  24. zen

    Bulk Price

    Hello, I do have many scripts home-made to synch datas of presta 1.6 and thirtybees for prices, stocks, availablity..etc The principle is simple : someone put a file each day, sometimes each hour, on a ftp directory on the same server (easyier) or another server And that file is treated by the script wich changes datas in the mysql database, and that is started by crontask or pointing to the file in a webbrowser for debug purpose. If you want i can give you basic structure about it.. but you need to understand what to change to make it works on your side. I wish I have time to build a dedicated module for that, it could be usefull for many of us.
  25. I add it on github on the ShopMaintenance class .. not yet.. missed betwen the two scripts.. have to do better
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