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Everything posted by zen

  1. please have a look here to this commit : https://github.com/thirtybees/niara/commit/bfe7676bed66bca05bccddffd28c0d0aaa5799b9 it might fix your problem. ref here:
  2. I tested it with few installs so far and I got to the point that is was not about version installed of TB or the module but in fact it's du to URL index not correct I guess. Please try to click on the Back Office Module configuration the following button : "build URL index" and "build attribute index" Clear smarty cache and try again, it should work good on your install.
  3. Nice catch, that was not the behaviour before.. we could use link with the filters within... have to look into that
  4. yes it still depends on modules -> positions and that may be a good option to add to the module.
  5. Here it is, and you're the welcome with your pull requests ! 😛 https://github.com/Zengraph/thememaster maybe it's not correctly done on github.. not related to TB... give instructions if you know what I missed.
  6. Thank you for this report: so I added private $_html = ''; Right, I better use another hook like Banner Yes.. That is a crucial point.. in fact I would like to have at term only one module to control all aspects of the theme.. instead of multiple modules. For this particular module there is no SHOW button [YES / NO] in native module, only number of column to show in footer, I'll have to test it and use the same var I guess, If it is what you thought about ? I updated the module archive in First post with the corrections (except last point).
  7. I didn't expect to put it on github so early.. but why not 🙂 And yes it is opensource, for the community !
  8. Hello, here is a module under devellopment that target the Niara theme for custom settings. Please test it, report bugs or any ideas to improve it, together we can make a great tool for everybody that can manage from BO major changes in theme settings. For Now it does include : 4 Tabs : General - Header - Footer - Colors General Home page content Container full width mode Sticky Menu on Scroll Google Font Selector Header Header text in top of page Header text font weight (light, normal, bold, bolder) Header text alignment in top of page (left align, centered, right align) Footer Show blocknewsletter footer block : Yes / No Show blockcategories footer block : Yes / No Show blockcms footer block : Yes / No Show myaccount footer block : Yes / No Copyright footer text: textarea Colors Theme settings - Colors - General Body background color Theme settings - Colors - Header Top page Slogan text color Top page Slogan background color Header Navbar background color Header background color Theme settings - Colors - Content Main page content background color Theme settings - Colors - Footer Footer background color Footer text color Footer title color Footer links color Footer links hover color Remember that is only a beta version.. it does not include sass files and rebuild function, it just add more CSS on top of the one used in theme, mostly without "!important" needed. GitHub repo here : https://github.com/Zengraph/thememaster/ thememaster.zip
  9. I found it.. I am opening new thread right now for this module.
  10. Yes.. you are right, I'll start a thread for this module and work on it with the help of people who like to test or have New ideas.
  11. This was not about combinations in fact it was the images Types/ sizes settings that needed a fix... each image sizes were assigned to all types : products, categories, etc.. I put it in order and regenerate pic for categories.
  12. Thank you for your trust, I'll dive into that asap and come back to you.
  13. That's right and the best way to fix it properly !! I never tried Presta without .htaccess, but if you setup "home" as a an image type (after blog module modified) it will work I guess.
  14. PHP FPM is usefull to run different version of php for different websites on a server, for example one with php5.5 and another one with php7.2 with apache or nginx running.
  15. zen

    Blog Not working

    Blog works good usually in TB ... Mark I'll be glad to help 🙂
  16. It seems that you didn't set the proper product combination correctly maybe, and assign to it the image by default. I can check that if you want, plz give login in private.
  17. c'est vraiment pas normal ton souci.. je peux jeter un oeil dessus si tu me files tes accès, je ne te promet rien mais en cherchant bien on devrait trouver la faille. Merci de m'indiquer ton type d'hébergement aussi.
  18. I Just update the archive file on my previous post here Now it handles this too : - custom text in top of pages + text align (left, center, right) + Font-Weight (light, normal, bold, bolder) - custom text in home page (if needed you can change the position in bo > modules > position ) 🙂 In order to be able to have radio buttons without much change, I needed to modify one file in admin theme : admin_directory/themes/default/template/helpers/options/options.tpl change line 166 {$v} to {$v['label']} like below 159: {elseif $field['type'] == 'radio'} 160: <div class="col-lg-9"> 161: {foreach $field['choices'] AS $k => $v} 162: <p class="radio"> 163: {strip} 164: <label for="{$key}_{$k}"> 165: <input type="radio" name="{$key}" id="{$key}_{$k}" value="{$k}"{if $k == $field['value']} checked="checked"{/if}{if isset($field['js'][$k])} {$field['js'][$k]}{/if}/> 166: {$v['label']} 167: </label> 168: {/strip} 169: </p> 170: {/foreach} 171: </div>
  19. yes @musicmaster it also a way to fix it by adding "home_default" as a an image type, but you'll have 2 images with the same dimensions on the server.
  20. Yes home page content is not activated yet, i'll update it soon. What would you like to modify next for the theme with this module ?
  21. Thanks, there so much to do with this..it Can be a long journey to release a production version that Can manage all themes aspects in one module only but i wnt to believe that we will make it happen
  22. Here is a quick correction, but it will need to be modify in the source files too and updated on github with a proper fix.. but here you go for Niara : Find the /modules/beesblogrelatedproducts/beesblogrelatedproducts.php around line 164 modify the image name "home_default" to "Niara_home" 161: if ($products) { 162: foreach ($products as &$product) { 163: $product['link'] = $this->context->link->getProductLink($product['id_product']); 164: $product['image'] = $this->context->link->getImageLink($product['id_product'], $product['id_image'], 'Niara_home'); 165: } 166: } 167: Cache::store($key, $products); That will work, but like I said it should be fully modified for Niara or any theme name.. it's under consideration, be patient 🙂 Thank you for the report by the way !
  23. Remember that is only a beta version.. it does not include sass files and rebuild function, it just add more CSS on top of the one used in theme, mostly without "!important" needed.
  24. I am actually working on a beta version of the ultimate theme manager, there is still a lot to be done but what you ask for is already available : changing colors in footer section works for Niara theme 😛 Please install it and try it and give me feedback in order to improve the ThemeMaster module I am working on for the community thememaster.zip
  25. hmmm...what do you mean by that ? Can you do a Screenshot ? If it is about the total showing before product list, it's normal. To change that it will require some more JS code or to modify shopping-cart.tpl file, because <tbody> is actually after <tfoot> .
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