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Everything posted by AndyC

  1. You can do what I am doing lol . I'm starting from scratch from a Zencart site though.. Have over a thousand products to input with the help of csv. I did think about converting but then I am still stuck with GDPR issues as zencart didn't have this unless you paid a fortune. Just thought a clean start would be best
  2. Thank you , some information to take note of going forward
  3. If I am not sure I change the name of the folder first then see if something is wrong if not then I delete , or install and un install again to make sure.. But I could be wrong in doing this
  4. Can you not just ftp to modules and delete the ones you don't need, as long as they are uninstalled in admin
  5. OK will have to wait and see what happens when I go live one day. As if that is the case I am happy to leave it till then ... I thought I was on a sub domain .Another database and a / after the .co.uk
  6. Back to dirty urls for now as tomorrow is another day
  7. Nope , it seems as soon as I turn on friendly URL's my problems start again Turn off again all is OK
  8. It took a while but eventually got the camera image back on mobile .. PC just did something different Left column disappeared and no images
  9. @colorful-ant Hi that' what it was set to before and was causing issues.. Just taking Lesley's advise and testing for about 5 minutes to see what happens
  10. Hi Are you talking about this 1.. As I have already disabled it and it seems to be working ,but now have dirty URL's
  11. lol ..That didn't work using yours as a template ... It must be because it's on a sub domain
  12. The most important is the RewriteEngine on is different + I see the Dispatcher is different to , although have no idea what that does
  13. Here's mine in full ..There seems to be a few differences
  14. I don't know lol .. All I do is generate a new .hta under SEO & URLs tab.. there is so much in there I'm not 100% sure what does what. Although I did notice it was slightly different to my other TB website with the default template which I have already looked at I just put it down to be a different website on a sub domain .. It's a massive page so just adding the important bit <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> <IfModule mod_env.c> SetEnv HTTP_MOD_REWRITE On </IfModule> RewriteEngine on #Domain: www.mywebsite address.co.uk RewriteRule . - [E=REWRITEBASE:/PwTb/] RewriteRule ^api$ api/ [L] RewriteRule ^api/(.*)$ %{ENV:REWRITEBASE}webservice/dispatcher.php?url=$1 [QSA,L]
  15. Hi ..Yes it seems to be that .. I've managed to do about 20 of each on mobile and PC and pages are corresponding now.. Just relieved at finding the issue as was thinking about starting from scratch. Now that we have found it what would be the next course of action and thank you
  16. Are there any ideas as to what could be the issue please .. It does seem to be from TB as I set the default theme cleared cache and forced reload and cleared browser history and the problem was still there ..Although the "impossible to add to cart " seems to have gone for now Can PM website if needed
  17. I've disabled most add ons and even returned it to default template and these issues are still there .. As far as I can think I haven't changed any core files ,only template file in panda.. There has been 1 thing bugging me though which it may be. I can't go above PHP Version 5.6 ........ Would that cause a issue ??? . If I do I break my Live zencart website lol
  18. thanks ..I'll put an original product.tpl. and see what happens I have logged a call with Panda forum .. I just hope it isn't a major restore or something as have done a lot of product importing and setting up
  19. Hi disabled and it's still happening ..It's like a caching problem ( if that is right ) as it has the correct URL just the wrong product shows or the black screen with a camera ...As soon as you refresh the page it all comes right .. I thought I had fixed it as I did a restore by a few days , but I see it's still happening ..I'll PM you the URL ,hopefully you can see it happening.. The only place I have made changes is to the product.tpl .. I moved the short description down and I added this bit of code as I need to show a bar-code. so don't know if that could cause a issue : Barcode : {if $product->ean13} {$product->ean13} {/if} I moved the short description. </p> {/if} </div> {/if} </div> <!-- end box-cart-bottom --> </div> {if $product->description_short || $packItems|@count > 0} <div id="short_description_block"> {if $product->description_short} <div id="short_description_content" class="rte align_justify" {if $enable_google_rich_snippets}itemprop="description"{/if}>{$product->description_short}</div> {/if} {if $product->description} <p class="buttons_bottom_block"> <a href="javascript:{ldelim}{rdelim}" class="button"> {l s='More details'} </a> </p> {/if} <!--{if $packItems|@count > 0} <div class="short_description_pack"> <h3>{l s='Pack content'}</h3> {foreach from=$packItems item=packItem} <div class="pack_content"> {$packItem.pack_quantity} x <a href="{$link->getProductLink($packItem.id_product, $packItem.link_rewrite, $packItem.category)|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}">{$packItem.name|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}</a> <p>{$packItem.description_short}</p> </div> {/foreach} </div> {/if}--> </div> <!-- end short_description_block --> {/if} </div> <!-- end box-info-product --> </form> {/if} {if isset($HOOK_PRODUCT_ACTIONS) && $HOOK_PRODUCT_ACTIONS|trim} <div id="product_actions_wrap" class="clearfix">
  20. Hi I am using the latest version of TB 1.0.8 with Panda template.. I am not sure if it is a Tb or Panda issue ,but have listed on both sites I seem to have a rather major issue where there seems to be a error in following button presses for example .. Seems to happen more on a mobile phone.. The first time it happened I did a restore back to when I knew it was working. 1I try and click on a product I end up with a blank screen and a camera picture, if I press enter or refresh it loads correctly 2.If I do go back (ie backspace) I get a message saying impossible to add to cart 3\. When scrolling though products I start off on 1 and when I press next it takes me to a completely different category I’ve shown them in a video .. I used the free VLC to watch video I have also cleared cache and force compilation under performance in case it was seeing wrong pages Hoping you can help Andy (After thought) Although have just had a thought it could be a module doing this ,will try disabling them and update Finally found a upload link https://gofile.io/?c=hDsVZm
  21. While browsing my website I am just wondering why this is happening.. I have the page set to show 18 products and this particular 1 only has 17 products .BUT goes over onto a 2nd page.My site is still in development so wondering if this is normal or something I can fix.As it clearly can have all 18 products on 1 page as there are 2 spaces left
  22. I did buy it and once is working is really good But it is really buggy for Thirty Bees and you do need some help to get it working.It seems people have different issues,mine is I cannot get it to stay on and then I end up with a narrow version all the way down (when I say narrow I mean narrow as in 2 cm's wide) I would try their free version first to see how it runs
  23. edited for wrong reply ..oops
  24. I did check those but had things opening up onto a no image page , items going to other products... I just accepted my losses and did a restore back to before I loaded that module ..All seems OK now , but time will tell
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