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Everything posted by haylau

  1. Both installations run about the same speed for me. May be that the cache just needs to catch up
  2. Try disabling this module”
  3. We have solved the problem, shown here in case it helps anyone else: “Available to order” needs to be ticked
  4. We use to have this issue, but it seemed to go away. Never found out the reason. I did create a bug report but it never got anywhere https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/issues/1120
  5. Could you DM some back office log in details I could have a look around see if I can spot any differences between our installations?
  6. Have all groups got this enabled? - Also is the site live can you give the URL?
  7. Check Modules & Payments > Payment and ensure the PayPal module is ticked for all groups / currencies/ carrier restrictions and countries as appropriate
  8. Check Preferences > Products and ensure catalog mode is off
  9. Look for ‘Theme Configurator’ in modules
  10. That is likely, and also means using the same domain name / IP address with a different cart software will probably not help. I agree with datakick, use offsite payment systems. We used stripe and paypal and never had this issue once in 10 year. Also, PCI compliance is a nightmare
  11. Talk to @Smile and @datakick
  12. Installing modules direct from github can be tricky because of folder structures. I did it manually. So downloaded the zip file then extracted locally on my computer. Then I went to cpanel (or you could use ftp client) and went to the modules folder. There I created a folder called only18plus and upload the files from the zip I had downloaded So that these files are directly inside the modules/only18plus folder Alternatively once you have downloaded the zip file locally, and extracted , navigate the extracted folder system until you see the files shown above. Move back up one folder and rename it to be only18plus). Then ZIP that folder and you should then be able to install using the new zip If you still struggle let me know and I will do a few screen shots or a video to show you
  13. I have found a free age verification module. Very simple and works fine. You can check it out and test it here: https://blog.haylau-4-thirtybees.co.uk/free-age-verification-module/
  14. Seems to work OK - you can test it here: https://blog.haylau-4-thirtybees.co.uk/free-age-verification-module/
  15. Or this one https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/952775-only18plus/ I’ll test it later on our test server
  16. You can use translations (Localization > translations > Front Office Translations > Choose your theme name, then search on page for “data Sheet” and change it to whatever you want (Product Features in your case)
  17. haylau

    Creating Forms

    We used this: https://addons.prestashop.com/en/contact-forms-surveys/44785-contact-form-ultimate.html
  18. Without coding, i think it will depend on which theme you are using Some themes allow you to position things differently, or are just different. You can hide certain modules on mobiles though which may help.?
  19. I have tested another free theme that seems to work - from WaterThemes. Quite basic in appearance but with some extra modules. Anyway, you can check it out and play with it yourselves here: https://blog.haylau-4-thirtybees.co.uk/best-prestashop-free-theme-by-waterthemes/
  20. Hey, welcome aboard! Look for this module, you can configure it there
  21. Great news - I have been working with the developer of one of the modules that did not work (Presta Products for WordPress By Guillaume BOUAUD_ - and now it does and it is good - and regularly updated. I have also installed a demo Wordpress site so you can see and play with the modules that work!
  22. Look at Positions in the main menu, then transplant a module at the top right hand side, from there you choose your module and a position for it to be hooked to The ‘Transplant’ to list changes depending on what is coded into the module
  23. It would be awesome if Thirtybees could purchase a licence for this software so it becomes core. But I guess that should be another thread
  24. Great news, I managed to grab a test version of Creative Elements – Elementor based PageBuilder v1.4.10.3 – by WebshopWorks It works on Thirtybees (thanks to @zen for the heads up) You can find a very quick review on my blog. But also I am leaving the demo open for anyone to test. https://blog.haylau-4-thirtybees.co.uk/creative-elements-elementor-based-pagebuilder-v1-4-10-3-by-webshopworks/
  25. PayPal plus is Germany and Latin American countries only: https://www.paypal.com/us/smarthelp/article/what-is-paypal-plus-and-where-can-i-find-support-for-it-faq3695
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