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Everything posted by haylau

  1. I think it is about hooks. Depending on how the specific module was coded will define where it can be hooked.
  2. I have reviewed WordPress plugins that show ThirtyBees products on a WordPress site. Slim pickings I am afraid, but a couple work with a small easy tweak https://blog.haylau-4-thirtybees.co.uk/wordpress-plugins-for-thirtybees/
  3. Nearly finished this review. Hopefully release the post about it today / tomorrow
  4. haylau


    That was my conclusion also.
  5. haylau


    I' ll send you a PM with details. I did look at Pagebuilder but in requirements it says 1.7 only. I'll ask them for clarification
  6. If you right click on your page and choose View Page Source it shows these lines <script src="https://oss.maxcdn.com/libs/html5shiv/3.7.0/html5shiv.js"></script> <script src="https://oss.maxcdn.com/libs/respond.js/1.3.0/respond.min.js"></script> But on reflection they may be another module or theme grabbing something, and they also I think are commented out, so you can ignore that
  7. Thanks, that gives me something to work with
  8. I am testing the Wordpress / Prestashop integration modules to display prestashop products on Wordpress for my blog. All the modules use the API system, and the ones I have tested so far all have a common issue - getting the product image, they want some variation of image type "home_default" Which with Niara and probably other modules no longer exists. If I manually edit that code in the browser console panel to a Niara image type it works Three posible solutions: 1) asimple workaround is of course to create that image type in TB 2) A bug in Webservice? I did wonder, as they all have the same issue if this is something to do with changes to the ThirtyBees webservice - so could the webservice be delivering the wrong image name? or is it simply old modules that never worked on anything but the old Prestashop themes 3) Modify the module code - I did reach out to one of the developers who told me This level of programming is beyond me, so can anyone see how to modify this code to work? <?php namespace did_prestashop_display\includes\classes; final class DIDPDMain { protected static $_instance = null; public $didpd_admin = null; public $didpd_read = null; public function __construct() { $this->includes(); $this->didpd_read = new DIDPDRead(); $this->didpd_admin = new DIDPDAdmin($this->didpd_read); $this->init_hooks(); } /** * Includes * @since 0.0.1 */ public function includes() { include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/class-didpdadmin.php'; include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/class-didpdread.php'; } /** * Hook into actions and filters. * * @since 0.0.1 */ private function init_hooks() { add_action('admin_menu', array( $this->didpd_admin, 'didpd_admin_menu')); add_shortcode('dp_product', array( $this, 'didpd_shortcode_product')); // enqueue add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', array( $this,'didpd_enqueue')); add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', array( $this,'didpd_enqueue')); } public function search_logo($name_img) { $attachments = get_page_by_title($name_img, OBJECT, 'attachment'); if ( $attachments ){ $attachment_url = $attachments->guid; } else { return false; } return $attachment_url; } /** * Creation display product * */ public function didpd_shortcode_product($atts) { $models_display = array('a','b'); $current_atts = shortcode_atts(array( 'id' => '3', 'type' => get_option('didpd_default_type'), 'lang' => get_option('didpd_default_lang'), 'domain' => get_option('didpd_default_domain'), 'size_img' => get_option('didpd_default_size_img'), 'name' => 'void', 'description' => 'void', 'button' => get_option('didpd_default_button'), 'status' => 'success', 'status_msg' => '', 'with_taxes' => get_option('didpd_default_with_taxes'), 'with_price' => get_option('didpd_default_with_price'), 'currency' => get_option('didpd_default_currency'), 'dev' => '0' ), $atts, 'atributes'); if (!in_array($current_atts['type'], $models_display)) { $current_atts['type'] = 'a'; } $arr = get_option('didpd_domains'); $arr_domain = (isset($arr[$current_atts['domain']]))?$arr[$current_atts['domain']]:null; if($arr_domain !== null) { $dat = $arr_domain; //$arr[$current_atts['domain']]; $dataFont = $dat['didpd_url_webservice_'.$current_atts['domain']]; $font = $dataFont; $result = $this->didpd_read->didpd_read( $arr_domain, //$arr[$current_atts['domain']], $current_atts['domain'], $current_atts['id'], $current_atts['type'] ); } else { ob_start(); $display = ob_get_clean(); return $display; } ob_start(); if($current_atts['dev'] == 1 || $current_atts['dev'] == 2) { $this->showStatus($result, $current_atts); } $url_service = $arr[$current_atts['domain']]['didpd_url_webservice_'.$current_atts['domain']]; if($result['status'] == "error") { $current_atts['status'] = 'error'; $current_atts['status_msg'] = $result['error_txt']; $values = $this->didpd_clean_values_aternate($current_atts, $url_service, $result); $without_product_data = false; foreach($result['error_txt'] as $key => $value){ if($key == 'inactive' || $key == '404' || $key == 'not_product'){ $without_product_data = true; } } $img_logo = $this->search_logo($url_service); if(!$result['alternate_error'] && !$without_product_data) { $getTemplate = 'didpd_model_alternate_home_'; $path_template = $this->didpd_create_path_template($getTemplate.$current_atts['type'].'.php'); include($path_template); } else { $path_template = $this->didpd_create_path_template('didpd_model_alternate_home_'.$current_atts['type'].'.php'); include($path_template); } } else { $values = $this->didpd_clean_values($current_atts, $url_service, $result); $path_template = $this->didpd_create_path_template('didpd_model_'.$current_atts['type'].'.php'); include($path_template); } $display = ob_get_clean(); return $display; } public function didpd_create_path_template($name_template) { return __DIR__.'/../../templates/public/'.$name_template; } public function getIdLang($current_atts, $result) { $id_lang = (int)$current_atts['lang']; if($id_lang == 0){ $id_lang = (int)$result['id_current_lang']; } return $id_lang; } public function didpd_clean_values_aternate($current_atts, $url_service, $result) { $is_category = false; $id_lang = $this->getIdLang($current_atts, $result); $values = array('name_category' => 'void', 'description_category' => 'void', 'name_button' => 'void', 'link' => 'void', 'img_product' => 'void', 'is_category' => $is_category, 'url_category' => 'void', 'description_category' => 'void'); $errors = []; $vist_website = false; foreach($result['error_txt'] as $key => $value){ $errors[] = $key; } if(in_array('inactive', $errors) && !in_array('404', $errors)){ $vist_website = true; } else if(in_array('without_stock', $errors) && !in_array('404', $errors)){ $vist_website = false; } else if(in_array('404', $errors) ){ $vist_website = true; } $name_category = ''; $description_category = ''; $src_img_product = ''; $url_category = ''; if (!$result['alternate_error'] && !$vist_website) { $is_category = true; $name_button = __('Visit our category', 'didprestashopdisplay'); $url_category = $url_service.'/index.php?controller=category&id_category=' . $result['alternate_data']['category']->category->id; if(!isset($result['alternate_data']['category']->category->name->language[$id_lang])) { $name_category = $result['alternate_data']['category']->category->name->language; } else { $name_category = $result['alternate_data']['category']->category->name->language[$id_lang]; } $description_category = $result['alternate_data']['category']->category->description->language[$id_lang]; $id_lang = (int)$current_atts['lang']; $id_product = $result['alternate_data']['product']->id; if(!isset($result['alternate_data']['product']->product->link_rewrite->language[$id_lang])) { $slug = $result['alternate_data']['product']->product->link_rewrite->language; } else { $slug = $result['alternate_data']['product']->product->link_rewrite->language[$id_lang]; } //$slug = ($slug == '')?'image':$slug; $src_img_product = $url_service.'/' .$result['alternate_data']['product']->product->id_default_image.'-' .$current_atts['size_img']."/".$slug.".jpg"; } else { $name_button = __('Visit our Website', 'didprestashopdisplay'); } $values['name_category']= strip_tags($name_category); $values['description_category']= strip_tags($description_category); $values['name_button'] = strip_tags($name_button); $values['link'] = $url_service; $values['is_category'] = $is_category; $values['img_product'] = $src_img_product; $values['url_category'] = $url_category; return $values; } public function didpd_clean_values($current_atts, $url_service, $result) { $values = array('name' => 'void', 'description' => 'void', 'name_button' => 'void', 'url_product' => 'void', 'img_product' => 'void', 'price' => 'void', 'taxes' => 'void', 'with_taxes' => 'void', 'with_price' => 'void'); if ($current_atts['status'] == 'success') { $id_lang = $this->getIdLang($current_atts, $result); $id_product = $result['content']['product_obj']->id; $slug = $result['content']['product_obj']->link_rewrite->language[$id_lang]; $with_taxes = $current_atts['with_taxes']; $all_prices = $result['all_prices']; $name = $current_atts['name']; if ($name == 'void') { if($result['content']['product_obj']->name->language[$id_lang] == NULL) { $name = $result['content']['product_obj']->name->language; } else { $name = $result['content']['product_obj']->name->language[$id_lang]; } } $description = $current_atts['description']; if ($description == 'void') { if($result['content']['product_obj']->description_short->language[$id_lang] == NULL) { $description = $result['content']['product_obj']->description_short->language; } else { $description = $result['content']['product_obj']->description_short->language[$id_lang]; } if ($description == '') { if($result['content']['product_obj']->description->language[$id_lang] == NULL) { $description = $result['content']['product_obj']->description->language; } else { $description = $result['content']['product_obj']->description->language[$id_lang]; } } $description = strip_tags($description); if (strlen($description) > 125) { $description = substr($description, 0, 125)."..."; } } $name_button = $current_atts['button']; if ($name_button == 'void') { $name_button = __('More information...', 'didprestashopdisplay'); } $slug = ($slug == '')?'image':$slug; $src_img = $url_service.'/' .$result['content']['product_obj']->id_default_image.'-' .$current_atts['size_img']."/".$slug.".jpg"; $url_product = $url_service.'/index.php?controller=product&id_product=' . $id_product; $values['name'] = $name; $values['description'] = $description; $values['name_button'] = $name_button; $values['url_product'] = $url_product; $values['img_product'] = $src_img; $values['with_taxes'] = $with_taxes; $values['all_prices'] = $all_prices; $values['with_price'] = $current_atts['with_price']; $values['currency'] = $current_atts['currency']; } return $values; } /** * Main DIDPDMain Instance. * * * @since 0.0.1 * @static * @see didis() * @return DIDPDMain - Main instance. */ public static function instance() { if (is_null(self::$_instance)) { self::$_instance = new self(); } return self::$_instance; } /** * Include CSS and JS * @return void */ public function didpd_enqueue() { wp_register_style('barsandmore_4', plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) .'../../css/bootstrap.min.css', false, null, 'all'); wp_enqueue_style('barsandmore_4'); wp_register_style('did-web-css', plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) .'../../css/did-web.css', false, null, 'all'); wp_enqueue_style('did-web-css'); wp_enqueue_script('jquery'); wp_register_script('boot3', plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) .'../../js/bootstrap.min.js', array('jquery'), '1.0', true); wp_enqueue_script('boot3'); } private function showStatus($result, $atts) { $error_txt = ''; if(isset($result['error_txt']) && gettype($result['error_txt']) == 'array') { $error_txt = implode(', ', $result['error_txt']); } $id = 'Sin ID'; $statusHttp = 'Sin Http'; $cantidad = (isset($result['stock_available']))?$result['stock_available']:0; $url_font = $result['url_font']; if(isset($result['content'])) { $id = ($result['content']['product_obj']->id)?$result['content']['product_obj']->id:'Sin Id'; $statusHttp = $result['content']['httpCode']; } $status = $result['status']; $css_status = 'success'; if($status == 'error') { $css_status = 'danger'; } echo "<div class='col-12 col-lg-12 bg-light-success border boreder-success boreder-rounded'>"; echo "<small class='text-primary'>Solicitud: ".$atts['id']." </small><br>"; echo "<small class='text-primary'>".$error_txt." </small><br>"; echo "<small class='text-".$css_status."'>Status [".$id."]: <b>".$result['status']."</b> / Http: <b>".$statusHttp."</b></small><br>"; echo "<small class='text-".$css_status."'>Cantidad: <b>".$cantidad."</b></small><br>"; echo "<a class='text-".$css_status."' target='_blank' href='".$url_font."'><small>".$url_font."</small> </a>"; if($atts['dev'] == 2) { echo "<pre>".var_dump($atts)." </pre><br>"; echo "<pre>".var_dump($result['content'])." </pre><br>"; } echo "</div>"; } }
  9. Looks like you are using maxcdn, so I guess that it caching your pages. You will need to investigate that rather than the prestashop / thirtybees software
  10. haylau


    Themler works on ThirtyBees - as far as I can tell https://themler.io/ On the plus side you can create loads of templates and either sell them or give them away. BUT - it is complex and slow. And need someone with more patience than me and more importantly much more artistic flair So, before I write a short review and add it to my blog, I thought I would throw this out there I persuaded them to give me a free 1 month licence, and there are about 2 weeks left If anyone out there with artistic flair, and some technical skills, would like to take a detailed look at this with a view of using it going forward to create a number of themes (perhaps some free and some premium??) I would be willing to let you use my licence for a few days to test it I might also be willing to purchase the full licence with an agreement for a certain number of free themes to be created Send me a message if interested in doing some work for the community
  11. You can now check my review of CSSMAgician and try a demo
  12. So there were a few teething problems, but all now seems to work You can see my review of CSSMagician and a demo site to test it here: https://blog.haylau-4-thirtybees.co.uk/css-magician/ A theme editor rather than a theme, but has some great features
  13. I have installed a demo of @wakabayashi's extra Category Description Module. it is great! See here for details and links: https://blog.haylau-4-thirtybees.co.uk/genzo-category-free-module/ https://forum.thirtybees.com/topic/2220-free-module-category-footer-description-genzo_category/
  14. Installed - it puts the extra text actually in the page footer - is that correct? I thought it would be appended directly at the bottom of the category block
  15. is it OK if I install your category and loyalty points modules on a demo site and mention them on my blog? https://blog.haylau-4-thirtybees.co.uk/ I will write a blog about them, and add them to the directory pages. Also can I add your ThirtyBees powered main website - www.spielezar.ch?
  16. Great news - CSS Magician works on ThirtyBees and is supported. It is not free though. It is a great tool for those unfamiliar with CSS and has a whole host of features allowing you to effectively create new themes just with CSS https://www.presta-magician.com/en/accueil/11-module-prestashop-theme-maker-css-magician.html I am installing a demo for you to test with, and writing a review. It will be available in a day or two. Keep an eye on this thread:
  17. Great news - CSS Magician works on ThirtyBees and is supported. https://www.presta-magician.com/en/accueil/11-module-prestashop-theme-maker-css-magician.html I am currently installing a demo and will write a review in the next day or so
  18. I think reviews are vital - especially for smaller sellers. But not for the reason others might think. I believe their main use is to simply show that the website is still operating. There are many, many redundant sites out there. How do you know that a website is still functioning successfully before you spend you money? Reviews. Looks at the reviews to see if they are still recent. Having said that, I don't think follow ups are a good idea
  19. I like it with the 3 step, but if it is easier to do as you say then go ahead. Either way I will update the blog just written about it. If you leave it as it is, I will add a short tutorial on my blog how I did it. Very straighforward I am scouring the internet for PS 1. 6 modules and themes that work with TB - out of the box with no need to tinker, and I am struggling. Which is why I though to bring it all together in one place to try and show potential TB users that there are enhancements to TB that work
  20. Cisero (by Forum member @zen) is a theme specifically written for ThirtyBees using Bootstrap 5. Works well and you can read and test it on the blog https://blog.haylau-4-thirtybees.co.uk/cisero-bootstrap-5-theme/
  21. Excellent, that has sorted it out. Will you be adding that file into your theme download or will it always be an extra step for store owners who want to use your theme?
  22. We used this module for a similar thing. We don't use it now, but i think it worked on TB. You could ask https://addons.prestashop.com/en/shipping-costs/19959-shipping-costs-per-zipcode-zone-country-state-city.html
  23. FME have some PS 1.6 free modules, I have tested a few that work on ThirtyBees. Check them here: https://blog.haylau-4-thirtybees.co.uk/fme-modules/ Update: FME have confirmed they will support ThirtyBees customers!
  24. MixedShop Theme is developed by PrestaHero / ETS-Soft and seems to work well on ThirtyBees. Check it out here: https://blog.haylau-4-thirtybees.co.uk/mixedshop-theme/
  25. As we know, "Free Compatible themes and Modules" for ThirtyBees are in short supply. As are paid for modules. I have started a website / blog / testbed system where we can test PS 1.6 themes and modules to see if they work My website, https://blog.haylau-4-thirtybees.co.uk/. will have three main areas A blog to highlight PS 1.6 themes and modules that I have found and tested. There will be links to Front and Back office to test them for yourself (https://blog.haylau-4-thirtybees.co.uk/blog/) A business directory for ThirtyBees specific products (support websites, modules, themes) The business directory will also have a category for your own ThirtyBees powered websites - every link counts!) When I test a new module / theme I will update this thread If you have ThirtyBees specific product, or ThirtyBees powered website you can add your own details to the directory or contact me and I can add it for you If you want to test a module / theme you have on a fresh install then let me know and I will set one up for you
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