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TinyMCE editor in the back office


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Is the insert image part of the editor not working?

I get a 500 error when I try to insert an image for newsletter pop up image in panda theme. Also had this happen on the default theme

Or is it a host issue...

0_1501430291943_Screen Shot 2017-07-30 at 11.13.15 AM.png

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This indeed looks like a host issue.

Have you recently moved from one version of PHP to another?

Looks like your host has an incorrect version of the PHP extension "imagick" included in the config for the PHP version you´re using now.

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Called hostgator.

The changes I made in cpanel didn't stick so they changed it on their side. checked my website/phpinfo.php and it now shows PHP Version 7.0.18

Still unable to install imagemagic even after 7.0.18 even though they said it's supported.

2 errors Unable to install module. Imagick extension not found on system. The following module(s) could not be installed properly: mdimagemagick :

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@vzex Please see if the hell jnsoiga and I went through with our host is of any help to you in explaining to your host what they need to do:


Especially this:

@jnsgioia I opened a ticket explaining the problem and included roband7’s response. Within a very short time I had a response and after a little clarification a solution. If the module does not install for you, you need to make sure (or have them make sure) that the php.ini file includes zend_extension=/usr/local/php71/lib/php/extensions/imagick.so not just extension=/imagick.so

I contacted my host and after several back-n-forths, it got resolved.

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@lesley said in TinyMCE editor in the back office:

I would always advise against EIG owned hosts personally. They are hated in general.

@vzex Agree with Lesley. Yes, EIG owned hosts are horrible and they keep buying up smaller hosts and destroying the tech support teams. I'm on Siteground but if you can afford cloudways, it's a thirtybees partner.

You're getting closer to the wire with that expiration date than you think. Make sure you are NOT on auto renew, please.

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I'm worried this topic is derailing a bit.

@vzex Doesn't really want or need imagick. There should be no need to install the thirty bees imagemagick addon in his case.

We just went down that road because of errors done by the host, the PHP install complained about an incorrect version imagick extension.

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