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use 'attachments' but without attached file - how?


Posted (edited)

Hello,  i want to use the field/tab  'attachments' in the product site,  but without an attached file.  I can create this as usual in BO but to attach a file there is mandatory.

We will use this tab for further product information and safety warnings,  but we have to give this in plain text form, we do not need an attached file.

How can we change this?

There is the following in global.css, can we modify here or anything else?


{if isset($features) && $features}
<!-- Data sheet 
<section class="page-product-box">
<h3 class="page-product-heading">{l s='Data sheet'}</h3>
<table class="table-data-sheet">
{foreach from=$features item=feature}
<tr class="{cycle values="odd,even"}">
{if isset($feature.value)}
<!--end Data sheet 


Or can we change this mandatory field for 'file' upload in BO  to non-mandatory anyhow?  What will be the best solution?

   thanks for your input 👍

Edited by DRMasterChief

25 answers to this question

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If you have those product sheets and warnings in pdfs you can attach them using a simple sql query to every product you want at once. So the users can download them if they need them. You can rename the 'Attachment' tab as you want in any language (Warnings, Data sheets, etc.)

Otherwise if you want to display text (or the pdf itself) on the page I would use 'additional tab' module which will hook this information based on your product preferences. Again this can be done with simple sql query if the module does not have 'mass edit' functionality. There are many additional tab modules available.

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Hi,  thank you for the advise with additional tab module.  Is there a simple / native one? 

I honestly do not want to have much modules, this is the reason why i try to get done everything without module if possible.  We do not use the standard theme and so i dont want to risk any errors with modules.

The thing is, that we definitely WILL NOT attach as a pdf.

There is a new regulation in EU named GPSR (product safety regulation) and we are forced to give this information as simple text near other description.

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There is no native module unfortunately.

If you want this information to be visible on page load I would suggest adding it to the Description field of every product.

If you have the products grouped in certain categories you can use something similar to:

UPDATE ps_product_lang pl
JOIN ps_category_product cp ON pl.id_product = cp.id_product
SET pl.description = CONCAT(pl.description, ' <p>Additional information here.</p>')
WHERE cp.id_category IN (97, 99, 98, 104)  -- Replace with your category IDs
AND pl.id_lang = 1;  -- Replace '1' with your desired language ID

And add html content with icons, paragraphs, images, whatever you want. This way evertything already in the description field will be kept.

Of course before executing any update query - BACKUP YOUR DB!!!!

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Nope, I still use it. This module offers one global tab (which I have configured to show delivery information) and one per-product custom tab that I use to show information for product per category similar to you, in my case - ball pressures, sizes, etc.

It was part of Warehouse for PS1.6.

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Maybe it is possible to change this mandatory field for 'file' upload in BO  to non-mandatory anyhow?  @datakick can advise?

Or is it possible to copy the actual product-information tab (and rename it) and put it into the theme file?  I am not a coder, but will try everything in test shop and already have done a lot of things for my own but i need a little help.

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@DRMasterChief The code you provided in the first post is about features, not attachments.
And can't you use this futures functionality to present this additional product data?
Instead of making some weird modifications to the attachments functionality.

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@Yabber i already use the functionality,  for the product description as usual.  I dont think that i have a special thing in this case?

Please see the content, it says 3 tabs  (1. is description,  2. is attachment,  3. is customization).  We do not use customization, this is just to test it.

I really need a solution to 'clone' the 1. tab or modify the 2. so there is no need to attach a file in BO.


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Give more specific info about the information you want to display. I imagine you will format some text but do you need the same tab to be visible per product, or per category or you want every product to have separate 'unique' tab? Do you need manufacturer association?

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Posted (edited)

Hi, for example:

product 1  //  product information tab:   nice lightweight sneaker in yellow color and bla bla...  //  new tab no.2:  contact for further details mister X.  Warning! choking hazard, don't eat the shoelaces.

product 2  //  product information tab:   big candle which can burn down your house and bla bla...  //  new tab no.2:  contact for further details mister Z.  not suitable for children under 3 years


...do you need the same tab to be visible per product, or per category - no

...you want every product to have separate 'unique' tab  - yes  🙂

...Do you need manufacturer association?  - no we do not use manufacturer and no warehouse management in thirtybees

Edited by DRMasterChief
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Posted (edited)
  On 10/16/2024 at 11:49 AM, DRMasterChief said:

There is a new regulation in EU named GPSR (product safety regulation) and we are forced to give this information as simple text near other description.


This is relevant for everyone in the EU and selling to the EU B2C. 

The key information that will need to provided on the product page is listed in Article 19 and is:



(a) name, registered trade name or registered trade mark of the manufacturer, as well as the postal and electronic address at which they can be contacted;

(b) where the manufacturer is not established in the Union, the name, postal and electronic address of the responsible person within the meaning of Article 16(1) of this Regulation or Article 4(1) of Regulation (EU) 2019/1020;

(c) information allowing the identification of the product, including a picture of it, its type and any other product identifier; and

(d) any warning or safety information to be affixed to the product or to the packaging or included in an accompanying document in accordance with this Regulation or the applicable Union harmonisation legislation in a language which can be easily understood by consumers, as determined by the Member State in which the product is made available on the market.



I am also thinking how best to go about this. Deadline is December 13, 2024.

I think it can broken down into:

  1. Manufacturer information, which can be tied to the manufacturer association. Can be a feature or a tab.
  2. Product information, which will be unique for each product or category of products. Can be a feature or a tab or on the main page itself.

Right now, I'm thinking a powerful tab module could be easiest.

Edited by 30knees
Added deadline
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Posted (edited)

Hej  @30knees yes, exactly   💥 

i already use the usual tab for the product description, of course.

The additional information according to GPSR should be clearly visible, but not lost in a long body of text.
So my idea would be to have a separate tab for this, with the manufacturer's information. We'll see whether I write warnings in there too (or directly in the product description).
Some things are still a little open in GPSR and the case law will show whether a separate tab 'can be used' for this.

We do not use a manufacturer classification in our shop, so no manufacturers are visible and therefore I will state it for each product.

I found these two modules, but I would really like to implement it WITHOUT a module:

https://www.inno-mods.io/prestashop-modules/custom-product-tabs/ (should work with tb but not sure) 

Edited by DRMasterChief
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Sometimes I feel really sorry for smaller merchants located in Germany - so much hard legislation. I'm still to hear for a case where a merchant was fined about GDPR in Bulgaria. Cookies? What is this!? Just put some stupid banner and don't bother to check its functionality if it really blocks them.

Regarding the quoted Article:

Without being a lawyer I would do the following:
1. Make a nicely titled CMS page and attach it to footer - in there list all manufacturers' details in the EU. For products that your company imports in EU and there is no 'dedicated' EU distributor your company is responsible for those products as an importer.
2. (c) - you already have those in the product listing - name, image, reference number, etc.
3. (d) - I would put this short information at the end of Description tab - put all the information there and put a link to the CMS page containing general manufacturer contact information. Regarding the product information sent with the product - this should already be on your product if it complies with EU law and have some special requirements.

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Back to the original question:

No, it's not possible to use the attachments without file. You could change the template code and hide the file attachment input, but that is not enough. The backend would not process the add/edit request -- it expects file, and it does a lot of work processing it.

If you really want to (ab)use this attachment functionality, you could simply upload some small/dummy file. And then you can modify your front theme product template, and not displaying any attached files.


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@DRMasterChiefI know you don't want a module but this looks like it might be useful: https://addons.prestashop.com/en/blocks-tabs-banners/42100-static-custom-html-text-multi-blocks.html

@the.rampage.radoYes, Germany has this special regime where your competitor or even private "competition protection clubs" can send you a cease and desist. You have to pay them for their efforts to protect fair competition - that's how they earn their money.

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Thank you for your contributions. The regulation does not only exist in Germany, but is EU-wide, like the GDPR.

With GPSR, it will probably be the case that you can also issue warnings in other countries, because the regulations apply in all EU countries.

There are other drastic regulations in it, just look for the regulation on unsafe products, recalls and liability (this never expires).

@the.rampage.rado the situation was as you describe it until now. That will be different from December 13th, a simple link to the information or safety instructions will no longer be permitted from then on.

And safety and warning instructions can be quite long depending on the product, so it is often not just a small note.

That is exactly the reason why I want to put it in a separate tab away from the product description.

@datakick thanks for the explanation. I would have really liked that, because I could use it with a tool that is already on board.

I would like to avoid a mini-file as an attachment, I think that would make the database much bigger with something that is never needed. So that would really be an abuse that could be detrimental to performance.

Last question for the developers/programmers: would it be possible to 'copy' the standard tab and everything that goes with it, including in the back office etc.?

But that is exactly what a module does, right?

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Not exactly. All those modules create new tables and connect them with product ids, categories, etc. Their structure is pretty simple (shown in their pricing). If you want to duplicate 'description' tab half of the system will have to be rewritten.

Just take one of those modules and use it. They in general are not very customer open - like they don't expect customer data input, files, etc. So it's harder for the module to be written in insecure way.

Not a developer, just layman... 😞

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Posted (edited)

Hello, I decided to test a module that can add tabs.

Unfortunately, I now have a problem with the FO display. The content of the product description and the customs tab is displayed, but both times even when I switch tabs.  And the content of CustomTab is outside the area.

Here are 2 photos that show it with switched tabs.

Is this a problem with thirtybees? I also switched to the community theme as a test and unfortunately it is the same there.  In which files i can check for that?



Edited by DRMasterChief
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Posted (edited)

I'm waiting for an answer, it's Sunday so it might take a while.
He has already said that he hasn't had much experience with thirtybees. I tried it a bit on a whim, but I was confident so far.

But unfortunately it doesn't work with the community theme either, so I have to start troubleshooting now so as not to waste any time.

I don't think there's anything big behind it. Just change a bit in css or tpl and then it should be OK.

As i said before, a super simple thing would be to 'switch off' the attachments in the standard functionality the shop brings.

Edited by DRMasterChief
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Hi @Daresh 

thank you for this information.  This seems to be a super nice feature in your module:  

Identify products without a manufacturer (brand) assigned

The module has an additional information panel, where you can check if there are any products without a manufacturer (brand) assigned.

You can easily export the products to a CSV file, fill in the missing data and then import the file using built in PrestaShop import feature


In my case i have a solution already, the developer has answered two days later with solution, it was only one line in the CSS he had changed.

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Good for you! But I think a new thread regarding the GPSR Directive may be a good idea. Many stores are still unprepared, and there is much to do in some cases.

  • Thanks 1

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