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Everything posted by wakabayashi

  1. Bei allem Respekt, aber ich glaube nicht, dass du viel über die Thematik weisst...
  2. Spätestens, wenn du mal Opfer einer bekannten Sicherheitslücke in einer alten Version wurdest, weisst du warum... Ein DEV kann das relativ schnell fixen denke ich. Tendenziell würde ich sagen 2-3 Stunden Arbeit. Früher habe ich solche Sachen auch Mal (nahezu) gratis gemacht, aber die Zeiten sind vorbei 🙃
  3. Ja, das zeigt halt, dass PS 1.6 langsam aber sicher ausstirbt. Du kannst natürlich einen DEV engagieren, der die Warnings behebt oder du kannst einfach damit leben, solange die Funktionalität noch gegeben ist.
  4. Viele Fehler kommen doch von den Modulen: mollie und trustedshopseasyintegration
  5. Ok, I came back today. When do you get this warnings? Are they still showing up? I believe, they only happen, when the configuration setting was never set.
  6. I will be 10 days on vacation from tomorrow on. That's why I don't look deep into this now. I am a bit surprised, how this controller is handling form submissions, but ok it really does it with the email input field. So your way of doing it, is the only possible solution right now. I don't know what chex module (or your setup of it) is doing here, as there is already an email sending functionality in the core!?
  7. Ah bist du sowas wie ein Dropshipper oder wie muss man das verstehen? 🙂
  8. What do your settings under AdminStatuses (orders > status) look like?
  9. Hab den Namen "ENO" noch nie gehört. Was ist das? Dementsprechend würde mich das überraschen, wenn es da was geben würde 😉
  10. Hard to say. I use a customized version. Also your information is not enough to say for sure. Are you using advanced stock management? Where are you looking at the quantity? Cause in tb there is not just one "quantity". There is a difference between physical and real quantity (it's even more complex, but I don't go into details here). If "waiting for bank payment" is set up correctly. The real quantity should go down, but the physical should stay.
  11. I don't understand. I mean it's up to you, what kind of attributes you define...
  12. You should look at attributes. Maybe it works out of the box for you or with some little modifications.
  13. @datakick helped me, to investigate my issue. It's not related to @vsn, I believe. In my case 'ph_simpleblog' module had a severe security hole. I must say, that I haven't updated this module for years. I would expect, that there were fixes as the issue of this module was actually officially known. Btw the dev of this module is now working for prestashop company. I am sure, he wouldn't make this error again, but I it reminded me on a few things: It can hit everyone (I use only a handful external modules) -> make sure you have uptodate backups. Update your store (with core updater bleeding edge) and modules regularly Delete all stuff (especially modules) you don't need. Make sure, you have a contact person, who can help you in such a situation. Such a finding will lead to a lot of stress. It's very important, to have an expert, who knows, what is going on and whom you can trust. @datakick is the obvious choice for all tb users.
  14. I am not sure if it's coincidence, but I am being under attack right now. Also got an email about a security hole. Not sure, if it's real or not... The attacker sends all kind of forms. Has even opened a customer account (in my case this removes captcha). The customer account was even opened two times with same (email). So this was probably also due to any kind of form submission...
  15. Category images are kind of broken as we have two inputs, but only one image is saved. In my image rewrite branch, I have tackled this issue. But ofc (some) themes have to be adjusted accordingly.
  16. wakabayashi


    Yeah I would consider that at least. Of course it can be done cleaner with a module. Always adding this manually to product description has also some drawback and takes time. But anway you will need a mechanism, which products are involved and which not.
  17. wakabayashi


    But how many images are duplicates? You want to add same image to all 11'000 products? In what do your products differ from eachother? I have 30'000k products and only a few times the same images...
  18. wakabayashi


    About how many products and images are we talking here? The idea to solve this in database will likely fail. If this is REALLY relevant I would solve this by some module or tpl-hack. I mean if you always show the same "information" in the image. I wonder why not put this image without ps_image in product.tpl or so!?
  19. I have been in touch with @datakick the last days. We discussed a lot of things about this change. He improved the core updater and established a new dev branch there. He also pointed out a lot of issues. I am first going to fix/improve these points. When I am done, you will then be able to use core updater. 😎
  20. Google Maps in AdminOrders view was silently removed, right?
  21. Thanks a lot. I believe best would be if @datakick can make a dev branch for it. So that everyone with a teststore can use core updater and play around. Unfortunately I haven't reached him last weeks. If have used last days to test things on my own teststore. Things are looking good. I only found some details to fix. I could reduce size of img folder quite a lot (more than 30%).
  22. Hm interesting I have 1.4.0 there, but upgraded my store yesterday to bleeding edge.
  23. Hm, you haven't copied it manually from github before, right? Not sure, why it's not working for me as expected. Maybe related to the "tb_min_version" thing...
  24. @datakick I had to change this line $this->tb_min_version = '1.5.0'; to $this->tb_min_version = '1.4.0'; I guess with bleeding edge, I am not yet considered as 1.5.0
  25. Am I missing something or is this module just on github and not in BO modules list?
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