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Everything posted by 30knees

  1. Thanks, @DavidP! I have such a module, I use the tb/PS native one. But how do I set up a trade account? I have a customer group "Wholesale", but I don't see where I can exclude taxes for intra-EU sales. That's where the module comes in, I guess. This is the only module I found: https://addons.prestashop.com/de/b2b/18149-umsatzsteuerbefreiung-auf-rechnungen-fur-b2b.html It doesn't look complete, though. Prices should be net only where we have an intra-EU sale, not within the same country. The module doesn't solve that. How did you solve this?
  2. Is there a way to exclude certain customer groups from the customer loyalty and rewards module? This is especially important where a shop services both B2B and B2C.
  3. You're right! It's just a text error. The display is as it should be.
  4. Right, thanks. But why does the tb message on the left of the last image with the order total say: "For this customer group, prices are displayed as: tax INcluded." Shouldn't it say: "... tax EXcluded"? That's what selected in the first image above for that customer group: "Tax EXcluded."
  5. It seems that the exclude tax function for customer groups does not work. Here you can see that the price display method is "Tax excluded": However, in an order of a customer belonging to this customer group it says:
  6. I'll try again, as the issue just popped up and reminded me of this thread. I have the specific prices you see. They apply to all customer groups. I can only choose that they apply to all customer groups or to 1 single customer group. I have 4 customer groups. I'd like to have a specific price that applies to 3 of those 4 customer groups (eg customers, guests, visitors). I'd like a different specific price for the 4th customer group (B2B). The only way for me to do this is to make 4 specific prices. It would be easier if I could make 2 specific prices: 1 for customer groups 1-3 and 1 for customer group 4. In order to do that, I would need to be able to select multiple customer groups and not just 1 or all.
  7. Has anyone setup tb for intra-EU B2B transactions that require the VAT ID number? Specifically, I'd like to remove the Siret and APE fields in the backend and frontend and introduce a VAT ID field. I'd also like to permit a customer to be created with a company name only (no first name, no last name) and with a VAT ID number in the backend. Also, the invoice should be tax-free because the sale is intra-EU B2B.
  8. Hi, One of the nice things about tb is that you can specify a default combination. However, where the default combination is sold out (but another combination isn't), you get the message upon visiting the product that the default combination is unavailable. I would suggest that another, available combination is pre-selected instead. That minimizes any clicks for the customer. It's a small thing, but I think it would be a nice touch. Does anyone have an idea how to implement this idea? And would this be something to make standard for tb? Thanks!
  9. Hi, We have friendly URLs activated. They also work. However, when I'm editing a product and go to SEO and enter a custom friendly URL, I'm getting some weird behavior relating to languages. We have two languages installed, English and German. The bugs are: The shop preview says for DE: "The product link will look like this https://www.shop.com/en/URLofDElanguage" The preview is correct for EN. When I click "preview" for DE I get taken to https://www.shop.com/de/URLofENlanguage" The preview is correct for EN The friendly links when navigating in the shop itself work perfectly. It's only in the backend that I have this problem where the shop mixes up EN and DE (see URLs).
  10. @SLiCK_303 Installed and testing. Does your beta also not show in the backend as 6.0.0 beta 4 but as 5.3.3?
  11. Thanks, @zimmer-media and @SLiCK_303. I'm not sure what the problem was in my situation. Reading your threads: I only have one site and the carrier costs couldn't change during the checkout, as the customer had free shipping.
  12. Hi, I have an order that is paid and completed in PayPal, but in the shop it shows "abandoned cart" under Customers:Shopping Carts. I only noticed that the customer paid because he said he did and I then took a look in my PayPal account. Is there any way to troubleshoot how this could have happened? Thanks
  13. Thanks, @Lathaneo! @mdekker But is there a strong use case for email addresses without a TLD for an online shop? I would assume the only place where that would be required is with a type of localhost domain, but not for any true customer email address.
  14. Something I thought about: We get customers who write us their review by email. It would be nice to able to write a review as an admin and -- associate it with a customer OR -- associate with the admin BUT be able to specify the initials/name that gets shown (my preference, as not all customers will be in the shop, eg if they order through a different platworm...best would be a combination of both) @datakick Happy to hear it'll be integrated with your module. :-)
  15. @bzndk Does that mean one would have to watch the mouse movement of every user who drops out of the funnel?
  16. Hi, A customer was able to sign up with a gmailcom address (dot missing). I think the shop software should validate the address and require a dot in the part after the @. Is there a way we could implement this?
  17. One additional thing: Customers should be able to opt-out for all future orders from receiving emails asking them to submit a review.
  18. Hurray! Thank you so much for this. :-) It's awesome. I unfortunately recently bought a product review module, but I'd prefer to switch to yours. Ideas: - Send a customizable email to orders within a certain date range and with a certain order status about submitting a review. - Permit customers to submit a review showing their initials only. - Receive an email notification on review submission. - Allow the shop to reply to reviews within the review. - Give loyalty points for a review as motivation. - Make it easy for customers to review - 1. no logging in necessary after clicking their unique deep link review request URL and 2. on that landing page each of the products ordered will be able to be reviewed directly without navigating away from it.
  19. Brilliant, thank you very much for sharing! Nice!
  20. The second one is awesome! I think that is great motivator to add more to the cart. Nice job!
  21. @hfxracing said in Full Custom Product Page Tabs: I guess my question is. Would the community be interested in making a cheap version or free version of this or can I be directed to where I can buy one without loosing my shirt in the process. I'd be in.
  22. Right - but doesn't that mean it is a bug, since it is shown when Highlight is off and a customer visits My Vouchers?
  23. When a customer visits “Home> My account>My vouchers”, the customer can see ALL cart rules ever created that match the customer group. For example, if I want a voucher to be valid for all customer groups, but I want to distribute it only to people on Facebook, this feature/bug prevents that. Not only will the intended recipients on Facebook see the voucher when I post it there on my Facebook page, any customer who visits their account and clicks on “My vouchers” will see it, regardless of whether they use Facebook or not. As noted by @SLiCK_303, this only happens where a customer group is selected for the voucher. The discussion we had about this is here: https://forum.thirtybees.com/topic/1156/cart-rules-vouchers-seen-by-all-customers-is-this-a-feature-or-a-bug
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