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Everything posted by Pedalman

  1. I changed our homepage logo from jpg/png to a svg months ago. This is not rendered at whole on an Ipad I got my hands on accidently. This logo is a 'text logo' and displayed at header center. Left of it sits a graphic logo that I also converted to svg and that shows pixel irregularities like missing pixels in form of vertical stripes on the Ipad at hand. At least it is rendered. Well, I know nothing about Aple devices except they are loved by others. All I know that they often use a higher density of pixels. Double pixel resolution? I run the Warehouse theme from IQUIT on the latest ThirtyBees and the theme allows to point to a logo for use on higher density devices if I got that right. I set it to a svg logo that has 400x200 pixels instead of the normal 200x100 px logo. This is double the standard resolution of the normal one, and hence double pixel densitiy? Well, I do not know. Fact is the logo is not shown and perhaps you can give me tips how to solve this issue. PS: I know I could go for a jpg/png logo but I like the idea of having a svg logo since it is a pretty simple logo (I am open for any adice for a better one ;) and it is the first time it looks always sharp as possible (jpg logos looked often blured at differen resolutions). thank you website: www.gruenes-spielzeug.de
  2. Ich kann Euch wärmstens das Modul von Shoprunners ( https://www.shoprunners.de ) empfehlen: https://addons.prestashop.com/en/shipping-carriers/30182-dhl-connector.html Das Shoprunners Team unterstützt mich schon seid Jahren und der Support, die Reaktionsschnelligkeit bei Fragen und Problemen wie Freundlichkeit sind außergewöhnlich.
  3. If you are opting for uploading files or folders manually to a service I strongly recommend to have a look at the superb (Windows) software "FileOptimizer" hosted at sourceforge.com and if you use it regularly to suport the programmer via... :) FileOptimizer makes use of all known and free accessable image compression algorhytms known. Furthermore it works on several file types. Best is you can make use of batch / mass optimisation and use backups of originals. I use it to mass shrink my /img folder I downloaded... and to reupload this via FTP. I am in this for at least ten years and still do not know the best workflow to manage this but this is the way I try to maintain. I can then also use all functions that 'my' image controller in ThirtyBees (let's assume the override image controller of ImageMagick is installed) by refreshing image sizes. At least this is what I assume. Moreover I have 'deactivated' Thirtybees image compression via setting it to best quality hence I did so already offline via FileOptimizer. If I got it right I can also skip the step to save images in any photo editor like Gimp/Photoshop/Xnview/Irfanview as web optimized since FileOptimizer is used anyway. If I do not follow this workflow I see the risk that e.g. Photoshop compresses your original image, then Thirtybees again by a 'standard algorhytm', sorry if I am wrong here and eventually any addon module that uploads these preprocessed images to an image compression service like Kraken.io etc. Propably ImageMagick kicks in too and smurs pixels again if blur is used for example. I would like to use it only for minimizing white background space (and if possible to 100% to echange white background to another consistent tone:)
  4. Sure, cache was deleted but no change in seo site's info on internal links (as in your screenshot).
  5. I made changes to line 55 but it seems I did it wrong. Please have alook and tell me: {* "Shipping CMS content" Price Hook templating *} {if isset($smartyVars.ship) && isset($smartyVars.ship.link_ship_pay) && isset($smartyVars.ship.ship_str_i18n)} {$smartyVars.ship.ship_str_i18n|escape:'htmlall'} {/if}
  6. But correct me if I am wrong everymodule that compresses or touches images in anyway in TB does utilizes the image controller. As does the ImageMagick module. In order to do so in a convenient way they use an override of the image controller. There can only be one or a merge of several once if a programmer merges the code. Therefore I suggest without taking in the argument of blowing up code or mem consumption that it could be very convenient if ThirtyBees's backoffice/images controller could add aform where to enter an API code for different image compression services (very improable to happen) and at least the ImageMagick functions that are realley beneficial integrated. I think this should have been implemented into the image controller 8 years ago already :)
  7. Do you have any recommendation for any less expensive GTM module for TB than the https://addons.prestashop.com/en/analytics-statistics/23806-google-tag-manager-enhanced-ecommerce-ua-pro.html
  8. That was the trick Traumflug. I noticed that at least the German translation tells me so that there is a feature to disable the carrier if max range is reached. This also is the case for min range. E.g. I set up my main delivery service for weight ranges of 0.05 - 31 Kg. Plus the feature to disable this service I 'max range' is reached. Then it works for me when I also have setup up the 'Email Voucher' service accordingly: Weight range 0.000001 - 0.001 and disable service if... Thanks alot
  9. I got a fixed charge on my articles for delivery. At the moment I have acatually only one delivery service. But I also sell vouchers in the shop. These are auto generated (the code only, sadly) and customers receive an email with the voucher code (I also sent a Photoshopped Code via Email for printing). The big issue I have is while the customer checks out he can only choose my standard delivery service (sds) and I really do not want to charge something for auto sending an email. I set up 2nd delivery service and called it "ONLY for voucher sending via EMAIL" or so. You get it. Thing is 10% of my custumers choose this service even if the buy heavy other stuff. ... annoying :) This 2nd emailservice should be free of charge. So I set it up like this but if I set it to be 'free" it is never shown in the cart checkout. Only if I say, yes, it shall cost somthing to use this service but 0$ ... then it appears. But I have the named problem that people have a tendency to choose this since it says "free of cost" despite they do not have a voucher in their cart... Solution for me would be to restric this service only to vouchers. that is possible in Thirtybees but what happens when you got another item in cart, e.g. a bookshelf? I did not manage to get a nice compromise working. Is it possible? I know that I could not get this working since PS1.2x :)
  10. Hello for doing testing and developing I really could like to have an option that colors the backoffice top header so we can see at a glance that developing settings are made or caching is on/off. Best would be to have also an quicker way to set the proper options we need when doing changes and testing them. Just a 'speed menu' with some buttos. Perhaps each one could determine which functions a button might have. Eg., smarty cache off, keep old css and APC on ... or smarty cache off, flush old "Keep JS and CSS file", APC off and debug on all on So we would have two or three configurable buttons to rapid fire we need and also a colored header in BO that remains us off what we did ;)
  11. Sure. Thank you for the possibility to help. Let's get in contact next week. I will write you via email. I wish you a nice weekend.
  12. Franzjosed please look here for the documentation of the module if you haven't done so already. I know there was one and mostly like the documentation will still be there to be found. It explains how to set up the module and the settings you probably have to make in PayPal's site.
  13. My holyday is ending soon I have never anticipated coming home with the exitement I am experiencing now due to the outview that there will be this nice checkout module by Datakick in a few days to implement in our shop! I was looking for alternative checkout routes for years and I never dared to buy a mostly very expensive one since I found them never 80% perfect in my eyes. And moreover I never had trust in the developers who offered them. I have 100% in the coding and support capabilities of Datakick and in the views how the developer thinks about UX and conversion rate capabilities of ecommerce sites. I am so happy that all this happens for our system.
  14. "PR slang not your thing? Then test your shop." Best fact I heard in years :)
  15. Thank you both. I tested and all is good. I phoned PayPal and they told me that was to be expected. Well, more I can't say. Still, I do not understand why PP bothered me with that very urgent emails...but then, who cares. Thanks and a happy nice day.
  16. My Host tells me that they support the latest protocols and my problem isn't related to them. All I can think of is now is that my PayPal setup is wrong. I need help.
  17. Well PayPal is a bit complicated. Anyhow, I run now for half a year PayPal 5.3.2 and now 5.3.3. I would immediately install V6. if I knew it ran better. But for now I got a Problem. PayPal tells me I have to set up TLS 1.2 until June 26th. I do not know how. Of course I know about the module settings itsself and there TLS is marked with a green OK sign. So, were did I miss something? Might it be that the free SSL certificate I got from my bis hoster Hetzner Europe isnt compatible or accepted by PayPal? Any other tip? Please, else PayPal stalls for me and I can't accept orders anymore via pp.
  18. I was talking about Silbersaiten. I bought Moussiq pro (had many issues with that one), Formmaker and Gallery (both unusable) and Orderedit that as said does the job for me most the time (also in TB) but has bugs. I spent hours in order to get any help by Silbersaiten (Mr. and Ms. Bangiev) who never could help. If I got something you could call help then it was by external programmers they hired. When I reported bugs Mr. Bangiev always reacted annoyed and transferred his statement that only they could set up a shop and install modules. Customers who buy modules should also hire them. ... So, my recommendation is if you can try to avoid them. I you can't buy OrderEdit or do the job in the DB directly. cheers
  19. Silbersaiten in Germany have this module in their range of products since years. Anyway, this is one of the few developer stores I would never buy a module from. I am sorry to say so but after all the issues I had with their modules (I bought some over the years there) I think I have to publicly warn you. Anyway I still use a pretty old version of their order edit module and it still does it jobs for 80% of my needs.
  20. Very nice. Though I would never buy a car that is dependent on software updates by the developers... this is not true for the best ecommcerce software and community of the world.
  21. Perhaps this can help: /* product comments hide */ .star_content { width: 65px; margin: 0 auto; padding-bottom: 4px; display: none !important; } the last line is the important one. You could also deinstall the native module and thouroughly disable & clear cache PS: A developer is needed to enhance the bo/performance page in Thirtybees. I would appreciate an additonal button to "disable all caches" and clear them.
  22. In the past I used HTMLbox Pro in order to hook into order-confirmation and payment-confirmation.tpl. I only used HTML code. Anyway, I like Datakick's idea and it would certainly catch all payment options after oder completion.
  23. Hi Ipeary have a look at REVWS. https://www.getdatakick.com/extras/revws-product-reviews/ I shines with rich snippets and much much more. One of the cooles enhancements I know of. The developer is great and helpful. My strongest recommendation.
  24. @colorful-ant said in A few things really weird or wrong with TB 1.0.4 caching or full page caching: did you activate the module aeuc? Do you got infor on AUEC and full page caching? I ran FPC with default setting but I am in Europe and have AUEC installed. Is there somthing I have to have in mind?
  25. If you are asking for GDPR and customer reviews I strongly suggest to remain technical and on topic. Opinions and law do not fare well together and it would water this good forum. What we need is regular statements from developers so a feeling of trust can build. Concerning your question I know that you will need consent from customer to send her/him a review email. These are not the same as a newsletter. Review emails need consent. Moreover you also need to explain about this in your GDPR CMS. How can you attain consent? Only way at the moment is via double-optin to receive a review email. In order to facilitate this you could best make use of a check button after payment conformation (since so you 'catch' only customers who were willing to buy and go into contract with you). I was not able to get the technical side of these constraints working on my shop. I am no coder and need help.
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