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Everything posted by Pedalman

  1. Sure. Thank you for the possibility to help. Let's get in contact next week. I will write you via email. I wish you a nice weekend.
  2. Franzjosed please look here for the documentation of the module if you haven't done so already. I know there was one and mostly like the documentation will still be there to be found. It explains how to set up the module and the settings you probably have to make in PayPal's site.
  3. My holyday is ending soon I have never anticipated coming home with the exitement I am experiencing now due to the outview that there will be this nice checkout module by Datakick in a few days to implement in our shop! I was looking for alternative checkout routes for years and I never dared to buy a mostly very expensive one since I found them never 80% perfect in my eyes. And moreover I never had trust in the developers who offered them. I have 100% in the coding and support capabilities of Datakick and in the views how the developer thinks about UX and conversion rate capabilities of ecommerce sites. I am so happy that all this happens for our system.
  4. "PR slang not your thing? Then test your shop." Best fact I heard in years :)
  5. Thank you both. I tested and all is good. I phoned PayPal and they told me that was to be expected. Well, more I can't say. Still, I do not understand why PP bothered me with that very urgent emails...but then, who cares. Thanks and a happy nice day.
  6. My Host tells me that they support the latest protocols and my problem isn't related to them. All I can think of is now is that my PayPal setup is wrong. I need help.
  7. Well PayPal is a bit complicated. Anyhow, I run now for half a year PayPal 5.3.2 and now 5.3.3. I would immediately install V6. if I knew it ran better. But for now I got a Problem. PayPal tells me I have to set up TLS 1.2 until June 26th. I do not know how. Of course I know about the module settings itsself and there TLS is marked with a green OK sign. So, were did I miss something? Might it be that the free SSL certificate I got from my bis hoster Hetzner Europe isnt compatible or accepted by PayPal? Any other tip? Please, else PayPal stalls for me and I can't accept orders anymore via pp.
  8. I was talking about Silbersaiten. I bought Moussiq pro (had many issues with that one), Formmaker and Gallery (both unusable) and Orderedit that as said does the job for me most the time (also in TB) but has bugs. I spent hours in order to get any help by Silbersaiten (Mr. and Ms. Bangiev) who never could help. If I got something you could call help then it was by external programmers they hired. When I reported bugs Mr. Bangiev always reacted annoyed and transferred his statement that only they could set up a shop and install modules. Customers who buy modules should also hire them. ... So, my recommendation is if you can try to avoid them. I you can't buy OrderEdit or do the job in the DB directly. cheers
  9. Silbersaiten in Germany have this module in their range of products since years. Anyway, this is one of the few developer stores I would never buy a module from. I am sorry to say so but after all the issues I had with their modules (I bought some over the years there) I think I have to publicly warn you. Anyway I still use a pretty old version of their order edit module and it still does it jobs for 80% of my needs.
  10. Very nice. Though I would never buy a car that is dependent on software updates by the developers... this is not true for the best ecommcerce software and community of the world.
  11. Perhaps this can help: /* product comments hide */ .star_content { width: 65px; margin: 0 auto; padding-bottom: 4px; display: none !important; } the last line is the important one. You could also deinstall the native module and thouroughly disable & clear cache PS: A developer is needed to enhance the bo/performance page in Thirtybees. I would appreciate an additonal button to "disable all caches" and clear them.
  12. In the past I used HTMLbox Pro in order to hook into order-confirmation and payment-confirmation.tpl. I only used HTML code. Anyway, I like Datakick's idea and it would certainly catch all payment options after oder completion.
  13. Hi Ipeary have a look at REVWS. https://www.getdatakick.com/extras/revws-product-reviews/ I shines with rich snippets and much much more. One of the cooles enhancements I know of. The developer is great and helpful. My strongest recommendation.
  14. @colorful-ant said in A few things really weird or wrong with TB 1.0.4 caching or full page caching: did you activate the module aeuc? Do you got infor on AUEC and full page caching? I ran FPC with default setting but I am in Europe and have AUEC installed. Is there somthing I have to have in mind?
  15. If you are asking for GDPR and customer reviews I strongly suggest to remain technical and on topic. Opinions and law do not fare well together and it would water this good forum. What we need is regular statements from developers so a feeling of trust can build. Concerning your question I know that you will need consent from customer to send her/him a review email. These are not the same as a newsletter. Review emails need consent. Moreover you also need to explain about this in your GDPR CMS. How can you attain consent? Only way at the moment is via double-optin to receive a review email. In order to facilitate this you could best make use of a check button after payment conformation (since so you 'catch' only customers who were willing to buy and go into contract with you). I was not able to get the technical side of these constraints working on my shop. I am no coder and need help.
  16. Petr, you made my day. Again :) I read about psgdpr : "Official GDPR Compliance Module - this mode can be used only when you have prestashop's official GDPR module installed. This module is free for prestashop 1.7, for prestashop 1.6 you'll need to purchase it" but that is not an issue anymore since I had spent hours on gathering information how to get ThirtyBees compliant. Since I had a customer account deletion request with request for saved data today I know now what I can do or must do if SnowCat needs longer to for the TB GDPR module than ...
  17. Danke Euch beiden für die guten Hinweise. Ich werde versuchen die Dame Richtung Kerndatenauskunft zu lenken und Ihr dann die genannten versuchen mitzuteilen. Gleichzeitig lege ich schon einmal eine vorgefertige Anwort auf diese Fragen im System an. Was die Details der Auskünfte betrifft, die DRMasterChied erwähnt bin ich mir nicht so sicher, da ich es ehrlich gesagt gar nicht so genau weiß, was das TB System so speichert. Aber ehrlich gesagt, diese personenbezogenen Daten liegen ja auf der Hand. Die Bestellungen (hier nur eine) ebenfalls. Wie weiter diese dann wieder mit einem Zeitstempel versehen sind muss ich mal sehen. Zahlart/en ebenfalls.
  18. Bei mir hat sich die erste Kundin gemeldet, die Ihr Konto (kein Gastkonto) gelöscht haben will, eine Bestätigung einfordert und Ihre Daten. Na toll... Ich besitze zwar das tollte datakick Modul, weiß aber nicht, wie es mit helfen kann beim Datenexport eines Kunden bezüglich GDPR. Wie ich es sonst hinbekommen könnte? Keine Ahnung. Wahrscheinlich muss ich ein Presta Modul kaufen. Aber mal ehrlich, mit kommt das Wort mit P. nun schon viel zu häufig hier im Forum vor. Ich möchte eine Biene sein und weiterhin stolz, dass ich Thirtybees nutze. Aber jetzt bin ich erst mal aufgeschmissen und weiß nicht was ich machen soll. Ich habe Rechtstexte von der ITKanzlei und das kostenfreie artfreegdpr1.0.7.zip Modul. Was sind denn die bevorzugten Möglichkeiten, die Ihr anwendet für die DSGVO? Das M4 Modul ist sicherlich toll, aber eine POPup Lösung mag ich nicht und hat auch wirklich keiner. Aber vielleicht macht es Sinn, das Modul zu kaufen, um die Daten exportieren zu können? Das Recht auf dieses kann man mittels des PrestaShop Free GDPR compliance [RGPD 2016/679] (artfreegdpr1.0.7.zip) dem Kunden darstellen. Wie der DRMasterchief schreibt: "Somit müssen “nur” noch andere Punkte der DSGVO beachtet werden (Datenportabilität, Recht auf Vergessen etc.), aber das kann der Kunde ja ggf. sowieso selbst machen im Konto, ggf. per Modul das es schon gibt oder das noch kommt." Ich widerhole meine Frage, um auf technischer und sachlicher Ebene eine Lösung zu verwirklichen mit ThirtyBees, die mir nicht noch mehr Nerven, Zeit und Geld kostet: Was sind denn die bevorzugten Möglichkeiten, die Ihr anwendet für die DSGVO?
  19. Mh that is interesting @datakick I have Sendreview and Revws module disabled since I had trust in the notion that TB 'd be compatible with GDPR via extra module for weeks now :( I would be so very happy to get my reviews running again since I canceled my earlier providers for the cool Sendreview and Rews module. I hoped that I could get help how get them compliant. I am pretty sure that I have the proper law text for reviews, contact form etc. but I am missing a way to integrate the modules properly. I think we need some where checkboxes for the customer to agrre in these functions ( and also for the delivery notification with tracking ID from delivery service provider). This is something I think I can not do myself since these agreements need to be tracked via database and be 'exportable and deleteable' via the missing GDPR module. Any help is highly appreciated by me. Thank you.
  20. Editing a category I stumbled upon the Google form field. What is the proper syntax for it? Example: Swimming article in my shops language only the sub category or the whole 'tree': Swimming Sports > Outdoor> ... > Swimming And since this could become handy and cool I strongly vote for the feature that ThirtyBees loads the topical file from Goolgle with all categories for taxnomie and autofills / suggest proper entry if we start typing. This is an pretty old function I came across years ago in a module for Google Shopping and ThirtyBees should shine in this too :) URL Google Categories targetlanguage GER for example: https://www.google.com/basepages/producttype/taxonomy.de-DE.txt
  21. I might be in the boat, too, for OPC from Prestashopteam. I had once contacted them (a year ago or so) about compatiblity with TB and AdvancedEU module and they even said 'they' have a shop running in Germany... Before I buy I must have a closer look at a European/German shop with it. It is no must for me at the moment since I am quit happy with Thirtybees 5er checkout :D since I did my best to max. UX and conversions. I see no bis hassle in it at the moment and think that mobile first also works. Anyhow, I am open for anything that could boost conversions since I am a shop owner and runner^^.
  22. I know that Presteamshop.com developed an OPC modul that supports ThirtyBees: https://www.presteamshop.com/en/modules-prestashop/one-page-checkout-prestashop.html Perhaps someone has the ressources to buy, test and comment on it.
  23. I would really appreaciate an offical statement - one of those who are developing the solution for ThirtyBees - in order to underline trust in ThirtyBees of what we can expect and when. Thank you
  24. Hat jemand eine Information über den Fortschritt zum 30bees DSGVO Modul?
  25. Salut musicmaster I noticed that they did at least three updates in less than 10 days. they also added some functionality. Answering your question I could solve the problem. I had my rewrites rules in the htaccess under scrutiny and a gifted coder could underline that. In my case all pages are stripped of .html .php etc. I did procede so half a year ago when I migrated to Thirtybees since it supports nice url rewriting natively. I never had issues except some with modules that load documentation pages that end on .pdf or .doc I think. Never a real problem (Google Index might be trickier). Anyhow the new StoreCommander seems to depend on pages or stuff it could not load due to my rewrite rules. And btw: I never really panicked since I use your mass edit module since it came out (half a decade ago?) and I am super happy that you maintain and enhance it since it is so great. I use it regulary for mass SEO text and description fields checking.
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