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Everything posted by Pedalman

  1. Thanks Lesley, I see what you mean. Actually I had to increase .content_price: 82px I hope that does not break other layout features like responsiveness and that such that is safe to use ;) Any tip on how to display: none the advancedeucompliance module on all occasion (also cross selling module and so on) except the product page?
  2. I have some small issues with linebreaking and padding/margins in order to get a nicer looking product box: You see that the pre-reduced price addition breaks a nice layout. 1st: How can I fix that? 2nd: Many shops only show the essential information the module advancedeucompliance offers on product.tpl pages where the add to cart button is shown. Well, how can I achieve that? I need some display: none or so for the info block on homepage and product listings. I think that's it as long not other modules like cross selling or so view the add to cart button. I would use .aeuctaxlabel, .aeucshippinglabel {display: none !important} if I knew how to constrain it on all pages except product.tpl (I think that makes sense). 3rd: Revws module hook info block needs some more margin-top and perhaps a smaller font-size for the grade count. Well, I failed to change this, too. Perhaps if the 2nd question is solved 1st and 3rd are bogus :) I still use Warehouse theme by Iquit and I am happily willing to migrate to the comunity theme when I find the time to do so...
  3. ! it works ! As said I did deactived APC and OPcache in Hetzner's console and deleted the class_index.php again (I had reuploaded zip content to FTP just now.) Now I am back in BO. Great!
  4. I did. I do it again in a second. I just deactivated APC and so on in Hetzner's console. Just to make sure.
  5. I had followed Slicks' tut to run pre 1.0.4 three months ago. All was fine. I stopped checking the GIT repo for changes in Feb 2018. So I had a January 2018 V1.0.4. Today I followed the official tut from the Blogpage to update to the latest V1.0.4. Now I can not get into backoffice. The login screen appears fine then with logging in I get a white screen. Dev mode on and browser console does not give me a clue! I had run Michaels SQL via phpmyadmin. I had to change PREFIX to ps. since I orginally came from Prestashop and have skipped to change Prefix to TB. Anyhow I assume Miachel meant us to change the line anyway. browser console says: [ThirtyBeesException] Class 'AdminDashboardController' not found at line 125 in file classes/controller/Controller.php @since 1.0.0 @version 1.0.0 Initial version */ public static function getController($className, $auth = false, $ssl = false) { return new $className($auth, $ssl); } /** Custom error handler * ControllerCore::getController - [line 829 - classes/Dispatcher.php] - [1 Arguments] DispatcherCore->dispatch - [line 63 - admin/index.php] PS: I have reuploaded the directory but does not help.
  6. Hello I was so bold to run my live shop with 1.0.4 since you made this post Slick. I had no issues and all was more than fine for me. Anyhow I stopped looking for updates since end of Januara I think. Now, 1.0.4 is topical to the latest and public. So great news. But how can I update form pre 1.0.4 to the latest without issues?
  7. Thank you Ant for the link. That should help. Nice is also, that I, too, have moved the {$summary_tab} block to the right top so my DMS with ocr can more easily archive it...
  8. Hallo ich habe gerade erst festgestellt, dass sobald Artikel gekauft wurden, die reduziert sind, eine weitere Spalte auf der Rechnung erscheint: Grundpreis (o. MwSt.) Ich denke sie sollte heißen Grundpreis vor Preisreduzierung oder ähnliches (lieber was kurzes). Mein Schnippsel invoice.product-tab.tpl: ``` {l s='Reference' pdf='true'} {l s='Product' pdf='true'} {l s='MwSt.' pdf='true'} {if isset($layout.before_discount)} <th class="product header small" width="{$layout.unit_price_tax_excl.width}%">{l s='Base price' pdf='true'} <br /> {l s='(Tax excl.)' pdf='true'}</th> {/if} <th class="product header-right small" width="{$layout.unit_price_tax_excl.width}%">{l s='Unit Price' pdf='true'} <br /> {l s='(Tax excl.)' pdf='true'}</th> <th class="product header small" width="{$layout.quantity.width}%">{l s='Qty' pdf='true'}</th> <th class="product header-right small" width="{$layout.total_tax_incl.width}%">{l s='Total' pdf='true'} <br /> {l s='(inkl. MwSt.)' pdf='true'}</th> </tr> </thead>``` ``` {if isset($layout.before_discount)} {l s='Base price' pdf='true'} {l s='(Tax excl.)' pdf='true'} {/if}``` Inhalt der Spalte: {if isset($layout.before_discount)} <td class="product center"> {if isset($order_detail.unit_price_tax_excl_before_specific_price)} {displayPrice currency=$order->id_currency price=$order_detail.unit_price_tax_excl_before_specific_price} {else} -- {/if} </td> {/if} Habt Ihr das besser oder eleganter gelöst?
  9. I would like to have a form where we could enter test emails. I know about doing a test order and a manual cron with proper settings but I like it the easy way.
  10. This is not as general issue. I noticed it only once and could not 'regenerate' it. I noticed and my customer too that on the invoice delivery costs were set to "free shipping" though normally our standard delivery costs should have been charged. Weird is that PayPal saw this standard charge and charged it correctly. So, cart data was sent correctly to PayPal via Api but at somepoint Thirtybees internal invoice generating system failed or more likely was tricked some how. I also noticed on the invoice the invoice adress was in a foreign country but not the delivery adress. For this particular foreign country we charge differntly. Note that for both cases inland and foreign... there is only one delivery service presented. Each has its standard carrier. I tried to retrigger this behaviour and switched some times between delivery and invoice adress and inland and foreign country but I could not retrigger this. I even tried to reproduce the cart that consisted of articles with variants. May be someone has an idea what could have happened?
  11. In the file is another occurence of 1.6 - may be this should be changed to 2.6 , too?
  12. Pedalman

    SVG logo

    ... works.. please delete my post. I had a typo and asked for help. working is now: <img class="logo img-responsive replace-2xlogo" src="{$base_dir|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}img/svg/logo.svg" onerror="this.src='{$base_dir|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}logogs.jpg />
  13. I vote for screen shots of user having fun to show us their way of implementing it. May be someone creates a style that differs totally of what we are used too. The module is working now and I like it very very much. Such a good time this year! So many superb modules at our hands now by so generous and capable developers that I am happy to forget all the troubles I had with Prestashop over years. Thank you very much Petr PS: I am happily willing to learn as fast as possible to make use of your main module Datakick now. I am sure it is going to be of great help to me to hone my shop user EX and SEO wise.
  14. Pedalman

    Erro CronJobs

    Thank you for the tut and initiating the update of the module. Great. V2.1.2 now works. I had to deinstall the old one. I also deleted it.
  15. I thought that it kicks in when I upload images via ThirtyBees backend (catalogue and products). But I did some tests with product photo on white background. Since I try to shoot my products myself :dancer: mostly the backgorund in the JPG is not 255 255 255 (pure white). Sure I could do some GIMPing or so but -fuzz and trim could also do the job. I started with 10% up to 110% and IM never seemed to kick in in any way. In a nutshell: a) IM kicks only in if I do an image rebuild via backoffice b) it is incompatible with my Kraken Image Optimizer v2.0.3 - PresTeamShop module c) I do not met the min. requirements* I just read on the GIT docu: *Minimum requirements PHP imagick extension 3.4.0 ImageMagick 7.0.2 (anything below is vulnerable and not supported!) PHP 5.5 thirty bees 1.0.x *
  16. Pedalman

    Erro CronJobs

    Slick, could you be so nice to write a tutorial on how to use the cron module properly? I used cronjobs.org and entered all cron urls from modules I needed and that worked flawlees most times. But I liked not to have to much external services so I can sleep better. So, I had a look at this module but I do not understand how it actually works. My hoster called Hetzner offers to me in its console also a cronjob form. But I failed to make use of it. I seem to miss the right schema to enter the jobs. Sometime I get error message like parameter ?token etc. not allowed. I think it is meant to load purely files but here I am lost. Is the module connected to host's own cron function? Do I enter all URLs I get from modules like the sitemap one into the TB cronjob module (V2.0 as you suggested) and then I have to make sure my host calls this module? thank you
  17. @datakick you showed me Lesley's post on a problem some one had with CCC. I also unticked "Keep JS and CSS files" during resintall sinceI had the problems Slick has. What caused it I do not know but all seems to be fine now.
  18. Perhaps you could add a "development in progress" button Lesley that next to the said also fushes APC etc? I always for get the one or the other to turn off during changes. Mostly it is no problem but when it becomes one frustration starts raising. Would be a nice addition.
  19. I suggest to deinstall 1.0.4 via bo/moduls and to reinstall clearly 1.0.5. BUT only if you know how to take care of your reviews in DB. You could easily export them via SQl, Datakick module ... Perhaps better to try it on a clone or before deinstalling to try to delete the module via FTP and to reinstall the new one. Anyhow, I had to do it this way to get rid of this little hickup. I am now a happy user of the module and can happily say that it is a super module with great support. This one in combination with Slick's 'after mail' module to sent a reminder mail to review is a big big plus to use Thirtybees. Great contribution.
  20. Hello hfxracing you might have a closer look at Vekia's HTMLBoxPro and TinyMCE module (mypresta.eu I think is the url). You can to astonishing things with it. The Box module can create custom hooks and shortcuts I think so you could export your category via SQL any tool that suits you and do a quick mass edit in order to add the custom hook to the product descriptions of the category. You could add there your needed html/css/JS code. What ever. TinyMCE now learned to use the "accordion" way of showing and 'gridding' text. You could in the way mentioned also mass insert the text as code snipped. Perhaps you contact Vekia since he is pretty in this (he also has Tab modules). Might be you have to ask for Thirtybees compatibilty, too.
  21. I suggest to have a look at Datakick module or to contact Petr from Datakick (search forum). This module seems to shine in export and import processes and data manipulation of fields and tables.
  22. Hello thank you for the instructions. This I have done for years and more in my category pages but I to stop to modify my templates my own on file basis. Each big update or any other changes to my system force me to do file comparisson in order not to miss something I changed in the past. This can become many things. Latest is a file seldom touched by other for example >> \Core\Business\Payment\CoreBusinessPayment_PaymentOption.php <<. I used that one to split payment options description into to parts so I could modify payment options tpl in a nice and more compact way { private $callToActionText; private $callToActionText2; ... } Back to the changes or code movents you made: I use the Warehouse theme by IQUIT which allows this position of category description via UI. This should TB also implement. It's an easy option that user as you and me could benefit from. I also commented out the abbreviation/truncation of descriptive text so the whole category description is viewable. I think this is something that Goolge seowise might honor a tiny bit over truncating text. Who knows... What remains on the wishlist is the named option to split easily the category description. This is the important one in my eyes.
  23. Thank you Yaniv, I know them all and used them in the past. I am also a long time buyer of HTMLboxPro (MyPresta) but never thought about to use them like this. I must admit I am still unsure about how to reach my goal with these html boxes I could hook to the bottom of cateogory list in an easy and acceptable way. But it better than nothing :) and I could start with my important categories (or not so important ones at the moment dependent on the seo strategy I want to follow).
  24. I am totally with you and what you said I knew. That is the reason why I asked what the best way would be to split the category description since I already thought that a 2nd db entry would make sence or be necessary. Personally, I like the option to have a brief category introduction non abbreviated top of the product listing and to have the rest at the bottom of it. I am curious if an override/ module adding this 2nd database entry would do the trick. This entry could be a clone of the normal category descripton so any template could make use of it or anyone could just add the part to show this 2nd entry. Tpl allows to shorten strings so a module could even give us the option to skip the first x lines/chars before it shows the 2nd part right under product listing. PS: My problem is that I am no coder at all.
  25. Sir Slick, I am also so very much thrilled - I can't tell you. Though I still have to import old reviews into Datakick's great review module I must thank you in advance for giving this great module to us. I am in ecommerce for 6 years and have literally lost hundreds if not thousands of euros to these services (I call them just members of the Vulture Club in ecoomerce) that charge so much for a "review system". All I was after was a way to send this "review" emails. I was a customer of Ekomi, Trusted Shops (big one in Germany) and Yotpo. I never felt happy with them. Now I see light again despite the fact that I am already a happy Thirty Bees user and am more than happy looking forward to have Review by Datakick running and your Send-Review-Request module. Additionally I know that my shop will not have to run any external calls via scripts like Yotpo etc. since these slowed my shop down very much. Thank you! /bow
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