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Everything posted by Pedalman

  1. If you did not know, Datakick has already done more than the basics on this idea and put it into a module (that is in development). As said, time and therefore money is alway of concern if things are to be developed and maintained. Perhaps TB needs outsourcing 😉 anyway due to my 40 years usenet/Internet experience I can tell you that solving bugs and polishing the 'marketing' form are an endless story. So, we can be honest and expect that freebies are seldom to come. Therefore I repeat may be it is best to start outsourcing. Maybe due to a public write out where the agencies supporting Thirtbees that are gathered on a monthly basis could pick the most wanted projects. Develop them in their name and sell, support and maintain... - be part of a great future of an ecomerce platform that simply works, is affordable and greatly sympathetic.
  2. *ERROR* 2019/01/03 - 00:01:10: cURL error 52: Empty reply from server (see http://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html) at line 185 in file vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/Handler/CurlFactory.php Im agetting this error in the logs daily at roughly the same time. Does it need fixing?
  3. So, Waka., you are using the version that was supposed to be adapted to Thirtybees exclusively and not the latest version V3.3x developed for Prestashop only (and all compatible forks)? (I am also asking, because two weeks ago I reported here that orders made via "paylater" and Mollie do not! change their order status automatically as they should after being delivered. May be there is a connection to the issues of 30knees)
  4. is for anyone the change order status to "ship all" via API working?
  5. Hi I also switched to the PS version at the point when the TB version was marked as 'stalled' in development. M. Dekker made public he will not continue the TB version and concentrate on the PS version already started by Snowcat only. I never got the CSS style override working :( May be I am missing information to use the right path but since I am msessing around with PS/TB for half a deacade now I thought how to use is. Well, it did not work. That is sad since I really would like to fit the style to my shop. Moreover I do not get the auto change status function working. I tried all settings but it seems not to work. The API is not changing status for "pay later" in Mollies backoffice. I have this problem with another "pay later / pay on invoice" module by Silbersaiten that has also a function to change the order status. In this case after for example 14 days since order. It never worked. May be there is in my Shop or in TB in general something different to PS considering the order status function?
  6. Oh oh I just found out that you can actually add text to the specific invoice in backoffice orders. It is hidden in the tab 'documents' in backoffice orders. Well, that is nice. Thank you for your tipps !
  7. No, I am not looking for a sultion where everycustomer can leave information to be added to invoice during checkout or customer account. I am looking for a way where an employee can add information in backoffice/orders that can be added to that special invoice (orderID)... For example yesterday a University made an order but informed me that it is necessary that a certain number appears on the invoice...
  8. Sometimes customers want me to add important data on an invoice. Is there an elegant way to add this? Best would be directly from the backoffice/orders. There is already the form for notes to be seen only by employees and not the customers. Could this be 'cloned' and and a variable be addes to invoice.tpl? Or any easier way? Thank you
  9. Hello thank you for taking time on this. I found this https://css-tricks.com/apply-a-filter-to-a-background-image/ on the web. I am going to play with it next year. As said I find it very interesting how they did it and how it could be implemented into a already running web shop. In my case I tried to upload only product images with 255 255 255 white background. Anyway, there will bi still a small number of images with different bg. May be I will get into offering best product images (quality, size, visual attractiveness) finally. There it would be helpfull to integrate imagemagick into the core image controller perhaps :)
  10. Hello I stumbled today about an online shop that is getting better after a long time being not so: https://toom.de Please have a look at any category and notice the background color of product images. All are of a constant gray tone and I wonder how they did it. I am no techie but tried to get a clue via browser tools and it looks like they are using highly compressed (too much I think since image quality is low) PNG images and add via some php function a gray tone that fits to overall column color. Could this be imagemagick or ....? I always wnated to have product images on a gray tone background but never followed this path since I had enough troubles to get a proper white background with my own product photography and Ebay/Amazon once only accepted product images on white (pure white 255 255 255 rgb) backgrounds. Could some one please enlighten me?
  11. Well, I am not going to use it. Since Knowband is not willing to refund it I can sell it ;)
  12. I am grateful for your honest words and answer. I really do not like to talk bad about modules or agencies. But in this case I already said that I am was in daily email support conversation with Knowband about issues I noticed in the first 15 minutes and they always responded in a way making me feel like an ape. That was no good experience and I will dig it not. 'PresTeamShop one' I forgot about. I had once a look at their OPC module ( a year ago or so) cause I bought their image compression module. I will check them since I know that their support is fine. Thanks
  13. I had the impression that Thirtybees users in this forum are happy with Knowband's OPC module. But after trying to get some answers from Knowbands support the last two weeks that could make any sense I am at the point to quit this module. But before I am gonna say good buy to the ca. 100 EUR I invested and hours I spend to css beautify the module and to translate the gravely bad and dangerously wrong translations they offered for Germany, despite the fact they claim the module is 100% translated... I must ask for your experiences with this OPC module. What is bugging me most is that it is dependend on the standard cart module with Ajax turned on and that it loads payment options in a windows aftercustomer pressed the buy button. At least for payment options like bankwire, invoice and checque pressing buy button should be the last step in checkout. But see what knowband is doing if bankwire is installed: This is a vanillay Thirtybees 1.07 install. This is far from what I understand under the term "OnePageCheckout". Other payment options are at the moment realised via Mollie module and then things get even stranger. Is this the way OPC is meant to be or can you tell me how to fix it with Thirtybees? The module could be helpfull but as it is it seems to add steps in checkout instead of reducing them.
  14. You can also clean all order data inclusive with custsomer data via some modules. I think TBcleaner can do the job. Else have a look at Vekia's free dboptimzer module ad prestaeurope.
  15. Well, then you have to know also all about product variants, how to list them in the feed, how to set up GoogleTagManager to know about variants and how mix all this into Analytics so an automated bid agent can use this data for ads retargeting and standard google ads and perhaps bing and of course Goolge Shopping... If I would knew all this I would run a SEO agency and not a one man show on the grounds of an open scouce ecormerce system.
  16. Ok, I can happily confirm that Google Flux module by Casper does indeed export all products and moreover is also pretty straight forward to use. My mistake was that I forgot to standard category for test product in test category to this category. Module exports products from their standard category as it makes sense. I really would appreaciate to have a form for the googletaxonomielang with search function, so we could more easily and error free add/match categories. Also helpful would be if we were allowed to add only the ID from Goolges taxonomie list for categories. Perhaps we are already since if I do so (e.g. I enter 1255 instead of toys > bla > blub) then 1255 is written to the xml. Perhaps Google has the mental capacitie to understand that?
  17. Well I really appreciate the work you invest Capser into the Flux module. I used for years Moussiq Pro but that did never ever really a good job and Silbersaiten support imght have improved from nothing to something but not for Thirtybees. So, in a nutshell, Moussiq Pro doesn't do the job to 100% as promised. Gflux I can not get to export all products as I like. I set up a 'test category' and added only one product. This has variants. The standard variant is not in stock. However, no matter what I set up (and yes of course I do have some experience in exporting modules), my product isn't exported. So, I am really interesed to hear from others here you think that all products are exported and all is fine. I really dislike to buy a 100+ EUR Prestashop module only to export a product feed :(
  18. I migrated 18 months ago from PS1.6 and run the latest stable TB1.07 However systeminformation in TB tells me that files are missing or changed? /usr/www/users/thirtybees/coolshop/classes/Address.php /usr/www/users/thirtybees/coolshop/classes/Employee.php /usr/www/users/thirtybees/coolshop/classes/Cart.php /usr/www/users/thirtybees/coolshop/classes/helper/Helper.php /usr/www/users/thirtybees/coolshop/classes/PageCache.php /usr/www/users/thirtybees/coolshop/classes/Tools.php /usr/www/users/thirtybees/coolshop/controllers/admin/AdminPerformanceController.php /usr/www/users/thirtybees/coolshop/controllers/admin/AdminModulesController.php /usr/www/users/thirtybees/coolshop/Admin-2master/functions.php Is this normal or should I have a closer look at it? What can have caused that?
  19. And now I know that it is Lesley and not some new free lancer writing as a ghost writer for you ;) I and most certainly all the other shoprunners here know you are talking about. I know many how just quit their job or eccommerce site due to the time consuming answering of customer questions. So, I wish you to find the right balance here. Thank you and a nice start into the weekend.
  20. First, I really appreciate that you are more visable active in the forum. That creates confidence and is very helpful! Second, as I said I think I do not IM to its best very likely since I do not know how :) Makes that sense? Ofcourse I know about the Kraken.IO service and the 3 or let's say 4 compression settings the Presteam module offers (I think Kraken's own web service offers more. Long time I checked). About IM did some recherche then and all I got was that it can be very good to resize/crop images, alas minimizw (white) backgorund color. I think I also read that I can use it to switch background color (talking about product images). E.g. from a more or less white background (real photography of a product) to a consitently gray or whatever? I can also make use of a radial? function to whiten the background to the corners? In a nutshell, I am in need of a brief tut on that module :)
  21. @lesley said in squoosh.app to optimize your images - new and easy: There are already modules on the market that work with both of those, https://www.presteamshop.com/ Kraken is not an open source library, it is a closed source service. As far as putting them in a module, it would likely be something we would not do, just because there is alternative that is not badly priced on the market. I bought the Presteamshop module a year ago. Partly due to your recommendation at that time. But I did not know that it works with ImageMagick since both make use of the override image controller?! Except you would help us to merge them? And could you perhaps find the time to write a little 'best uses' of ImageMagick module since every few weeks the same questions come up. Nevertheless, I still do not think I use IM to its best if at all :(
  22. Hiding footer-container on step-5 (last) checkout page I tried the following but it doesnt work: order #opcpaymentmethod .footer-container { display: none !important; }
  23. I do not get how to make use of the option to load custom css. I tried my best with the given variables eg. {css]mycustommollie.css or even {css}/mycustommollie.css to no avail. Did someone succeed to load/override global.css?
  24. You are right, I should have seen that myself. Sorry it is late. I just noticed this when being in module settings. However, the error clearly names the file and this is from antoher old module.
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