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Everything posted by Pedalman

  1. Well, then you have to know also all about product variants, how to list them in the feed, how to set up GoogleTagManager to know about variants and how mix all this into Analytics so an automated bid agent can use this data for ads retargeting and standard google ads and perhaps bing and of course Goolge Shopping... If I would knew all this I would run a SEO agency and not a one man show on the grounds of an open scouce ecormerce system.
  2. Ok, I can happily confirm that Google Flux module by Casper does indeed export all products and moreover is also pretty straight forward to use. My mistake was that I forgot to standard category for test product in test category to this category. Module exports products from their standard category as it makes sense. I really would appreaciate to have a form for the googletaxonomielang with search function, so we could more easily and error free add/match categories. Also helpful would be if we were allowed to add only the ID from Goolges taxonomie list for categories. Perhaps we are already since if I do so (e.g. I enter 1255 instead of toys > bla > blub) then 1255 is written to the xml. Perhaps Google has the mental capacitie to understand that?
  3. Well I really appreciate the work you invest Capser into the Flux module. I used for years Moussiq Pro but that did never ever really a good job and Silbersaiten support imght have improved from nothing to something but not for Thirtybees. So, in a nutshell, Moussiq Pro doesn't do the job to 100% as promised. Gflux I can not get to export all products as I like. I set up a 'test category' and added only one product. This has variants. The standard variant is not in stock. However, no matter what I set up (and yes of course I do have some experience in exporting modules), my product isn't exported. So, I am really interesed to hear from others here you think that all products are exported and all is fine. I really dislike to buy a 100+ EUR Prestashop module only to export a product feed :(
  4. I migrated 18 months ago from PS1.6 and run the latest stable TB1.07 However systeminformation in TB tells me that files are missing or changed? /usr/www/users/thirtybees/coolshop/classes/Address.php /usr/www/users/thirtybees/coolshop/classes/Employee.php /usr/www/users/thirtybees/coolshop/classes/Cart.php /usr/www/users/thirtybees/coolshop/classes/helper/Helper.php /usr/www/users/thirtybees/coolshop/classes/PageCache.php /usr/www/users/thirtybees/coolshop/classes/Tools.php /usr/www/users/thirtybees/coolshop/controllers/admin/AdminPerformanceController.php /usr/www/users/thirtybees/coolshop/controllers/admin/AdminModulesController.php /usr/www/users/thirtybees/coolshop/Admin-2master/functions.php Is this normal or should I have a closer look at it? What can have caused that?
  5. And now I know that it is Lesley and not some new free lancer writing as a ghost writer for you ;) I and most certainly all the other shoprunners here know you are talking about. I know many how just quit their job or eccommerce site due to the time consuming answering of customer questions. So, I wish you to find the right balance here. Thank you and a nice start into the weekend.
  6. First, I really appreciate that you are more visable active in the forum. That creates confidence and is very helpful! Second, as I said I think I do not IM to its best very likely since I do not know how :) Makes that sense? Ofcourse I know about the Kraken.IO service and the 3 or let's say 4 compression settings the Presteam module offers (I think Kraken's own web service offers more. Long time I checked). About IM did some recherche then and all I got was that it can be very good to resize/crop images, alas minimizw (white) backgorund color. I think I also read that I can use it to switch background color (talking about product images). E.g. from a more or less white background (real photography of a product) to a consitently gray or whatever? I can also make use of a radial? function to whiten the background to the corners? In a nutshell, I am in need of a brief tut on that module :)
  7. @lesley said in squoosh.app to optimize your images - new and easy: There are already modules on the market that work with both of those, https://www.presteamshop.com/ Kraken is not an open source library, it is a closed source service. As far as putting them in a module, it would likely be something we would not do, just because there is alternative that is not badly priced on the market. I bought the Presteamshop module a year ago. Partly due to your recommendation at that time. But I did not know that it works with ImageMagick since both make use of the override image controller?! Except you would help us to merge them? And could you perhaps find the time to write a little 'best uses' of ImageMagick module since every few weeks the same questions come up. Nevertheless, I still do not think I use IM to its best if at all :(
  8. Hiding footer-container on step-5 (last) checkout page I tried the following but it doesnt work: order #opcpaymentmethod .footer-container { display: none !important; }
  9. I do not get how to make use of the option to load custom css. I tried my best with the given variables eg. {css]mycustommollie.css or even {css}/mycustommollie.css to no avail. Did someone succeed to load/override global.css?
  10. You are right, I should have seen that myself. Sorry it is late. I just noticed this when being in module settings. However, the error clearly names the file and this is from antoher old module.
  11. That is superb. Thank your Mr. Baarssen for the update. I noticed that in debugging mode (backoffice/performance) errors are thrown when you are in 'the module' settings: Warning in Zeile 0 der Datei .../override/controllers/admin/AdminImportController.php [2] Declaration of AdminImportController::productImport() should be compatible with AdminImportControllerCore::productImport($offset = false, $limit = false, &$crossStepsVariables = false, $validateOnly = false, $moreStep = 0) Perhaps it is unrelated. I just noticed it.
  12. Therefore it might be best to ignore the mollie/thirybees fork at the moment since it is versions bedind the official versions. Two more payment services at least. Perhaps you do a file comparrision...
  13. Ah, and I want to notify you on the news I got from the man behind SnowyCat that the thirtybees/mollie fork is soon going to abandoned. That means there will only be the one for Prestashop 1.6/1.7. Since TB is compatible with Prestashop .... we should be fine.
  14. Did only the first test for now - two test buys via test-api - and noticed that the Mollie module kicks my DHLconnector module (German delivery service module) from view.tpl's hook h="displayAdminOrder" where it was already hooked. A bit strange and may be my conclusion is wrong since I never heard that only one module can hook into 'a hook'. Anyways, if Mollie is activated my DHLconnector module is gone from the bo/orders page. Else, the way it integrates into checkout seems to be perfect.
  15. Danke Dir für den Tipp. Ich wünsche mir trotzdem zu erfahren, was nun mit dem PayPal Modul ist, da ich ja auch fleissig ThirtyBees weiter empfehle. Leider ist es ein Problem, wenn ich zugeben muss und darauf hinweisen, dass das PayPal Modul Probleme machen kann bzw. nicht 'ordentlich' funktioniert noch 'supported' wird. Aber vielleicht nimmt sich ja noch Jemand dem an. Immerhin sieht man im GIT, dass der 'alter' main developer nicht mehr aktiv ist. Das die beta, die ja entwicklet wurde, um die Probleme des Moduls, welches es mitbrachte von Prestashop, zu beseitigen, nie fertig wurde. Die commitas an der stable Version waren mehr kosmetischer Art und haben nicht die timing Probleme, noch die Probleme mit PayPal Express (nicht registrierte Käufe), nicht das PayPal login aufgegriffen. Deshalb denke ich Lesley oder ... sollte das klar stellen und die Funktionen im Modul rausnehmen (Express und Login) so lange sie nicht 100% funktionieren. Ach ja, normaler weise schreibe ich immer Positives. Ist nun eine Ausnahme und die genannten Punkte basieren auf meinen Erfahrungen mit dem Modul und Austausch mit dem alten maintainer/developer des Thirtybees/PayPal gits.
  16. Just before I go scrutifying the Molli webpage. I am also interested in what's different from Stripe. Better csv/export for bookmaking? Better support for Europe? Which order confirmation page is loaded?`The theme's one? I need to know in order to get my GoogleTagManager / Analytics gathering correct data. How complicated are refunds (PayPal...?) Or do you manage theses on the 'original' services (PayPal.com ...)? I guess you can deinstall all other payment options in ThirtyBees if Molli is installed as one? Does OPC and 5step and custom step (once Datakick's OptimizedCheckout module get's stable...) work? I know no one is affiliated here with the service. But I am asking for some tips in order to get my payment options issues from the table. I hate it that I have troubles with the e.g. PayPal module since 15 months or are it years?
  17. Damn, I am a patreon but bought already such a module 6 months ago :) But good news is, I have not installed it on live version due to missing time. So I'd like to give yours a shot. PS: I bought that one cause I was not able to code what I intended to do. I wanted to implement the option to break given category description into two parts. In wanted to clone original one and then I wanted to make use of a second table for as many chars the user likes. The shorter version should then be hooked into left column since I heard that Google likes text near the viewports top. Especially for optimisation of mobile pages where left column seems to appear before the standard category description, right? PS: wakabayashi, which PayPal module are you running? I wrote an issue today in the PayPal section here and need a solution urgently.
  18. Hallo ich würde gern wissen, ob jemand erfolgreich PayPal installiert hat und die Conversions tracken kann. Ich habe die Version installiert, die mit TB kommt. Sollte die stabile PayPal V5.xx sein. So weit ich weiß, basiert diese sehr stark auf jener Prestashop V1.6 Version. Mit all seinen Problemen. Mein Problem ist, dass die Kunden nach der Bestätigung bei PayPal NICHT! zurück auf die confirmation.tpl Bestellbestätigungseite in unseren Shop geführt werden, sondern in die Bestellhistorie. Ich finde, das ist absoluter Mist. Einerseits weil wir sehr viele Abschlüsse via PayPal haben und andererseits, weil es so Verwirrung auf der Kundenseite schafft und andererseits wir die Abschlüsse nicht tracken können via GAnalytics und dem (Prestashop) GTM Modul. Ich habe mal gehört, dass wenn man die PayPal Express Variante aktiviert, Kunden, die mit Express einkaufen, dann doch auf einer Bestellbestätigungsseite landen würden. Jedoch macht das Thirtybees PayPal modul V5.xx mehr Probleme mit Express als... Im Grunde sollte die Funktion gar nicht aktivierbar sein und ich finde, das sollte sich jemand mal annehmen. Entweder funktioniert das Modul mit Express oder nicht. Wir nutzen daher nur die Standardfunktion. Wenn ich mich recht entsinne hat vor einem Jahr Michael Dekker angefangen das Modul neu aufzubauen. Einerseits, um die Timingprobleme bezüglich InstantPaymentNotification (IPN) in den Griff zu bekommen und somit die Bestellbestätigungsseite verfügbar zu machen und andererseits PayPal Express ordentlich zu implentieren. Wir hatten mit der stabilen standard Version !!! von Thirtybees (PayPal V5.xx) im letzten Weihnachtsgeschäft die leidige Erfahrung, dass sehr viele Kunden, die via Handy und PayPal Express bei uns einkauften, bei uns gar nicht als 'erfolgreich' validiert wurden. Auf PayPals Seite wurde der Kauf validiert aber nicht im ThirtyBees. Somit erwarteten Kunden zu Weihnachten Ware, die wir nicht liefern konnten, weil wir von nichts wussten. Das das Ärger ergab ist klar und für eine Bezahlart im Ecommerceshop, die extrem wichtig ist, ein no go :( Ich wünsche mir zu erfahren, wie Ihr damit umgeht? Hat jemand ein PayPal Kaufmodul (Prestashop) deswegen installiert und ist damit zurfrieden? Wer kann PayPal conversions via GTM/Ganalytics tracken?
  19. Hello since PayPal V6's development has stopped and it never left beta status I run the version that comes with ThirtyBees. Version V5.x.x I consider this one as stable and safe to use in a productive shop. Anyhow, I followed the documentation that is linked to the module and still have a very big problem: After buy/conversion customers are send back to the shop's "order history" page. This is very unusual and unhandy for customers as for us since we need to track conversions with Analytics via GTM. This would be much eaiser as I understand it if the module would send the customer to the proper order confirmation page. Doing a web search I stumbled about a Prestashop forum thread where people seem to have the same or similar problem and Belini explained why: https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/527066-paypal-redirect-url-back-to-order-confirmation/ I really need to know what I can do about this in Thirtybees PayPal module. Do I have to change things in PayPal's developer console? Do I have to install the named beta PayPal module V6.x since I remember Michael talked about a timing problem he worked on in the beta module? This Instant Payment Notification?! I consider this as urgent since my shop is very much dependent on PayPal and SEA. This does not work if I an not track the PayPal conversions :(
  20. I took out all itemprop code like: itemtype="https://schema.org/Review"> that I found in /template/warehouse/modules/productcomments But I am unsure if I sould do so. I think it is good practice to take out these references in product.tpl and maybe breadcrumb.tpl. But as said, I would be very happy if some one could explain to me an others how to use the module and how to prepate a template.
  21. Hello I use the Warehouse theme by Iquit and I want to make use of the JASON/LD module. I set up last week GoogleTagManager and thought that it might be also a good idea to get the named module with proper markup running. So, I am looking for some detailed documentation and setup instructions of the module. What I read is that I have to make sure that my template does not use any markup code. Well, Well... First I thought, easy, just look into product.tpl and category.tpl and delete anything that looks like markup. After recognizing the markup code tag I could also make a text search through the whole template folder... Then I thought, mh, may be some modules like cross-selling could also have some markup code implemented. You dig it, I have no real clue in this case what to do. So, perhaps some one could hint me the way?
  22. Well, Traumflug's hint revealed to me that I had an issue with the source of the image. It was loaded froma sub domain. After correcting it the image was shown on the Ipad. Then I checked www.svgomg.com and came to the conclusion that I had compressed my svg to much (size). So I redid my svg in Inkscape and reuploaded that to my ftp and all was fine. So, I am happy that you see the logo now, too :) @ Xaver Wehner I am curious if you could share with us the href code you use. I think I should implement that, too. with regards
  23. Thank you musismaker. I post the links directly. Relating to the sources of FileOptimizer: https://nikkhokkho.sourceforge.io/static.php?page=FileOptimizer https://sourceforge.net/p/nikkhokkho/discussion/
  24. Thank you all. I could isolate the problem and I know what to do because of your good tips.
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