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Everything posted by datakick

  1. @troy-roberts on second thought, it would be very easy to add a new custom format option - this one would simply call some user defined javascript function. So you could create your own function that would return any name you wish, even Mauve Hungry Hippo, and revws module would just call this function. This is quite easy, effort is next to nothing. If you wish, I'll add it to the module.
  2. @troy-roberts :) That's indeed very niche, and unfortunately too much effort. Also I don't think it's really necessary: - users can easily change the name displayed on review - merchant can also choose default Display name format - for example you can choose initials, or the first name. When customer write review his name will be masked using this format. For example P.H. or Petr H. He can still change it
  3. thanks @30knees for the suggestions The store's reply to a review could be prefaced with something like "store name:", to make it even clearer that the store replied. good idea. Maybe even use shop logo as an avatar When I unclick allow anonymous reviews and submit a review as a guest without being logged in, I get the message "Failed to create a review" but I'm not told why. A message> "Please log in to review" would be nice. this is actually a bug - when user is logged out he shouldn't start the review process at all. I'll add some message asking user to log-in immediately "Be the first to write review!" is only at the top, but not at the review tab itself. I think having a link there would also be good. It's actually at review tab as well, but only if the user is logged in (have permissions to create review). This is related to previous point. I'll always show this button, even if user doesn't have permissions, and in that case ask them to log in. On products with attributes/combinations it would be nice if the module asked which attribute/combination the review should apply to and that it would show which attribute/combination the review belongs to. this would be quite a big enhancement. I'll maybe implement this down the road, if there's demand for it. I'm not sure if it's worth the effort, though. Reviews of a customer could show up on their account page...and maybe even better, an overview of all products bought and not reviewed? this is already on my backlog. It's related to sending review request, and the landing page that will ask users to review recently bought products. Thank you for testing this!
  4. @wakabayashi said in I'm going to create a free module: @datakick Man you are great! I tested it for some minutes. Editing and commenting worked well for me. Also I used a criteria for just one category, it worked correctly! Love it. I think, mainly the email notification is now missing. :sunglasses: thanks for testing, I'm glad it works for you. There's still plenty of work to do still - right now I'm finishing email notifications, both for admin and for reviewers. Then I'll work on sending (automatic?) review requests to customers who recently purchased some products. I'm still thinking about how to add some incentives to this process, but that's probably out of scope of this module. Maybe my next free module could be some generic rewards module, that could do this task. Btw I see, that reviews are shared between shops. I don't know, if it's by chance or if you thought about it. It's very good like that. Please don't change it :D Oh, that's nice to know :) I didn't really tested it in multistore context. But it makes sense that it works like this, for shared products.
  5. and another version version - this one allows you to edit reviews from back office, and also reply to them. This version changes db schema, so if you already installed this module, you need to uninstall / install it again. Sorry, there's no upgrade in pre-release versions :)
  6. @wakabayashi that's it, thanks a bunch. This was typical copy&paste bug :)
  7. @wakabayashi said in I'm going to create a free module: @datakick after deactivating debug mode, it works fine I have debug mode enabled as well and have no issues. What php version are you on? Could you please turn it back on, and look what's inside ajax response? I'm just curious if it's something from my module, or if the source of this problem is somewhere else.
  8. Here's another version of review module that fixes some bugs, and adds moderation capabilities. Now I'll add ability to create new reviews and edit existing one, and also an option to reply to review. I think that will be all in this review management section. Or did I forget about something?
  9. @baarssen said in I'm going to create a free module: Will it be possible to upload the existing reviews? I'll probably won't have enough time to implement import into this module. (maybe in the far future) There will, however, be an integration with my datakick module that can be used to import data - at the moment only xml, but I'll add support for csv soon. My module is paid, but there's a 14-day trial period. So you can install it, import your data and then get rid of it. I would obviously be more happy if you keep it :) What i dont see, or i look over it, is the possibility to approve a review after you have chosen to first approve reviews. This part still work in progress. Approving, and replying to reviews will be released soon. Then I'll work on email automation.
  10. @wakabayashi said in I'm going to create a free module: @datakick when I click save on settings I get: Failed to update settings when I reload it says: failed to load data. But in fact I believe it works. I use mulitstore and TB 1.0.3 That's weird. Do you have debug mode enabled, by any chance? There may be some php warning/debug/info message emitted into json response, and thus making it not parsable on javascript side. Could you look into network tab in console, and see what is returned by server during ajax call?
  11. @30knees @wakabayashi that would be great. But that reminds me that I need to extract translations keys from javascript files... yet another task to my backlog
  12. @briljander said in I'm going to create a free module: is it possible to just click send without having to add any text? there's an option allow reviews without details - review name / title is still required, though. There is no option to allow only ratings without a title. Also, by default you can't create review when no review criteria matches the product. This can happen only when you have NO global criterion. For example, let's suppose you have only one criterion Taste that applies to products in Cakes category only. You couldn't create review for products in different category, say for a shirt, unless you enable Allow reviews for products without review criteria option. In that case you will be able to create a review. But you can't give a ratings, since you can rate only criteria. It will be only text review without stars.
  13. @30knees thanks, these kind of things is exactly what I wanted to hear. I develop on mac with large screen resolution, so I tend to overlook issues like this. @mockob sure thing, rich snippets will be there. I plan to integrate with tb native json+ld module,. I'll also add an option to emit snippet even if json-ld module is not installed for some reason. @chandra I've already added support for multiple criteria, as discussed above. As for the email follow up - email will contain url to dedicated landing page that will list all recently purchased products with option to write reviews for any of them. Shouldn't be hard, if I manage the auth process correctly :)
  14. Hi guys, here's a first version of the review module, if anyone is interested in testing. The module is far from completed, although front-end is mostly done. Admin side still needs plenty of work. The module is NOT production ready, so please test it on your dev sites.
  15. @vincentdenkspel said in I'm going to create a free module: @datakick Really sorry to hear you won't support criteria. For some products this doesn't matter but for a lot it does i think. If you want to go out to dinner i don't think you make your decision based on one criteria, but on multiple (kind of food, quality of food, price, location, ambiance etc). The same goes for a lot of products. So i really think only one overal criteria will make the module less 'advanced' (by lack of better word) Well, it makes sense. Let's add support then. I'm a little bit worried about the ui cluttering, though. There will be way too many stars on the page :) Any idea how to make the ui more dense? Maybe show only overall ratings on page listing, and show break-down only when user click on specific review?
  16. @wakabayashi I don't plan to support criteria at the moment. Maybe in some upcoming version, if there's a demand for it. I personally don't see a big benefit in this feature, though - I believe most customers just want to make quick decision based on single average rating. They don't want to be distracted by multiple ratings, different criterias, etc. But what do I know, right :)
  17. @wakabayashi I'm already working on it. I plan to release a first (very limited) version later today or tomorrow morning, so you guys can test it while I'm adding the next features. here's a github link. But don't install it yet - still WIP
  18. @pedalman I agree import functionality is really nice to have, and if there's a time I'll try to incorporate it
  19. it's not possible to disable mysql sql triggers. The only thing you can do is drop the trigger, perform update, and then recreate the trigger. Or maybe your trigger contains some conditional statement that checks global / session variable before it performs its logic. If the variable is set, the trigger does nothing. Something like this: IF @disable_triggers IS NULL THEN // Do something use as the trigger isn't disabled. END IF; if that's the case, you can: SET @disable_triggers = 1; UPDATE tb_product_shop SET price=wholesale_price*2.86 WHERE id_product > 9900001; SET @disable_triggers = NULL; If you trigger does not contain this, you really have go with drop trigger / update / create trigger route. In this case, I recommend to wrap the trigger body into conditional statement above
  20. @alwayspaws if you want to change default separator, you don't really have to modify form.tpl. Try change line #570 in /controllers/admin/AdminImportController.php you want to change the character at the end of the line, ie: $this->multiple_value_separator = ($separator = Tools::substr(strval(trim(Tools::getValue('multiple_value_separator'))), 0, 1)) ? $separator : '^';
  21. @foolab said in I'm going to create a free module: In my suggestion, I meant that questions are separated from reviews. than it should be a separate module - there isn't really any relation to reviews.
  22. @foolab said in I'm going to create a free module: I don't know if this can be too much, but... how about to enable guest/customers to ask public questions to reviewers? In this way, reviewers (and the shop owner) could reply creating more engagement and a knowledge base with useful content (SEO). Well, there is already a feature in my backlog for responses - merchants will be able to reply to reviews, and these will be visible to all visitors. But I don't plan follow-up questions/comments - max one reply per review, with no option to react on this reply. Would that be enough?
  23. @briljander said in I'm going to create a free module: ... an option to make the reviewcomments optional and only the review stars mandatory. Possible to leave answers on comments Both store and product reviews? Change style, color and size of stars Slider for frontpage Option to show reviews in tab or new block on product page Feature to report reviews with bad language for customers Disable comments Thank you confirmation email for leaving a review Status page where you can se all orders, sent 1st email, 2nd email, who has commented and also manually send new question about leaving a comment to filtered orders thanks for the suggestions. Most of these are already in my todo list, except for status page - maybe if there's enough time I could add it as well. @30knees said in I'm going to create a free module: Something I thought about: We get customers who write us their review by email. It would be nice to able to write a review as an admin and -- associate it with a customer OR -- associate with the admin BUT be able to specify the initials/name that gets shown (my preference, as not all customers will be in the shop, eg if they order through a different platworm...best would be a combination of both) @datakick Happy to hear it'll be integrated with your module. :-) sure thing. Manually add/edit reviews from back-office will definitely be there. @gonssal said in I'm going to create a free module: I don't know about functionality, but I think if technically possible you should consider using the actual core module as a base and work on it, making current users able to update to the new version without losing data. I would like to keep this new module compatible with prestashop 1.6, and I'm afraid that would not be possible if I forked tb native module. Maybe I'm wrong. Anyway, I could create a migration script to copy data from native module to this new one. That should be fairly simple. Thank you all for your ideas, my todo list is getting bigger and bigger :wink:
  24. @vincentdenkspel don't worry, I wouldn't miss the chance to integrate this with my module :) All main functionality will be supported, including import, export, and scheduling (to automatically send review request)
  25. @30knees thanks for your input. I like all the ideas, except for loyalty points - this one should really be handled separately, as @wakabayashi suggested in his post. We could maybe extend loyalty module, or create a brand new one that would handle business logic of loyalty points more generally.
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