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Everything posted by datakick

  1. That's correct. If you migrate from 1.2, just make sure the db is migrated properly, see the first post in this thread. Then, you can enable multiple values for individual features, and that's all.
  2. This sounds like a customization. We should think about enhancing current customization feature to allow for these kind of attributes. Also, it would be beneficial to have the customization saved on the fly, and not force visitors to save customization before they order. How about we start a new thread and discuss our needs in this area? Once we brainstorm the requirements, I can plan this into the backlog
  3. This is not build in functionality. You can use my conseqs module to create a rule to send email when new recort 'Order Return' is created.
  4. File github issue so it will not be forgotten
  5. Create file phpinfo.php in the root directory of your installation with following content: <?php phpinfo(); And then open www.yourdomain.com/phpinfo.php. It wil tell you what extensions are used
  6. phpinfo - https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.phpinfo.php
  7. well thats strange. The only reason for this behavior that comes to mind is missing php xml extension
  8. What language have you selected for installation?
  9. The override solution will 100% work. You can also adjust your .htaccess file and redirect the contact page url to 404 there, totally bypassing php code.
  10. Something must be different. I just tested this on community-theme-default on my local installation and it works properly.
  11. Here you can see the differences in HTML markup created by template (red) and javascript (green). You need to modify one of them to match the other:
  12. This is theme issue. The HTML inside cat block can be either created dynamically on client side using javascript after the ajax call(file ajax-cart.js), or directly on your server during standard full-page load, using template blockcart.tpl. I assume your theme modified one of these two approaches (either js or template), so it's a little bit weird. You should investigate, and either revert the change, or modify the other display method accordingly.
  13. It's specified in the system requirements: PHP 5.6 - PHP 7.4 with a minimum of 128 MiB RAM I guess it is a good idea to add a runtime check into the application, though. To prevent even starting thirtybees / installation process on non-compatible php version. We plan for 2 releases per year. The next one will be out in about 5 months. I can't promise that the php8 support will be part of it, though. It's not an easy task, considering we want to keep system compatible. The problem is that php8 comes with new reserved class name 'Attribute', but thirty bees / prestashop used this name for years already. Prestashop solved this problem by simply renaming the class in the core, so it's no longer named Attribute. The problem is that this does not fixes issues with any modules that might be using this standard class. We want to come up with a slightly better solution, but it's also little bit complicated to implement.
  14. TB is not compatible with PHP 8 yet. The work on compatiblity is in progress, though. Hopefully the next version 1.4 will be fully php8 compatible. Until then, php 7.4 it is.
  15. Customer data are exposed. Customer service messages aren't. For some reason, order notes are stored as a customer service message/thread.
  16. I'm very sure that one more http header in response will not have any measureable impact on store speed. It can have a huge (positive) impact on store security, though.
  17. SELECT d.id_order, os.name AS payment, d.product_name, d.product_reference, d.product_price, d.product_quantity, o.payment, o.date_upd, CONCAT_WS(' ', g.firstname, g.lastname) AS Customer_name, g.id_customer AS CustomerID, CONCAT_WS(' ', ad.address1, ad.address2, ad.city, ad.postcode, ad.other, 'Mobile: ', ad.phone_mobile) AS Delivery_Address, CONCAT_WS(' ', ai.address1, ai.address2, ai.city, ai.postcode, ai.other, 'Mobile: ', ai.phone_mobile) AS Invoice_Address, gl.name AS group_name, s.quantity AS quantity_in_stock, g.email FROM order_detail d LEFT JOIN orders o ON (d.id_order = o.id_order) LEFT JOIN address ad ON (o.id_address_delivery = ad.id_address) LEFT JOIN address ai ON (o.id_address_invoice = ai.id_address) LEFT JOIN stock_available s ON (d.product_id = s.id_product) LEFT JOIN customer g ON (o.id_customer = g.id_customer) LEFT JOIN group_lang gl ON (g.id_default_group = gl.id_group) AND gl.name LIKE 'piiri%' LEFT JOIN order_state_lang os ON (o.current_state = os.id_order_state) WHERE os.id_lang = 1 The tables that are causing you issues are group_lang and stock_available. Table group_lang has compound primary key (`id_group`,`id_lang`), but you join in only using gl.id_group. You need to include language condition as well: LEFT JOIN group_lang gl ON (g.id_default_group = gl.id_group and gl.id_lang = 1) Stock available is more complicated. Depending on you multistore setup, there can be a lot of entries for each product. First of all, for every combination there is a separate entry, and there is also an entry for combination with id = 0. If you use multistore, and each store has it's own quantity, then there are other records identified by id_shop or id_shop_group as well. If you don't use multistore, then you should just add id_product_attribute into the join clause: LEFT JOIN stock_available s ON (d.product_id = s.id_product AND s.id_product_attribute = d.product_attribute_id) Alternatively, you can get rid of this table from the 'FROM', and use subquery. Instead of s.quantity AS quantity_in_stock, you would put this expression instead (and remove LEFT JOIN stock_available s ON from FROM clause): // this to calculate quantity for product (SELECT sum(s.quantity) FROM stock_available s WHERE d.product_id = s.id_product) as quantity_in_stock // or this to calculate quantity available per combination (SELECT sum(s.quantity) FROM stock_available s WHERE d.product_id = s.id_product AND s.id_product_attribute = d.product_attribute_id) as quantity_in_stock
  18. You can define you own order status in Orders > Statuses
  19. The api server was down. Please try again
  20. There are other features that require iframe, such as quick view. Third party modules might need it as well. Your server admins should definitely be able to change it. If they are unable, I would consider changing hosting provider.
  21. This is unnecessary strict server settings. You should reconfigure your server to allow SAMEORIGIN for x-frame-options header. Your server currently returns X-Frame-Options => DENY
  22. datakick

    obsolete files

    There is a slight difference in how Configuration Information and CoreUpdater calculates changes. In this particular case, I believe Configuration Information is more correct -- the scripts in /vendor/bin/ directory should not be part of the installation pack.
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