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Everything posted by datakick

  1. My module sometimes calls ajaxCart.updateCart() method (if it exists). ajaxCart is an object created by BlockCart module, but its javascript code is quite often overwritten by themes. It is this module javascript that is responsible for retrieving current content of cart, and updating html in the page. There seems to be some bug in this code that (sometimes) creates duplicate entries. I don't consider this to be bug in the chex, as calling ajaxCart.updateCart() method multiple times should be perfectly fine and acceptable use case.
  2. Try to update to bleeding edge, and try again. I believe this bug was fixed already
  3. I hope you mean 40 euro per hour, because there's no way there could be a flat rate to 'fix theme'. Note that there is not much you can do in one hour. More often than not, it will just take an hour to set up working ftp/mysql/back office access, and to describe/explain your issues with the theme. Then there needs to be an investigation, developer have to figure out what is the source of the issue. It's quite likely it will not be a theme issue, but rather some module problem (a lot of modules come with templates that does not work with all themes). And then, the fix itself needs to be designed and developed. All this can take considerate amount of time. Depending on number of issues, it can vary from couple of hours to few days. And yes, merchants can contact and purchase this kind of support project from thirty bees directly. Or they can, of course, enlist any other freelancers. There are a lot of experienced prestashop developers that can tackle theme modification easily.
  4. Yep, when you install this module, saving 'Debug mode' from AdminPerformance no longer works. That's because this module overrides the mechanism completely. Unfortunately, there is no simple way to do that in tb core, so I had to do that 'by force'
  5. All ps16 themes should be compatible. I have seen thirty bees running on a lot of different themes (although usually those stores were migrated) Some features, like webp or lazy loading, will not be supported on these ps16 themes, of course. And there can be some problems caused by newer smarty library used by thirty bees -- for example issue "Cannot use object of type Carrier as array" -- but that's usually easily fixable.
  6. Wouldn't it be better to have 'displayable' name for feature values instead of some prefix/suffix? So, the Feature name would be 'Awards', feature value name 'Oscar', feature value displayable name would be 'Oscar (1997)' ? The free-text is more free then suffix
  7. Thankfully, this being open source, you can easily edit htmlpurifier configuration and adjust it to your needs. See Tools::purifyHTML
  8. You can use media server even without CCC enabled Anyway... I have seen couple of issues with CCC, but it always boiled down to incorrect source/asset files. Not really problem with CCC algorithm, although it could definitely be improved to prevent (or at least report) these issues For example, in css file the last rule might not be closed properly: .rule-1 { font-size: 10px; } .rule-2 { font-size: 20px; } .rule-3 { color: black; // note that this rule is missing ending parenthesis When this css file in used directly, browser will be lenient, and parse and use the first two rules, but ignore the third one. The page will be displayed somewhat properly (only one rule will not be applied, which might not be a big issue) However, the situation will be much worse when this css is combined with other. The missing } at the end of file will break all rules from all css files that might be appended after this invalid css file. The situation will be even worse for javascript files. In these cases, the input to CCC algorithm is invalid. Even if we used better / newer library, the result could not be valid -- no algorithm can 'fix' invalid inputs.
  9. Other solution is to edit email template and make it send static text only. As a confirmation that message was received.
  10. Yep, this would work for simple urls without any parameters. For urls with parameters (https://www.domain.com/admin2389/index.php?controller=AdminDashboard&param1=something&param2=other&token=tokenvalue) you would have to include token into the url. Tokens are employee specific, so you would have to know upfront which employee will be opening this url.
  11. You can disable sending emails globally in Advanced Parameters > Emails. Alternatively, you can install my Consequences module, and set up rule that would block sending specific email only
  12. What kind of backup? Anyway, it would be quite hard to recover / merge with your current reviews. You would need to do some surgical sql queries
  13. You have probably deleted review criterion that these old reviews used.
  14. This problem is caused by new column active in table 'tb_category_shop'. This column exits in bleeding edge only, so if you are back on 1.3.0 all you need to do is drop it: ALTER TABLE tbp5_category_shop DROP active; But obviously, this module will no longer work on bleeding edge (or future versions of thirty bees). As @wakabayashi wrote, the module author did not specify from which table active column should come -- that's not really their fault, as at the time they wrote the module only one active column existed in context of this query. If you want to keep using this module, you will have to modify it, and fully specify table name / alias.
  15. It's good only for you, as only you have the private key needed for decryption. You can decrypt the error message in your back office > Advanced Parameters > Logs. Or enable debug mode and you will see the error message directly
  16. That's just it -- it matters. In 1.3.0, there is sql query, something like this: SELECT active FROM tb_category c LEFT JOIN tb_category_shop cs This query does not fully specify from which table return active column. Because in 1.3.0 this column exists in tb_category table only, it does not really matter. DB server will return the only column available. But, if you add column with the same name into table tb_category_shop (as bleeding edge did), this query stops working -- now there are two columns, and DB does not know which should be returned. Extra columns in core tables matter. It should be forbidden to modules to extend standard tables
  17. I am using bleeding edge on my store, and I know about a lot of people that are using it as well. Works properly for all of us, as far as I know. Every store is unique, of course, considering how flexible the module/override system is. If @Mark has 500 error on bleeding edge, then it's most likely some customization issue. Of course, it can be bug in core, that manifests only in some specific use cases. However, without any error message from debug page or php server log file there is no way to tell what's wrong. Note that currently it's not possible to roll back from bleeding edge back to 1.3.0. The reason is that bleeding edge introduces new database column 'active' in 'tb_category_shop' table. This extra column produces 'ambiguous column' database error on 1.3.0. The fix is to drop this column from db table manually when downgrading from bleeding edge to 1.3.0. Core updater does not do this automatically. Actually, it can't do this, because a lot of third party modules extend core database tables with their own columns. If core updater dropped all of these columns on update... well you can imagine what would happen.
  18. This is generic mechanism that is utilised across multiple areas. It can be used in back office forms, or even by some front office features (modules). Even in back office use, it's always good idea to be cautious. Shop owner could copy and paste some html code, a code that could contain javascript or css. This javascript would make it to shop front office, and that's quite severe security issue. Even if the js is not an attack, it can easily break your pages by throwing javascript errors, and thus preventing your own javascript code to work properly. Similarly, any css inline code can very easily make your pages unusable. While WYSIWYG editors are useful, the backend php should never trust the input. Sanitization of input can help you very much. If you need to enter special html markup into your 'texts', then it's a very good indication that you are doing something wrong. You should modify your theme templates instead, and keep your content clean - just text with some basic formatting options.
  19. There seems to be some injection in bleeding edge, regarding token validation. It is either bug in the core, when token validation is incorrect. Other explanation is that this used to be bug in the core that was fixed recently, but chex somehow depended on it. I will investigate, and either fix the bleeding edge, or the module 🙂
  20. This is fixed now, please update to the latest bleeding edge
  21. Thanks for reporting this, I will incorporate the fix into the mainline. In the future, please file github issue on https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/issues Forum posts are very easy to overlook or forget. If you file issue, it will be tracked until resolved
  22. Check image type sizes. <img> within <picture> has explicit dimensions sourced from image type, maybe that's the reason why in your case the sizes are different. If so, force the size with css rule to match. Or upadte image type dimensions and regenerate the images
  23. Please re-read the first post of this thread. You will see image there that showcase this option -- on individual features, you can enable 'Allow multiple values' functionality.
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