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  1. datakick's post in Cannot regenarate any images in TB 1.6 was marked as the answer   
    Image entity table should be initialized during update by core updater. Did you use core updater to update to version 1.6?
    Anyway, here what you could do:
    use core updater and check for database differences in core updater settings, enable Developer mode. Then open Developer tab, and run 'Initialize codebase' process. if nothing helps, you can manually add entries to db tables. Script: INSERT INTO `tb_image_entity` (`id_image_entity`, `name`, `classname`) VALUES (1, 'categories', 'Category'), (2, 'categoriesthumb', 'Category'), (3, 'manufacturers', 'Manufacturer'), (4, 'products', 'Product'), (5, 'scenes', 'Scene'), (6, 'scenesthumb', 'Scene'), (7, 'stores', 'Store'), (8, 'suppliers', 'Supplier'); INSERT INTO `tb_image_entity_lang` (`id_image_entity`, `id_lang`, `display_name`) VALUES (1, 1, 'Categories'), (2, 1, 'Categories Thumbnails'), (3, 1, 'Manufacturers'), (4, 1, 'Products'), (5, 1, 'Scenes'), (6, 1, 'Scenes Thumbnails'), (7, 1, 'Stores'), (8, 1, 'Suppliers'); INSERT INTO `tb_image_entity_lang`(id_image_entity, id_lang, display_name) SELECT iel.id_image_entity, l.id_lang, iel.display_name FROM `tb_image_entity_lang` iel JOIN `tb_lang` l WHERE l.id_lang != 1;  
  2. datakick's post in Updated to 1.6 and CSV import failed. was marked as the answer   
    Indeed, the composer dependency of this module do not work properly with the composer dependencies inside core. We really need some way to have composer dependency isolated (to support different versions in every module). But that will be very hard task to implement.
    Meanwhile, I've released a new version of tbspreadsheetdatasource for thirty bees 1.6.0. Please update the module, and it should work again
  3. datakick's post in Error replied by TB from SendCloud connection: Resource of type \"currencies\" is not allowed with this authentication key was marked as the answer   
    You have to set permissions for this webservice key in Advanced Parameters > Webservice 

  4. datakick's post in Translations from payment modules not showing up in Chex frontend checkout was marked as the answer   
    Ha, this works for bankwire, but not for stripe module. Probably bug, will look into that.
    Edit: bug in stripe module fixed by commit https://github.com/thirtybees/stripe/commit/a4dfcf933e5acab79a7ace3a416f65a898998bae. Will be part of the next module release. 
  5. datakick's post in Chex module - how to sort payment methods was marked as the answer   
    That's true, chex does not have such functionality.
    Newest version of stripe let you sort stripe payment methods, so that can help.
  6. datakick's post in Revws module - possibly missing product structured data was marked as the answer   
    This is google being stupid, that's all.
    This warning is displayed when product doesn't have any reviews yet.
    We obviously can't write any metadata about review (author, content, rating) because none is written yet.
    We also can't write any metadata about aggregateRating - because what is the average of nothing? Allowed value for this field is in range of 1 to 5.
    If we used 0, then google would complain that this not a valid value we could put some value from the allowed range, but which? 1 -- that's not good, because then the page would be displayed with 1 star in search 5 -- that's better, but we would be lying -- nobody gave us 5 stars yet. And google could, and would penalize your site for that. The only solution here, in my opinion, is omit the information completely.  
  7. datakick's post in Is there a way to turn off order confirmation emails for a certain type of payment method? was marked as the answer   
    What you mean by "maybe by email address" ?
    If the importer order has some sort of 'amazon' email address, you could use my conseqs module to block sending emails. You can use Before email is sent trigger + conditions + Prevent sending email action. Condition can be based on email type + recipient email address
  8. datakick's post in a lot of php encryption and blowfish encryption warnings was marked as the answer   
    Yes, that is the problem.
    You have (for some reason) set your store to use PHP Encryption, but no encryption key is generated. No idea how this happened. 
    Because no encryption key exists, thirty bees will raise the first warning: "PHP Encryption can't be used because _PHP_ENCRYPTION_KEY_ constant is not defined."
    And fallback to Blowfish encryption. Blowfish encryption is deprecated, and raises the second warning.
    The fix is very simple.
    Go to Performance tab switch encryption to Blowfish. Save switch encryption to PHP Encryption Save That's it. When you change encryption from Blowfish to PHP Encryption, system will generate new encryption key if none exists.
  9. datakick's post in Multistore - change navbar-header color for specific store was marked as the answer   
    I've just pushed this to bleeding edge.
    Your body tag will now have class depending on selected context, for example mulstistore-context-all, multistore-context-group-1 or multistore-context-shop-2
    You can add custom css into <admin_dir>/themes/default/css/overrides.css
    body.multistore-context-shop-3 .bootstrap #header_infos { background-color: lightgreen; }  
  10. datakick's post in can't access shops (to create multiple shops) as superadmin was marked as the answer   
    This controller is available only after you enable Multistore feature in Preferences > General
  11. datakick's post in Can't import localization pack, cURL error 60 was marked as the answer   
    Your thirty bees store has "trust store" file that contains root certificates of all trusted certification authorities. This file is outdated in 1.3.0, and does not contain new root certificate that Lets Encrypt uses nowadays. Which causes your store to not trust any servers that are using certificates issued by Let's Encrypt. Including thirty bees api server.
    To fix this, all you need to do is update to latest thirty bees 1.4.0.
    If you can't do that, then you will have to manually download the truststore file: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/main/tools/cacert.pem
    and save it as /tools/cacert.pem inside your thirty bees installation. There should already be this file, you have to overwrite it.
  12. datakick's post in "New client" doesn't recognise existing clients - bug? was marked as the answer   
    Columns New client in order list is not stored anywhere. It just shows if the order is the first order created by this customer id. Every guest account has its own customer id, so it will indeed show true.
    You can merge customer accounts with the same email addresses if you wish.
  13. datakick's post in [TB1.5] JSON Module configuration error was marked as the answer   
    Module version 1.0.4 was not php8 compatible. Try new version 1.0.5
  14. datakick's post in [TB 1.5] nocaptcharecaptcha - cannot save settings was marked as the answer   
    This module is not PHP8 ready. 
  15. datakick's post in Homslider problem after latest update was marked as the answer   
    niara theme (and probably others) has its own override for homeslider template that tries to pick images from /modules/homeslider/images/ directory.
    You need to update this override template in niara theme:
    changes are described here:
    or simply download this version and use it to replace the one in your theme: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/thirtybees/niara/15e5338e628fca184a339d6cde66c961bfeb8169/modules/homeslider/homeslider.tpl
  16. datakick's post in First login fails - Backoffice wrong redirect? was marked as the answer   
    Yep, this is a bug. Fixed in bleeding edge
  17. datakick's post in Shipping, delivery time bug? was marked as the answer   
    What tb version? I believe this was fixed already https://github.com/thirtybees/niara/commit/f56c79cd8566f349dec81c40ce9c8cd2f5a41864
  18. datakick's post in PayPal module undefined was marked as the answer   
    Thanks for reporting this. Actually, this particular issue is already fixed, and will be part of the next version of paypal module, when released
  19. datakick's post in PayPal guest checkout broken? was marked as the answer   
    We have investigated together with @Coachonko, and there indeed was a bug in PayPalPlus submit controller. Fixed by commit https://github.com/thirtybees/paypal/commit/cd4f8a5ff3062539d5ca013abf0158ffe467e5eb. Will be part of next module release
  20. datakick's post in SMTP permission denied #13 was marked as the answer   
    it can be... a lot if things. I dont think this is application issue, looks like env misconfiguration problem. For example:
  21. datakick's post in after making the purchase, the cart appears as abandoned was marked as the answer   
    There must be some error / exception during order validation process. Look into server error logs and inside /logs directory in thirty bees itself.
  22. datakick's post in Hi where's the place to decode the encrypted Server 500 error messages again? was marked as the answer   
    Advanced Parameters > Logs
  23. datakick's post in "You have an error in your SQL syntax" when trying to enable Features was marked as the answer   
    Fixed in latest bleeding edge, thanks for reporting this issue.
  24. datakick's post in Get page titles with smarty was marked as the answer   
    It's doable, but not very friendly. Look what static methods are available in Meta class. You could you getMetaByPage, or getCategoryMetas or getCmsMetas
    {assign var='contactMeta' value=Meta::getMetaByPage('contact', $lang_id)} {assign var='categoryMeta' value=Meta::getCategoryMetas(4, $lang_id, 'category')} {assign var='cmsMeta' value=Meta::getCmsMetas(9, $lang_id, 'cms')} <pre> contact title = {$contactMeta.title} category title = {$categoryMeta.meta_title} cms title = {$cmsMeta.meta_title} </pre>  
  25. datakick's post in Manual zip-code to zone mapping with override was marked as the answer   
    Something like this:
    <?php class Address extends AddressCore { // New function to get the postcode from the given address public static function getPostcodeByAddress($idAddress) { $idAddress = (int)$idAddress; if (!$idAddress) { return null; } return Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->getValue( (new DbQuery()) ->select('postcode') ->from('address', 'a') ->where('a.`id_address` = ' . $idAddress) ); } public static function getZoneById($idAddress) { // CUSTOMIZATION // Use the new function $postcode = static::getPostcodeByAddress($idAddress); // Minor islands and Venice if (in_array($postcode, array( "04027", // Ponza "80073", // Capri "09014", // Carloforte "98000", // Eolie, Salina "91023", // Favignana "58012", // Giglio "80070", // Ischia "07024", // La Maddalena "92010", // Lampedusa, Linosa "98055", // Lipari "91017", // Pantelleria "80079", // Procida "71040", // Tremiti "90010", // Ustica // Venezia begin "30121", "30122", "30123", "30124", "30125", "30126", "30127", "30128", "30129", "30130", "30131", "30132", "30133", "30134", "30135", "30136", "30137", "30138", "30139", "30140", "30141", "30142", "30143", "30144", "30145", "30146", "30147", "30148", "30149", "30150", "30151", "30152", "30153", "30154", "30155", "30156", "30157", "30158", "30159", "30160", "30161", "30162", "30163", "30164", "30165", "30166", "30167", "30168", "30169", "30170", "30171", "30172", "30173", "30174", "30175", "30176", // Venezia end "57031", "57032", "57033", "57036", "57037", "57038", "57039" // Elba ))) { return 10; // ID of the zone for these zip codes } // Livigno is even more expensive if (in_array($postcode, array("23030"))) { // Array because maybe more zip codes will be added in the future return 11; // ID of the zone for these zip codes } // fallback to original implementation return parent::getZoneById($idAddress); } }  
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