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  1. datakick's post in HTMLPurifier's purpose was marked as the answer   
    Thankfully, this being open source, you can easily edit htmlpurifier configuration and adjust it to your needs. See Tools::purifyHTML
  2. datakick's post in product pages suddenly inaccessible 500 error was marked as the answer   
    This problem is caused by new column active in table 'tb_category_shop'. This column exits in bleeding edge only, so if you are back on 1.3.0 all you need to do is drop it:
    ALTER TABLE tbp5_category_shop DROP active; But obviously, this module will no longer work on bleeding edge (or future versions of thirty bees). As @wakabayashi wrote, the module author did not specify from which table active column should come -- that's not really their fault, as at the time they wrote the module only one active column existed in context of this query. 
    If you want to keep using this module, you will have to modify it, and fully specify table name / alias.
  3. datakick's post in Make new return request send an email was marked as the answer   
    This is not build in functionality.
    You can use my conseqs module to create a rule to send email when new recort 'Order Return' is created.
  4. datakick's post in Change terms of service on checkout to link not pop up was marked as the answer   
    This is unnecessary strict server settings. You should reconfigure your server to allow SAMEORIGIN for x-frame-options header. Your server currently returns 
    X-Frame-Options => DENY 
  5. datakick's post in One-off Items was marked as the answer   
    No, this is not supported. You can disable ordering out-of-stock items, but they are still displayed in categories.
    You can either
    edit your theme, and simply omit out-of-stock items from listing periodically run SQL update query to hide products that are out of stock. Something like this might work (please test) UPDATE tb_product_shop SET visibility = 'none' WHERE (SELECT SUM(quantity) FROM tb_stock_available sa WHERE sa.id_product = tb_product_shop.id_product) <= 0;  
  6. datakick's post in product features not displayed after 1.3? was marked as the answer   
    There you go.
    There you go. Looks like you have copied AdminProductsController.php to override/controllers/admin directory sometimes in the past, modified it slightly, and forgot about it.
    I suggest you delete this file.
    You should also investigate what it was that you modified, but I don't see many changes in the file.
  7. datakick's post in How to reduce generated PDF file size was marked as the answer   
    One of the reasons the pdf can be so huge is the used font. You can tweak used fonts in file classes/pdf/PDFGenerator.php, property $font_by_lang.
    For example, deleting line 
    'en' => 'dejavusans' Can reduce pdf size from 461K to 15k.
    Of course, the resulting pdf might look different. Or completely broken, if your language contains weird characters such as 'příliš žluťoučký kůň'
  8. datakick's post in An installation theme error on a new fresh TB 1.3.0 installation was marked as the answer   
    Not possible. Just... no.
    The only way this could happen is if your browser sent two ajax requests to install theme. That's very unlikely. Very, very unlikely. 
    Unfortunately it's possible, but only if you have some very weird caching browser extension, adblocker, etc. Or maybe some server redirection.... who knows. 
    Look into browser console, Network tab, and see what requests are send during installation. There should be only one request with installTheme=true

  9. datakick's post in Age Verification Module from PS1.6 - any dev time to adapt it to TB? :) was marked as the answer   
    I've installed it on my test thirty bees, configured, and it works properly. What does not work for your?
  10. datakick's post in Feed on Datakick Module was marked as the answer   
    Hi @SeaSky, 
    unfortunately this is not possible with the current module. This kind of data are not exposed
  11. datakick's post in Nets Easy checkout was marked as the answer   
    This is already fixed bug. You can either update to bleeding edge, or apply this fix:
  12. datakick's post in CSV import Proprety Product->name is not valid was marked as the answer   
    Yeah, import works for me just fine:

    There must be some bug, modification, override, or whatnot in your system. Once again, I strongly recommend update to 1.1.x
  13. datakick's post in Mollie payment module - orders.php loading slowly - database code was marked as the answer   
    The code is perfectly fine, there's nothing wrong here. It just adds additional table to the query that fetches orders. 
    The problem is that your database select bad plan to execute this query. The solution is to help the database -- create index that it can use to optimally retrieve data. Something like this:
    CREATE INDEX mp_order_reference ON tb_mollie_payments(order_reference); With such index the query will run much faster, probably
  14. datakick's post in classes/cart.php TB vs PS 1.6 code - can I replace? was marked as the answer   
    Please don't do that, this is one of the most important part of the code. It's like replacing car engine because your 'Check engine' light is on.
  15. datakick's post in Module removal failed, please fix this manually: was marked as the answer   
    data inconsistency in database. You can download my consistency check module, that might help you fix it
  16. datakick's post in Disable Shipping and Addreses was marked as the answer   
    Thirtybees require address to determine final price, tax, discounts, etc. 
  17. datakick's post in After user logs in, everything "dissapears". was marked as the answer   
    Go to 'Customer groups', and check enabled modules for each group
  18. datakick's post in Affiliate code seems to be not working? was marked as the answer   
    This is a bug in the core, thanks for bringing this up
  19. datakick's post in Multistore Setup was marked as the answer   
    You didn't get the idea of a multistore at all.
    Multistore means that you have only one installation that handles all your stores. These stores can have different domains associated, you just need them to point to the same IP address you thirtybees is running on. When visitors visits any one of these stores, thirtybees will determine the correct shop context from the url, and will serve content from that shop only.
    Of course, you can decide if your mutli-stores will share products, customers, orders, etc. You can set it as you wish. 
    The main benefit of multistore is that you can manage everything from one back office
  20. datakick's post in Bug in translation ->field names was marked as the answer   
    Not a bug. You just need to fix your installation.
    In this post thread:
    you wrote that consistency check found extra file: /classes/db/DbMySQLi.php. Now look what file is this exception complaining about. If you have removed this file as suggested, you wouldn't have this issue.
    A little explanation: translation tools load all php files in /classes directory in order to find translatable strings. They load even extra files that are not part of official thirtybees release. In your case, it loads ancient remnant from ps16 - DbMySQLi.php was part of prestashop 16, but is no longer supported by thirtybees. You should delete it.
  21. datakick's post in Error checking out? was marked as the answer   
    Well, the problem was that you enabled Advanced stock management, but didn't associate your products with warehouses.
    After I disabled this feature checkout works just fine.

    If you want to use this feature, you need to
    create warehouses associate warehouses with carriers associate products with warehouses (and locations)
  22. datakick's post in Keeps showing Maintenance-Message was marked as the answer   
    Try to restore original IP address, as described here:
  23. datakick's post in Upgrade from 1.0.8 to 1.1.0: wrong admin.js being loaded without the necessary function displayPriceValue was marked as the answer   
    Clear all caches. Browser, server, and cdn (cloudflare??)
  24. datakick's post in Upgrade from 1.0.8 to 1.1.0 leads to "Class 'ErrorHandler' not found" was marked as the answer   
    Delete cache/class_index.php
  25. datakick's post in Panda theme or general issues? was marked as the answer   
    The problem is that there is some module with long controller name. Controller name is used to compose page key in form:
    module-<module_name>-<controller_name> for example
    module-paypal-plussubmit Thirtybees has limit 64 characters for these meta page entries. If (( module name lenth + controller name length + 8 ) > 64) then this error is thrown, because the resulting page key can't fit database column.
    This limit is obviously too small, we should increase it for the next version of tb. I've created github issue to increase this limit.
    Meanwhile, you can do this to fix the situation:
    Edit file classes/Meta.php and change size of the page property to 128:
    'page' => ['type' => self::TYPE_STRING, 'validate' => 'isFileName', 'required' => true, 'size' => 64], to
    'page' => ['type' => self::TYPE_STRING, 'validate' => 'isFileName', 'required' => true, 'size' => 128], You will also have to connect to your phpadmin and modify table schema (you might need to change table name tb_meta according to your database prefix):
    ALTER TABLE `tb_meta` MODIFY `page` varchar(128) NOT NULL;  
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