I have so many errors that I'm not sure is this caused by TB or not. So I can't report nothing. I have transport module where developer renames database table and then he forgot to put this in every update. ...only 2 hours to find out. And after this he also put some new column and again this was only in next update. So if You don't update every time but for example after 3 or 4 version then You got constant headache and compared with medium grade hangover this hangover is like paradise. In my case this transport module blocks all possibilities to make changes in product ... Then I found another payment module where is error in syntax. I gave all info to developer and answer was "This is impossible to fix." Then I sent video (half minute to google) where is shown fix to this error and it takes about 30 second to fix. After this I haven't get any answer from developer. Here (I mean TB) you got answer, maybe this would be not solution, but in any case this is better than silence. Bad thing is that my coding skills can't be measured, because there simply isn't any. I keep trying, but maybe is better to build all from zero.