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Everything posted by Baarssen

  1. In productcatalog i get this message: [ThirtyBeesException] Root category must be an integer value at line 345 in file classes/helper/HelperTreeCategories.php @version 1.0.0 Initial version */ public function setRootCategory($value) { if (!Validate::isInt($value)) { throw new PrestaShopException('Root category must be an integer value'); } $this->rootcategory = $value; return $this; HelperTreeCategoriesCore->setRootCategory - [line 3168 - controllers/admin/AdminProductsController.php] - [1 Arguments] AdminProductsControllerCore->initContent - [line 366 - classes/controller/Controller.php] ControllerCore->run - [line 743 - classes/Dispatcher.php] DispatcherCore->dispatch - [line 63 - admin/index.php]
  2. I copied the dutch translation from comunity theme to my own theme. After this i got something very strange: https://www.screencast.com/t/pyrr038RhpW Al the backoffice menus wher changed to english in adminmodus, in my shop i cant see profiles anymore: https://www.screencast.com/t/FF90ssA9ff Also my shop doesnt show the products anymore, so i think something happened that shouldnt be this way. How can i role back this?
  3. I have installed the sendcloud module but in my sendcloud account i cant see the orders to be labeled and shipped. Maybe this file has to be modified? /** * SendCloud | Smart Shipping Service * * PHP version 5 * * @author SendCloud Global B.V. contact@sendcloud.eu * @copyright 2016 SendCloud Global B.V. * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php Academic Free License (AFL 3.0) * @category Shipping * @package Sendcloud * @link https://sendcloud.eu */ // Autoload required, ignoring PSR-1 2.3 require_once dirname(FILE) . '/includes/autoload.php'; /** * Main SendCloud Shipping module class. * * It coordinates the module screens, installation, updgrades, activation and * deactivation of the Module. * * @author SendCloud Global B.V. contact@sendcloud.eu * @copyright 2016 SendCloud Global B.V. * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php Academic Free License (AFL 3.0) * @category Shipping * @package Sendcloud * @link https://sendcloud.eu */ class Sendcloud extends CarrierModule { /** * Translatable messages used by the module. We now keep all translatable * string in the module for simplicity. Since controllers has access to the * module instance, it's easier to manage translations that way. * * We also centralize all warnings reported by validator.prestashop.com regarding * long lines into a single file instead of spreading all over the module files. * * @var array */ private $messages; /** * @var SendcloudConnector */ public $connector; /** * Set the initial data */ public function __construct() { $this->boostrap = true; $this->name = 'sendcloud'; $this->tab = 'shipping_logistics'; $this->version = '1.1.1'; $this->author = 'SendCloud Global B.V.'; $this->author_uri = 'https://sendcloud.eu'; $this->need_instance = false; $this->ps_versions_compliancy = array('min' => '1.5','max'=> '1.7'); $this->module_key = 'ee5ffe2f68aefd272e994aa5a26e6224'; parent::__construct(); $this->displayName = $this->l('SendCloud | Europe\'s Number 1 Shipping Tool', $this->name); /** * Using line breaks makes translations to _not_ work properly. We centralize most translatable strings here * to avoid spreading them in the module and to ease code review and limit usage of the coding standards * ignore comment below. */ // @codingStandardsIgnoreStart $this->messages = array( 'admin' => $this->l('Administration', $this->name), 'already_connected' => $this->l('You already have connected with SendCloud before. You may connect again to update your Integration.', $this->name), 'api_key' => $this->l('SendCloud API Key', $this->name), 'cant_connect' => $this->l('You must configure a URL for this Shop before connecting with SendCloud.', $this->name), 'connection_done' => $this->l('Your connection is almost done. Redirecting to the SendCloud Panel.', $this->name), 'missing_api_key' => $this->l('Missing API key. Unable to connect with SendCloud.', $this->name), 'no_service_point' => $this->l('No service point data found.', $this->name), 'service_point_details' => $this->l('Service Point Details', $this->name), 'smart_shipping' => $this->l('Smart shipping service for your online store. Save time and shipping costs.', $this->name), 'unable_to_parse' => $this->l('Unable to parse service point data.', $this->name), 'warning_carrier_deleted' => $this->l('Service Point Delivery carrier is not active. Activate the Carrier before using this feature.', $this->name), 'warning_carrier_disabled_for_shop' => $this->l('The Service Point Delivery carrier is not enabled for the current active Shop.', $this->name), 'warning_carrier_inactive' => $this->l('Service Point Delivery carrier is not active. Activate the Carrier before using this feature.', $this->name), 'warning_carrier_not_found' => $this->l('Service Points were enabled but are not configured properly. Activate Service Points from the SendCloud Panel before using this feature.', $this->name), 'warning_carrier_restricted' => $this->l('There are no Payment Methods associated with the Service Point Delivery carrier. Customers will not be able to select it during checkout', $this->name), 'warning_carrier_zones' => $this->l('You must enable at least one shipping location for the Service Point Delivery carrier before using this feature.', $this->name), 'warning_no_configuration' => $this->l('Service Points are not enabled. Please enable them on your SendCloud Panel before using this feature.', $this->name), 'warning_no_connection' => $this->l('You must connect with SendCloud before using this feature.', $this->name), ); $this->description = $this->l('SendCloud helps to grow your online store by optimizing the shipping process. Shipping packages have never been that easy!', $this->name); $this->confirmUninstall = $this->l('After uninstalling you will not be able to see your orders in the SendCloud Panel. Are you sure?', $this->name); // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd // Set the warnings in the Module listing page in the Back Office. $this->connector = new SendcloudConnector($this->name); } public function getMessage($identifier) { if (!isset($this->messages[$identifier])) { // Explicitly forbid someone to retrieve e non-defiend message throw new PrestaShopException('Message identifier not found.'); } return $this->messages[$identifier]; } /** * Install this module * * @return boolean */ public function install() { return parent::install() && $this->installSQL() && $this->installTab() && $this->registerHook('actionCarrierProcess') && $this->registerHook('actionObjectAddAfter') && $this->registerHook('actionObjectDeleteAfter') && $this->registerHook('actionEmailAddAfterContent') && $this->registerHook('displayAdminOrderContentShip') && $this->registerHook('displayAdminOrderTabShip') && $this->registerHook('displayAdminOrder') && $this->registerHook('displayHeader') && $this->registerHook('displayBackOfficeHeader') && $this->registerHook('displayOrderConfirmation') && $this->registerHook('displayOrderDetail') && $this->registerHook('displayPDFDeliverySlip') && // Pre 1.7 Hooks $this->registerHook('updateCarrier') && $this->registerHook('displayCarrierList') && // PrestaShop 1.7+ only hooks $this->registerHook('actionCarrierUpdate') && $this->registerHook('displayCarrierExtraContent') && true ; } /** * Uninstall this module. * * @return boolean */ public function uninstall() { return $this->connector->disconnect() && $this->uninstallSQL() && $this->uninstallTab() && parent::uninstall(); } /** * Hook after a new entity is added. * * @param array parameters received by the hook, contain the target ` $object`. * @return null */ public function hookActionObjectAddAfter(array $params) { $object = isset($params['object']) ? $params['object'] : null; $shop = $this->context->shop; try { $this->connector->activateServicePoints($shop, $object); } catch (SendcloudServicePointException $e) { $webservice = WebserviceRequest::getInstance(); $webservice->errors[] = array( 400, $this->l('Unable to activate service points. Please try again', $this->name) ); } } /** * Deactivate service points feature entirely. * * @param array $params * @return void */ public function hookActionObjectDeleteAfter(array $params) { $object = isset($params['object']) ? $params['object'] : null; $shop = $this->context->shop; try { $this->connector->deactivateServicePoints($shop, $object); } catch (SendcloudServicePointException $e) { $webservice = WebserviceRequest::getInstance(); // Line too long but PS translation tool doesn't recognise it when splitted // on multiple lines. $webservice->errors[] = $this->l('Unable to deactivate service points completely.', $this->name); } } /** * Track changes in the installed service point carrier (pre 1.7). * * @param array $params hook parameters containing the new carrier */ public function hookUpdateCarrier(array $params) { if (Tools::version_compare(_PS_VERSION_, '', '>=')) { return; } $this->connector->updateCarrier($params['new_carrier']); } /** * Track changes in the installed service point carrier (post 1.7) * * * @param array $params hook parameters containing the new carrier. */ public function hookActionCarrierUpdate(array $params) { if (Tools::version_compare(_PS_VERSION_, '', '<')) { return; } $carrier = isset($params['carrier']) ? $params['carrier'] : // Look for the old parameter as well. isset($params['new_carrier']) ? $params['new_carrier'] : null; $this->connector->updateCarrier($carrier); } /** * Display the service point selection button. * * @param array $params */ public function hookDisplayCarrierList(array $params) { if (Tools::version_compare(_PS_VERSION_, '', '>=')) { return ''; } return $this->displayServicePointButton($params); } /** * Display the service point button for PrestaShop 1.7+ * * @since 1.1.0 * @param array $params * @return string */ public function hookDisplayCarrierExtraContent(array $params) { return $this->displayServicePointButton($params); } /** * Return the markup for the service point selection button. * * @since 1.1.0 * @param array $params * @return string */ private function displayServicePointButton(array $params) { $cart = isset($params['cart']) ? $params['cart'] : null; if (!$cart || !$cart->id_address_delivery || !$this->servicePointsAvailable()) { return ''; } $carrier = $this->connector->getOrSynchroniseCarrier(); $address = new Address($cart->id_address_delivery); $country = new Country($address->id_country); $point = SendcloudServicePoint::getFromCart($cart->id); $link = $this->context->link; $this->smarty->assign(array( 'prestashop_flavor' => SendcloudTools::getPSFlavor(), 'carrier' => $carrier, 'cart' => $cart, 'to_country' => $country->iso_code, 'to_postal_code' => $address->postcode, 'language' => $this->context->language->language_code, 'service_point_details' => $point->details, 'save_endpoint' => $link->getModuleLink($this->name, 'ServicePointSelection') )); return $this->display( __FILE__, 'views/templates/hook/carrier-selection.tpl' ); } /** * Inject the required front office assets (CSS and JavaScript) to enable * make the service point selection work in the checkout page. * * @param array $params * @return string Additional header HTML to be added in the front office. */ public function hookDisplayHeader($params) { $cart = isset($params['cart']) ? $params['cart'] : null; $controller = isset($this->context->controller) ? $this->context->controller : null; $allowed_controllers = array( 'HistoryController', 'OrderConfirmationController', 'OrderController', 'OrderOpcController', 'SupercheckoutSupercheckoutModuleFrontController' ); $is_allowed = !is_null($controller) && in_array(get_class($controller), $allowed_controllers); if (!$is_allowed || !$cart) { // Load assets just in the order-related controllers. return ''; } if (!$this->servicePointsAvailable()) { return ''; } $script = $this->connector->getServicePointScript(); if (Tools::version_compare(_PS_VERSION_, '', '>=')) { $controller->registerStylesheet( 'module-sendcloud-frontstyles', 'modules/' . $this->name . '/views/css/front.css', array('media' => 'screen') ); $controller->registerJavascript( 'module-sendcloud-script', $script, array('server' => 'remote') ); } else { $controller->addCSS($this->_path . '/views/css/front.css'); $controller->addJquery(); $controller->addJS($script, false); } } public function hookDisplayBackOfficeHeader(array $params) { $allowed_controllers = array( 'AdminOrdersController' ); $controller = get_class($this->context->controller); if (!in_array($controller, $allowed_controllers)) { return; } $backoffice_css = Tools::toUnderscoreCase($controller); $this->context->controller->addCSS($this->_path. "views/css/backoffice/{$backoffice_css}.css"); } /** * With a multi-step checkout the process carrier hook is called. It saves * the service point details in the database (or skip it if service points * were not enabled at all). * * With OPC style checkout, the only option is to save through * `SendcloudShippingServicePointSelectionModuleFrontController` * * We keep this as a fall back to the service point selection controller * for multi-step checkouts as a last resource to save the service point * information. * * @param array $params * @return bool `true` if service point info was saved/skipped correctly. * @see SendcloudShippingServicePointSelectionModuleFrontController */ public function hookActionCarrierProcess(array $params) { $cart = isset($params['cart']) ? $params['cart'] : null; if (!$cart || !$this->servicePointsAvailable()) { return false; } $carrier = $this->connector->getOrSynchroniseCarrier(); if ($cart->id_carrier != $carrier->id) { // A user may not enable service points at all may // selected another carrier. return true; } $details = Tools::getValue('sendcloudshipping_service_point'); if ($details && !$this->saveServicePoint($cart, urldecode($details))) { // Line too long but PS translation tool doesn't recognise it when splitted // on multiple lines. $this->context->controller->errors[] = $this->l('Unable to save service point information.', $this->name); } return true; } /** * Check all the requirements to make service points available in the Frontoffice. * * - Shop *must* have a connection with SendCloud * - There's a Service Point script configuration * - Service Point carrier exists and it's correclty configured * - The Shop has a relation with the carrier (when using Multistore the admin may * disable the carrier for certain shops.) * * @return bool `true` if every requirement is met. */ public function servicePointsAvailable() { if (!$this->connector->isConnected()) { return false; } $config = $this->connector->getServicePointScript(); if (!$config) { return false; } $carrier = $this->connector->getOrSynchroniseCarrier(); if (!$carrier || !$carrier->active || $carrier->deleted) { return false; } $carrier_shops = $carrier->getAssociatedShops(); $shop = Context::getContext()->shop; if (!in_array($shop->id, $carrier_shops)) { return false; } $shipping_zones = $carrier->getZones(); if (empty($shipping_zones)) { return false; } if ($this->connector->isRestricted($carrier, $shop)) { return false; } return true; } /** * Add the service point details to the order confirmation e-mail * sent to the customer. * * @param array $params */ public function hookActionEmailAddAfterContent(array $params) { $template = $params['template']; if ('order_conf' != $template) { return; } $cart = $this->context->cart; $point = SendcloudServicePoint::getFromCart($cart->id); if (!$point->id || !$point->details) { return; } $this->smarty->assign( array( 'point_details' => $point->getDetails() ) ); $details_html = $this->display( __FILE__, 'views/templates/hook/mail-order-confirmation.html' ); $details_txt = $this->display( __FILE__, 'views/templates/hook/mail-order-confirmation.txt' ); $template_html = str_replace( '{delivery_block_html}', '{delivery_block_html}' . $details_html, $params['template_html'] ); $params['template_html'] = $template_html; $template_txt = str_replace( '{delivery_block_txt}', '{delivery_block_txt}' . $details_txt, $params['template_txt'] ); $params['template_txt'] = $template_txt; } /** * After the payment being successfuly accepted the order is created and * a confirmation screen is shown. We use it to send the service * point and order details back to SendCloud. * * @param array $params * @return string */ public function hookDisplayOrderConfirmation(array $params) { $order = isset($params['objOrder']) ? $params['objOrder'] : // 1.7+ uses `order` parameter. isset($params['order']) ? $params['order'] : null; if (!$order || !$this->servicePointsAvailable()) { return ''; } $carrier = $this->connector->getOrSynchroniseCarrier(); $cart = new Cart($order->id_cart); if (!$cart || $cart->id_carrier != $carrier->id) { return ''; } $shop = $this->context->shop; $point = SendcloudServicePoint::getFromCart($order->id_cart); $delivery_address = new Address($order->id_address_delivery); $this->smarty->assign(array( 'order' => $order, 'shop_url' => $shop->getBaseURL(), 'prestashop_flavor' => SendcloudTools::getPSFlavor(), 'delivery_address' => $delivery_address, 'point_details' => $point->getDetails(), 'txt_service_point_details' => $this->getMessage('service_point_details'), )); return $this->display( __FILE__, 'views/templates/hook/order-confirmation.tpl' ); } /** * Tabs are not supported on PrestaShop 1.5, so we hook into the * `displayAdminOrder` to show service point details, when available. * * @see SendcloudShipping::hookDisplayAdminOrderTabShip * @see SendcloudShipping::hookDisplayAdminOrderContentShip */ public function hookDisplayAdminOrder($params) { if (SendcloudTools::getPSFlavor() != 'ps15') { return ''; } $id_order = isset($params['id_order']) ? $params['id_order']: null; $order = new Order($id_order); return $this->displayAdminOrderServicePoint($order); } /** * Display the tab element for service point details in the Admin * order editing view. * * @param array $params * @return string */ public function hookDisplayAdminOrderTabShip(array $params) { $order = isset($params['order']) ? $params['order'] : null; $point = $this->getOrderServicePoint($order); if (!$point) { return ''; } $this->smarty->assign( array( 'prestashop_flavor' => SendcloudTools::getPSFlavor(), 'point_details' => $point->getDetails(), 'txt_service_point_details' => $this->getMessage('service_point_details'), ) ); return $this->display(__FILE__, 'views/templates/hook/admin-order-tab-shipping.tpl'); } /** * Display the *contents* of the tab containinig the service point details * in the Admin order editing view. * * @param array $params * @return string */ public function hookDisplayAdminOrderContentShip(array $params) { $order = isset($params['order']) ? $params['order'] : null; return $this->displayAdminOrderServicePoint($order); } /** * Display the service point details in the order details (history) * to the customer. * * @param array $params * @return string */ public function hookDisplayOrderDetail(array $params) { $order = isset($params['order']) ? $params['order'] : null; $point = $this->getOrderServicePoint($order); if (!$point) { return ''; } $this->smarty->assign( array( 'point_details' => $point->getDetails(), 'prestashop_flavor' => SendcloudTools::getPSFlavor(), 'txt_service_point_details' => $this->getMessage('service_point_details'), ) ); return $this->display(__FILE__, 'views/templates/hook/order-details.tpl'); } /** * Add the service point details to the delivery slip PDF. Usually a * delivery slip is generated when changing the order status to * 'Processing in progress' * * @param array $params */ public function hookDisplayPDFDeliverySlip($params) { $invoice = isset($params['object']) ? $params['object'] : null; if (!$invoice) { return ''; } $order = new Order($invoice->id_order); $point = SendcloudServicePoint::getFromCart($order->id_cart); if (!$point->id || !$point->details) { return ''; } $this->smarty->assign( array( 'point_details' => $point->getDetails(), 'txt_service_point_details' => $this->getMessage('service_point_details'), ) ); return $this->display( __FILE__, 'views/templates/hook/pdf-delivery-slip.tpl' ); } /** * Standard settings page. It redirects to the administration screen * using `AdminSendcloudController` * * @return null */ public function getContent() { Tools::redirectAdmin( $this->context->link->getAdminLink('AdminSendcloud') ); } /** * Do not apply any special rules to the shipping cost calculations but * ensure that service point configuration was done before to make this a * valid choice for the end user. * * @param Cart $cart * @param float $shipping_cost * @return float The shipping costs. `false` if service points were not enabled. */ public function getOrderShippingCost($cart, $shipping_cost) { if (!$this->active || !$this->servicePointsAvailable() || !$cart->id_address_delivery) { return false; } return (float)$shipping_cost; } /** * Apply the same rules found in `SendcloudShipping::getOrderShippingCost()` * * @param object $params order params * @return float */ public function getOrderShippingCostExternal($params) { return $this->getOrderShippingCost($params, null); } /** * SendCloud connection is shop-specific. If the end user opens the module configuration page * with any context other than an explicit shop (e.g: All shops, Shop Group), then we display a * message with instructions to switch to a Shop-specific view. * * @return string the image URL (according to the employee language definition). */ public function getMultishopWarningImage() { if (Shop::getContextShopID(false) !== null) { return ''; } $lang = new Language($this->context->employee->id_lang); $image = $this->_path . 'views/img/demo-select-shop.png'; $file = sprintf('views/img/demo-select-shop-%s.png', $lang->language_code); $path = dirname(__FILE__) . '/' . $file; if (file_exists($path)) { $image = $this->_path . $file; } return $image; } /** * Helper method to display the details of the service point in the * back office. Keep it DRY, since PS 1.6 and PS 1.5 uses different hooks * to display service points. * * @param Order $order * @return string */ private function displayAdminOrderServicePoint(Order $order) { if (!$order->id) { return ''; } $point = $this->getOrderServicePoint($order); if (!$point) { return ''; } $this->smarty->assign( array( 'prestashop_flavor' => SendcloudTools::getPSFlavor(), 'point_details' => $point->getDetails(), 'txt_service_point_details' => $this->getMessage('service_point_details'), ) ); return $this->display(__FILE__, 'views/templates/hook/admin-order-content-shipping.tpl'); } /** * Creates the adminstration tab for the module. It can be found at * Administration > SendCloud Shipping after installation. * * @return bool true if the tab was sucessfully created. */ private function installTab() { $tab = new Tab(); $tab->module = $this->name; $tab->active = true; $tab->class_name = 'AdminSendcloud'; $tab->name = array(); foreach (Language::getLanguages(true) as $lang) { $tab->name[$lang['id_lang']] = 'SendCloud'; } $parent = Tools::version_compare(_PS_VERSION_, '', '>=') ? Tab::getIdFromClassName('AdminParentShipping') : Tab::getIdFromClassName('AdminShipping'); $tab->id_parent = (int)$parent; return $tab->add(); } /** * Removes the adminstration tab created by SendcloudShipping::installTab() * @return bool */ private function uninstallTab() { $id_tab = (int)Tab::getIdFromClassName('AdminSendcloud'); if ($id_tab) { $tab = new Tab($id_tab); return $tab->delete(); } // A tab may not be created at all, so there's no reason to fail // uninstallation because of that. return true; } /** * Create necessary entities in the database in order to make the module * to work. * * @return bool `true` if every entity gets created correctly. */ private function installSQL() { $queries = include dirname(__FILE__) . '/sql/install.php'; return $this->performInstallQueries($queries); } /** * Remove every module specific entities from the database. * * @return bool `true` if every entity is removed correctly. */ private function uninstallSQL() { $queries = include dirname(__FILE__) . '/sql/uninstall.php'; return $this->performInstallQueries($queries); } /** * Execute a collection of SQL queries of the install/uninstall procedures. * * @param array $queries List of raw SQL queries to execute. * @return bool `true` if all queries were executed successfuly. */ private function performInstallQueries(array $queries) { foreach ($queries as $query) { if (!Db::getInstance()->execute($query)) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Saves the service point information based on `$raw_data`. * * @param Cart $cart * @param string $raw_data URL-encoded JSON data about the service point. */ private function saveServicePoint(Cart $cart, $raw_data) { $details = urldecode($raw_data); if (!Tools::jsonDecode($details)) { return false; } $point = SendcloudServicePoint::getFromCart($cart->id); $point->details = $details; if (!$point->save()) { return false; } return $point; } /** * Retrieve the Service Point details related to the specified `$order`. * * @param Order $order */ private function getOrderServicePoint($order) { if (!$order || $order->isVirtual()) { return; } $point = SendcloudServicePoint::getFromCart($order->id_cart); if (!$point->id || !$point->details) { return; } return $point; } }
  4. and what about automating this? I use a checkout in which i can enable the possibility to register a customer after placing an order completely automatic. i didnt enable it because in my opinion people have to do that themselves but it is possible to do it this way
  5. here it is again: https://www.screencast.com/t/sUN6gLivIRk
  6. it happens to the browser bar in front end. As said for now its ok again. i uploaded it with google chrome, maybe i should use firefox
  7. now its ok again, but it changes now and then, when it happens it changes back to this: https://www.screencast.com/t/ih9nruiu
  8. the icons keep on changing back to the favicon of thirtybees, so something is not ok. I cleared cache, browser cache, loaded up again, but it keep on changing back.
  9. I dont know anymore if i have mentioned it before, but this module perfectly migrates your shop from ps to thirtybees. You can start a clean and new installation of thirtybees and import/migrate products/orders/customers etc. in a few clicks to the new installation. Module: https://addons.prestashop.com/en/data-migration-backup/8934-migrationpro-prestashop-to-prestashop-migration-tool.html
  10. Here some other themes that work fine on thirtybees: https://themeforest.net/item/megashop-prestashop-theme/4331276?s_rank=1 and: https://mb-themes.com/home/22-mystore-monika-responsive-prestashop-theme.html
  11. Ofcourse creditcard is globally the most accepted and used payment method, but for instance here in the netherlands its not that common as for example in the united states. I am raised in a family who always told me to pay with what you have and not with what you expect to collect, so i am a littlebit old-fashioned in the payment methods i use, ofcourse i accept creditcard in my webshop ;) but thats because it gives me profit :) Maybe its an idea to mention in the first topic that it can also be done in this way. Just for the old fashioned shop owners among us
  12. yes i can do that by paypal, wanted the small one from 75$ with presto changeo perk. @mdekker i know, paypal can be very difficult, when i first reached the 2000 euro goal i had no control over my account for about 2 months.
  13. What if you dont have a creditcard but paypal and you want to support. Its only possible to contribute with creditcard at the moment
  14. Hi, I try to implement Sendcloud into my webshop, but i get the following error when trying to upload this module(prestashop). There was an error while extracting the module. The destination folder is not writable. It should be great if i could implement it, any ideas what to do? This is the link to addon store, its a free module which works on prestashop very well: https://addons.prestashop.com/en/shipping-carriers/24482-sendcloud-europe-s-number-1-shipping-tool.html
  15. I have used this addon to import all products, attributes and cart/catalog rules to thirtybees. You can also import customers and orders. Works fine. https://addons.prestashop.com/en/data-migration-backup/8934-migrationpro-prestashop-to-prestashop-migration-tool.html
  16. I am getting completely ZEN :)
  17. No, i am not working for the developer of this module. But i work with this module to manage my attributes now for about 9 months and its one of the most easy attribute managers i have been working with. Even for huge amounts of combinations! And... its fully compatible with thirtybees. I have 3 working shops with this module. Its worth to have a look at! See Combination Master
  18. i never used this, i only have used vw(volkswagen) but thats another thing :) I will have to study again to implement this :(
  19. Hi, Can anyone give me a push in the right direction? I use the default homeslider on some of my webshops. This slider is responsive, however the text isnt. When shown on mobile devices the slider is perfectly scaling but the text isnt. I tried different settings (html code) and compared these settings on other webshops but the problem stays. Its simple to add the text into the picture and then upload it, but thats not what i want as i am using different texts on the same picture, also the quality of the text is better when i use the text editor of the homeslider. Hopefully anyon can help me to set it up in the right way.
  20. which fixes? I needed to fix the latest version because of bugs .. lol
  21. It was a known bug in the configuration of the theme.. Its fixed by a patch now
  22. No Megashop theme. Previous variant of that theme works perfect, comunity theme also works perfect. Its the updated Megashop theme wich gives failures
  23. Its indeed a bug in the theme
  24. When registering the zip/postcode doesnt appear, when push on register button it says "invalid postcode" Do i have to activate it somewhere? http://prntscr.com/e9ombe
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