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Everything posted by yaniv14

  1. no. we are skipping migration to 1.0.2 with the ps migrations module. you will be able to update to 1.0.2 after you've done migrating. I recommend you to wait few days, because v1.0.3 should be out real soon and most likely it will be upgradable via the ps migrations module
  2. If you mean product attribute, than of course you can edit them and also re position them.
  3. Can tell about release date. Here is thirtybees github repo. https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees whatever you see the latest, so check relevant commits to you and just grab whatever you need.
  4. Yes, indeed. along with plenty other fixes.
  5. after replacing the file make sure you are loading the new file by clearing your browser cache (ctrl + f5). or even better is to load the page once in incognito mode (private none cache window) just to make sure that it works.
  6. You will need to wait for v1.0.3 or grab all the changes made after v1.0.2 from the github repo. There are plenty of fixes since v1.0.2 and I am sure that one of them is for your issue.
  7. grab the latest version of price.js from here. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/1.0.x/js/admin/price.js and replace it with the existing file located at: /js/admin
  8. Clear your cache from BO, Advanced parameters -> Performance. For the 2nd issue check this commit: https://github.com/thirtybees/community-theme-default/commit/9be83a6be7cfd8a789c3886e89985775fe3ccdb6
  9. Why not setting catalog price rule for quantity discount? That way you don't need attribute and the customer can see a table of prices per quantity and also he can see the price change when modifying the quantity.
  10. I think that you can only control it at CMS page right now. header.tpl got: And if remember correctly, I only saw CmsController having $nobots/$nofollow.
  11. Good call @roband7 Try this https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/commit/9170db1e37a2fa4a60ef75b36ec8c3d2377639cc
  12. I am unable to reproduce your bug. Are you sure you have the latest version?
  13. I've submitted a PR for the logo issue few days ago and asked Michael to check the locale issue, because I couldn't find an elegant way to modify this change. https://github.com/thirtybees/paypal/pull/12
  14. Your right. I can confirm that this works: 'left_column' => ['type' => 'sql', 'value' => 'NOT left_column'],
  15. https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/commit/4ddeec29b5b8fe5e9a8920a2930193c73a88ac95 Nemo forgot the fix it for the right column as well. if you a need a fix for now just use the same for the ajaxProcessRightMeta() function
  16. no need. nemo already submitted a correction for that bug.
  17. Its seem to work only when switching from enabled to disabled. for some reason the 'NOT column_name' sql is not working properly.
  18. I dont think so, the "be the first...." button is blue in the attached screen shot. and this is what have: http://prntscr.com/g3kjyr
  19. @lesley I also just tested it and its working fine. I cannot reproduce the bug describe here. I believe that @vzex theme is not updated. tpl files and js file comes from the theme folder and not the module root folder.
  20. You can delete all the alias to completely remove it. Let me explain better. If you create new alias like that: aliases: dhirtybees, tirtybees, thirtibees result: thirtybees in the database you will have 3 separate rows. 1. dhirtybees -> thirtybees 2. tirtybees-> thirtybees 3. thirtibees-> thirtybees when you go into edit mode (doesn't matter on which one of them), you will see all 3 aliases separated with commas like you enter them before (this is not the actual record from the db but a combination of all matching aliases result). in this part you wont be able to update one of the values, because no matter what you enter in the alias field, when saving it to the db it will break each alias and save it separately (it wont create duplicate record).
  21. Did any body assigned to it? Who is dealing with approved suggestions?
  22. TB modules dont need to be in the module folder. They will be downloaded from TB api when you click install. I know that I had issues with installing TB Blog module on windows.
  23. After studying it more. I realized that each alias is being saved separately in the DB. just when editing an alias it shows all related aliases to the same search result. So I believe we should keep it the way it is. The only downside is that when you want to edit an alias you only able to add new ones, the system will not edit existing ones. I thought about changing it to show single alias when you edit and than have the option to edit a specific one, but if we are doing it that way, we wont be able to add multiple aliases while we edit. so right now i am a bit confused of whats the best way to handle it.
  24. did you leave the comment as logged user? if you always been not logged than the system won't recognize you as the user who wrote the review. anyway I will check that module functionality because I am not really familiar with that module
  25. I think its important to have it. I also mentioned it back in April https://thirtybees.com/suggestions/multi-values-for-product-feature/
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