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Everything posted by movieseals

  1. @the-rampage-rado I receive no information whatsoever. I have zero visitors if GA is installed , even if there are some, there is also no information available in traffic sources and the most viewed page asks me: You must enable the "Save global page views" option from the "Data mining for statistics" module in order to display the most viewed products, or use the Google Analytics module. Also, if I do not use GAPI, even if GA is installed, I get an icon asking me to link my GA account.
  2. Hi everyone. Struggling with the Google Analytics module, which used to work fine before. Basically, the Google Analytics portion tells me everything is fine - my credentials are correct, everything is good to go: Account ID updated successfully Settings for User ID updated successfully The other module, the GAPI connector, tells me that the connection is made (Google API Authorization granted) but that either my analytics are empty (they are not!) or that it cannot retrieve the information: Cannot retrieve test results or there is no data in your account, yet. I tried the piwik module, and this one works very well, except it seems to track mostly robots (I get an insane number of traffic, which clearly does not reflect reality) and does not provide as detailed informations as GA, so I would very much like to figure out what is wrong on with the GAPI module connection. It used to work perfectly before, up to 1.0.6. Any help is appreciated.
  3. Hi everyone! In our store, we want to implement subscriptions to magazines. I found a few modules that technically allow this using Stripe. However, the real world and what these modules seem to be able to accomplish appear to be at odd. We want to offer comic books subscriptions. However there are a lot of exceptions. Some have limited runs (6 issues), some are bimonthly, some have the first issue being more expensive than the others in the series. Some have annuals (a single issue, usually more expensive, released once a year in the midst of the run of a normal subscription). Most modules seems to request to create a product, assign it a payment schedule and that is all. Is there a way to deal with all the exceptions by making them features? I am not super clear on the concept of features (and if we can add or remove amounts to them if necessary). How do we assign a series of titles to one subscription product, which the individual title price being taken into account when it is time to charge the subscription fee? Any insights on/or similar experiences would be appreciated. Thank you!
  4. Does that still works with 1.0.7? I get a 500 error when trying to access the product page but nothing shows up in the logs... :(
  5. I find that a lot of themes still work in TB. Sometimes, it needs a bit of tweaking, sometimes it will not install the usual way, but with a bit of legwork, you can get most of them to work.
  6. @movieseals It works now! Thank you!
  7. @traumflug Will check it out! Thank you!
  8. @colorful-ant I get the following whenever I try to install it: Module Override check cannot be upgraded: Error while extracting the latest version. thirty bees Updater: There was an error while extracting the module file (file may be corrupted). Module not found
  9. @lesley It appears to be an override problem - things work OK when disable non native modules is on. Now on to find which override is problematic. Thank you!
  10. In the back office, the shopping cart menu does not show. Instead, I have a white page with endless code such as this: Context Object ( [cart] => Cart Object ( [idshopgroup] => 1 [idshop] => 1 [idaddressdelivery] => 281 [idaddressinvoice] => 281 [idcurrency] => 2 [idcustomer] => 227 [idguest] => 11244 [idlang] => 2 [recyclable] => 0 [gift] => 0 [giftmessage] => [mobiletheme] => 0 [dateadd] => 2018-09-20 10:53:50 [securekey] => b746aad3ad99badc361ab6c5496f58b8 [idcarrier] => 69 [dateupd] => 2018-09-20 11:15:44 [checkedTos] => [pictures] => [textFields] => [deliveryoption] => {"281":"69,"} [allowseperatedpackage] => 0 [_products:protected] => Array ( [0] => Array ( Any clue as to why?
  11. 30,000 products, image folder is close to 4 GB. And we add about 2000 products a month, as we are selling books and monthly magazines.
  12. Hi everyone, I have a question about backups. Our site has a lot of images and while we compress them daily using a cron task and delete any extraneous images again using a cron task, this folder ends up being the most massive folder on our website. We have an automated backup that backups the database every night and the files for the website itself once a week. However, the image folder is becoming so huge that the backup routine times out before it can be finished, resulting in an incomplete archive. And when we managed to get complete, uncorrupted archives, the process of opening it usually fails because it is too huge. Is there a solution to have the images backup separately, or to breakdown the backup of that folder in smaller chunks so that it can be reconstructed if it ever fails? Because reinstalling tens of thousands of images is not a fun task... Anyhow, just thought I would ask if anyone had to deal with that sort of challenges. Any suggestions are welcome!
  13. I have a theme from Template Monster too - it needed some massaging to iron out some issues but it was fairly easy to do and works as advertised since.
  14. @vzex I have had the same problem with the old module and it is still present with this one.
  15. @idnovate Hi! Sorry for the late reply! Both modules stopped doing what they normally do. There was no error message, the functionalities of both modules was just terminated. The only to get them to work is to delete groupinc. I will send you all the info later tonight, along with some screen caps and a detailed explanation of the issues encountered.
  16. @idnovate One of the issues I encountered since 1.0.5, is that groupinc seems to break two modules (multicurrency and force currency - a module from another member of this forum). Our store is based in Canada and we need to show the price inclusive of the exchange rate because the law requires us to show the final price at all times. groupinc actually breaks the function of these two modules (they used to work fine before) since 1.0.5 version of TB. There was a few other issues but for our store this is a deal breaker because the law requires that if we do not show the proper price, the item has to be free if below $10 or we need to give it to the lowest price, which would be the USD price, and we would lose a lot of money. It is not an ideal situation because groupinc allowed us to be almost surgical in our promotions. I will get to the others issues we encountered when I am done testing things.
  17. @datakick I have had that disagreement (re: shared hosting) happen to me several times already. Unfortunately, for most shops, if you want some level of freedom, a dedicated host or at least a VPS is necessary nowadays. Big learning curve but I would never go back! Thanks for all the hard work fixing the updater guys!!!
  18. @idnovate Hi! The version I have is 1.4.6. It used to work very well until TB 1.0.4. I own several of your modules already and all the others work flawlessly with TB up to now (1.0.6). Groupinc was the only that starting causing issues (it no longer works properly in some instances, I will detail everything as soon as I have a minute) but I tested it pretty thoroughly. I was hesitant to contact via addons because my care period is expired and I got a pretty nasty experience last time I asked for help there (even though I was willing to pay for the support despite the expiration as the guy wanted me to sign for that stupid zen program and I refuse to do so). Anyways, I would love for that module to work again for me in TB the way it used to. And thank you so much for reaching out! Very nice gesture!
  19. Fair enough, I will make a list of the issues encountered with this module some time this week. I would really like to have it work again because it was really useful for our setup.
  20. @foolab I used it. It works but it is buggy in some configurations. It does not work well with the latest versions of TB at the moment. I had to deactivate it but I am trying to find a way to have it work still with TB because when it does work, it is very versatile and useful.
  21. I did change the code but the config.xml file in my theme is a small c. Either way, capital or no capital, it does not work. I have to go back to TB 1.0.5 to install the theme then reinstall 1.0.6 over it.
  22. @doclucas https://pastebin.com/S6YR9C3Z
  23. [01535339718534AdminThemesController.php](Uploading 100%) I have uploaded it, as apparently posting it is too big.
  24. It does not work for me... :( Themes used to upload fine up to TB 1.0.5 - in 1.0.6, nothing loads. I get bad configuration errors no matter what. :(
  25. I have used this module with lots of success in cases of multiple overrides on the same function: https://addons.prestashop.com/en/administrative-tools/20250-multi-override.html It is actually pretty clever. It creates an override file where it contains a chain of override needed for a same function, as if it was only one override (not sure it all makes sense but that is the jist as I understand it). It does not always work the first time, sometimes you need to install modules in a certain order, but overall, it solved most of my overrides problems.
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