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Everything posted by movieseals

  1. This module is awesome! It integrates really well with both datakick's and slick's modules. I am using it to create a narrative as well, with clues and mysteries delivered as people reach levels. I was wondering how to integrate other TB modules, such as giving a reward when someone uses the wish list for example, or other customer centric modules. Is there a fairly easy way to integrate it and others for non programmers such as myself? Thank you in any case! Amazing module.
  2. Ooooooh! This is wonderful news! I have two websites, one on TB, one on Joomla and they have both elements of recurring payments. I will chime in soon with an extensive list of what I am looking for! I have not seen one module so far that fits my needs or requirements and everything we managed so far, is a hodgepodge. The closest that comes to what we need is a module for PS 1.6 made by Aduler but it still falls way short on many respects. It used to run on PayPal and now does on Stripe.
  3. Would it be possible to get a clearer sort of explanation on how to set this up? Because with all the contradicting explanations, it makes the head spin for novices and the non initiated to caching intricacies. Speed is important in ecommerce and this is an important addition to the core. It deserves to be used to its full capacity. Which modules or blocks are dynamically loaded and what are the optimal settings need to be? It says on the blog that we can make the displayHeader blocks green for most items. Do we make them green or pink? Thank you.
  4. @chandra Thank you! Will give it a shot!
  5. I am looking for the same thing. There was a prestashop module that did just that but it is buggy as hell under thirty bees and it conflicts with several things because it uses lots of overrides. So if a module ever gets made, consider it sold to me at the very least.
  6. TM MEGA menu from template monster also works without issues for me.
  7. Problem is back with a vengeance. Unable to update orders or generate invoices. Uninstall modules I thought was causing the cache issue but to no avail. For the time being, I will have to revert back to 1.0.3. We had an order today and we spent hours just trying to process the payment and I am still unable to generate an invoice for it. A little too stressful for my taste.
  8. I did do that. It is 1.0.4.
  9. I did. I just rechecked and for good mesures reuploaded classes and Controllers files to my FTP to be 100% sure.
  10. After upgrading to 1.0.4, in the backend, if I click on a customer to get to their details, I get a weird page where all the information about the customer is just text., as if no CSS is loading. Refreshing browswer, flushing and/or disabling caches, nothing works. Same problem happens when trying to view orders. In Debug mode, it seems to be because of a conflict with Dispatcher.php: Warning on line 2192 in file /home/librairiezbook/publichtml/classes/controller/AdminController.php [2] Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/librairiezbook/publichtml/classes/Dispatcher.php:519) Any ideas?
  11. Well, there are some issues still: If I click on a customer, I get a weird page where all the information about the customer is just text. Refreshing, flushing caches, nothing works. Same problem happens when trying to view orders. In Debug mode, it seems to be because of a conflict with Dispatcher.php: Warning on line 2192 in file /home/librairiezbook/publichtml/classes/controller/AdminController.php [2] Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/librairiezbook/publichtml/classes/Dispatcher.php:519)
  12. OK. For some reason, I had to overwrite the stats module a second time in my modules folder on the FTP for things to install properly.
  13. I have attempted an upgrade to 1.0.4 following the instructions in the blog post. When I log back in my back office to try and install the new stats module, I get this error message: The following module(s) could not be installed properly: statsmodule : The version of your module is not compliant with your thirty bees version. A visit to the Stats tab confirms that no modules has been installed. Additionally, trying to access some sections of the backend gives me a page of smarty code instead of what I should be expecting. Any ideas why?
  14. Never mind. Figured something out eventually.
  15. Hi everyone, I want to have a single, static image above the module theme configurator, which allows 3 pictures. Currently, I can achieve it by using the homeslider module, putting one picture in it and setting everything to zero. But the picture loads weirdly and I cannot remove the dot for the paging. I tried to hardcode the image in the index.tpl of my theme, before the displayHome hook, but what I get is my image appears BELOW the Theme configurator, which is currenly into the same hook but appears to somewhat have priority over my image. I also tried to put the image inside the Home section of the Theme Configurator and I get the same result. So any suggestions? What am I doing wrong? Thanks!
  16. @datakick said in Spam shopping carts: Disallow: /blackhole/ Thank you for the clarification. Makes sense!
  17. @datakick Very nice implementation! Great addition to the TB arsenal!
  18. @slick_303 On my version, I did this: Disallow: */blackhole/ Seems to work.
  19. @drmasterchief See my answer above. It has to be on all files. If you have an HTML module, you can tell it to put the code on the header of every page and the same for the footer. It is not hard or difficult. I wanted to add pictures but the system will not let me.
  20. @mockob Most of the points you raise are addressed in this thread by the people concerned: https://forum.thirtybees.com/topic/1571/progress-sharing There will be an update in April. I want to say that I got more help on this forum in a couple of months that I ever got in two years on the Prestashop forums... I think what TB needs is promotion and good word of mouth more than anything else and some sort of marketplace to generate income for those working hard behind the scene. No projects can ever be perfect but I believe in this one because I have already seen night and day results on many fronts since I migrated. It also takes time to get things right. Everybody has different needs and concerns. Nobody will get everything addressed within the time frame they want. But I don't think there is cause for panic or worry just yet. My two cents, for what it is worth.
  21. I tried to upload screen grabs to show you where to put it in the HTML block module, but I apparently do not have the permission to do that. The module is configured to allow you to put any HTML or PHP wherever on the page. So one line goes to all headers, and the other goes to all footers and you are good to go. It is really not hard and I have very little know how or technical skills in that regard. However, if datakick turns it into a module, it will rock!, of that I am sure. However, to be clear, it does not stop everything all the time. It curbs the robots attacks over time. It can take a few days to see the results. You will get a lot of bots at first, then it slows down. We used to have hundreds of fake carts a day, now we have a couple once every few weeks. Eventually, you catch them all and things get slowly back to normal. Don't expect a miracle on first install. It has to do its job.
  22. I added the lines using nemo's HTML block module. But I believe there are a few free modules floating around that allow us adding lines to the header and/or the footer.
  23. I put the wrong link: this is the correct one for the PHP script: https://perishablepress.com/blackhole-bad-bots-php-version/ My apologies.
  24. I have installed this. It does not stop them all right away but it seriously curbed the problem in our shop over time. https://perishablepress.com/blackhole-bad-bots/ You need to download and install the script version, not the plugin (which is for wordpress). The script version works with any server and configuration.
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